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How long before Canadians get mad??

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Truncador said:
It would arguably be better for the country in the long run for the Conservatives to settle into a role as a regional/opposition party that could present a dissenting point of view to Parliament and the public...
Yeah, just like they are now and look how well that has worked out for them. And boy, the Bloc sure is a force to be reckoned with in their role as a regional power. :rolleyes:

Heh, if the CP wants to go on with their failed strategy that's fine by me. They can continue to wallow in mediocrity and failure. But if the CP wants to actually win a federal election, they need to move towards the centre - regardless of what the hardcore extremists in the party think.

It's amazing that a national party's supporters Just. Don't. Get. It. Moving further to the right is the reason you're losing... not the solution!

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Truncador said:
You conquer a people with troops. You govern a people with policemen and civil servants. A conquered, but armed, populace can't be governed without its consent. Ask Pres. Bush. He knows
That's exactly the type of wannabe tough-guy bullshit I'd expect from a gun nut. And exactly the reason we should have a registry. :rolleyes:

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
happygrump said:
But beyond the fact that a lobby group from another country was interfering in the legislative process in Canada, it remains a solid fact that Canadians support gun registry.

Last I heard, that's called democracy.
Amen brother. We don't let the inmates run the asylum. The simple truth of the matter is that the vast majority of Canadians accept the gun registry. If they didn't, there would be widespread chaos and protests. Instead, all we've seen are some very minor demonstrations by gun nuts. Hell, the adscam scandal has been far worse than the gun registry. And it's a very good point indeed that the costs of the registry have spiralled out of control in no small part b/c of the gun nuts trying to undermine the process! Yeah, and then I'm supposed to feel sorry for them. Riiiiiight... :rolleyes:


Well-known member
May 25, 2002
Gun Control?!?!

Who was talking about gun control? We were debating kicking the Fiberals out of power before they steal any more of our money.

Let's get back to that shall we?


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Quest4Less said:
Who was talking about gun control? We were debating kicking the Fiberals out of power before they steal any more of our money.
The two subjects are directly pertinent to one another, not least of all since the gun registry was one of the biggest Librano heists.

But with direct and specific reference to the subject of getting the Liberals out of power: In America, one of the reasons the Dems lost power is because Pres. Clinton's words and deeds on the matter of gun control led many firearms owners to fear that their property would eventually be confiscated. There is a golden opportunity for Conservatives to exploit the exact same concerns by pointing out that, in the UK and Australia, registration did lead to confiscation. There are literally millions of Canadians with expensive hard-earned property who could be easily be induced into recognizing they have a material incentive to vote Conservative in order to see the registry scrapped, if for no other reason.

The Conservative party should not be above resorting to conspiracy theories and doomsday scenarios in this area; the Liberals certainly aren't. In particular, the gun owners should be made to fear not only the confiscation of their property, but that they risk getting imprisoned or even killed by the police a la Waco, Texas in the process.

The Democrats in the United States are finally beginning to recognize that those who own guns are a lot more likely to vote against a pro-control candidate than those who favour control are to vote against a pro-gun candidate. Studies show over and over that most people who say they're pro-control just don't care all that much. Do the Conservatives- of all people- have to make the same mistake the Dem's used to ?
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Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Truncador said:
I use the terms "Constitutional elector" and "aristocracy in Confederation" for very well-considered reasons, to wit:


(Bold mine)

Kind of all speaks for itself.
Not if you have any idea about how things currently work.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Ya know, I used to think Truncador knew his shit and was a great resource of historical information. Now I realize he's a full-of-shit hardcore conservative that twists things to his way of thinking. A wolf in sheep's clothing indeed...
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