How about marrying an escort?


New member
Aug 5, 2005
Hey folks,
Wanted to bounce this thought off to the forum. I have been knocked over by an escort - she sweet early 20s, blonde, and me 28, successful in life, handsome(though not the traditional model type), gentle, fun guy to be with(but I was so nervous and self conscious when I met her), never had a girl friend cauz I was so busy building my career and being a good son to my parents(recently buid them a new house). But this girl I just cant forget and want to spend my life with her if shes willing, quite strange ,eh? I am not crazy, she didnt appear to me like somebody who was in the business for sex, but some circumstances due to which she wanted more money. I am very curious to know about her, want to ask her "I will love and protect you my whole life. Will you leave all this and marry me?"

Folks, what do you say? How do I go about this? I am not somebody who quite understand women psychology.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
If you're for real I would suggest you book her again and discuss your idea with her. Keep in mind that you may have to pay for her time...all the time.

Though it is not unheard of for a lady to fall for someone she met through the biz it is quite rare.

Find out if she has feelings for you, then go from there.


New member
Aug 5, 2005
No BJs with a ring, really? I dont think so. Never mind, I dont like her for her BJ capabilites or anything. Its just this thing you feel inside for a cute girl who strikes u as some one you want to see beyong the hour.


Party Man
Feb 24, 2004

bro absolutely nothing wrong with it....But it will be a hard one trying to explain and convince...sps in general dont want to date their clients but a lot have and will which is good..
but I mean i really hope u can and should if ure serious and make sure u know more about her background before completely commitin.
It also depends how u both clicked when u met the first time....??
anyways my 2 cents..
Nice to see this thread..
Would be happy to see some sps contributin' to this thread...
we are all still humans..whether we are well to do career minded ppl who have'nt had a chance in love or hardworking sps who work for their self as well..everyone is a human and deserves love and commitment.. :p
May 4, 2005
Future is not bright, will need shades

geokar said:
Hey folks,
Wanted to bounce this thought off to the forum. I have been knocked over by an escort - she sweet early 20s, blonde, and me 28, successful in life, handsome(though not the traditional model type), gentle, fun guy to be with(but I was so nervous and self conscious when I met her), never had a girl friend cauz I was so busy building my career and being a good son to my parents(recently buid them a new house). But this girl I just cant forget and want to spend my life with her if shes willing, quite strange ,eh? I am not crazy, she didnt appear to me like somebody who was in the business for sex, but some circumstances due to which she wanted more money. I am very curious to know about her, want to ask her "I will love and protect you my whole life. Will you leave all this and marry me?"

Folks, what do you say? How do I go about this? I am not somebody who quite understand women psychology.
Some questions to consider:

What happens when she loses her figure and is no longer the cute blonde you so adore now?

Will your feelings for her surpass the loss of looks?

What happens when you get "sick" of her and her of you?

How much time have you spent with her?

How much baggage does she come with?

How do you know an old BF from the past will not suddenly re-appear?

What happens when minor incompatibilities now turn into major tiffs later?

Have you got the number for a good marriage counselor/divorce attorney?

Will she agree to a pre-nup?

Are you prepared for the catastrophic event of divorce?
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
geokar said:
Hey folks,
Wanted to bounce this thought off to the forum. I have been knocked over by an escort - she sweet early 20s, blonde, and me 28, successful in life, handsome(though not the traditional model type), gentle, fun guy to be with(but I was so nervous and self conscious when I met her), never had a girl friend cauz I was so busy building my career and being a good son to my parents(recently buid them a new house). But this girl I just cant forget and want to spend my life with her if shes willing, quite strange ,eh? I am not crazy, she didnt appear to me like somebody who was in the business for sex, but some circumstances due to which she wanted more money. I am very curious to know about her, want to ask her "I will love and protect you my whole life. Will you leave all this and marry me?"

Folks, what do you say? How do I go about this? I am not somebody who quite understand women psychology.
Sigh. "Want to spend my life with her if she's willing.."

I predict nothing but pain for you from here on in with that sad levitation of your heartstrings.



New member
Aug 8, 2005
There was a thread here on this topic not long ago as I recall.

Basically, if you like this girl, go for it. But first, ask yourself if you really know who she is, or just the facet that she presented to you as a SP...
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Actually, this deserves a serious answer.

Here's the problem: if you're a feeling person and not just hobbying for skin, you're going to want an emotional connection with an escort. But too much and you're in for a painful ride.

What you need most of all is realize the double jeopardy involved: most escorts don't want a boyfriend/sig other who sees escorts, however infrequently.

Similarly, most men don't want a girlfriend who escorts.

Double jeopardy.

So we engage in a dance that we want to be intimate and alluring, but beyond a certain line, forget it: pain ahead. One person will get too attached, and the double jeopardy kills it.

The more you think about it, the more complications: There will come a time when you want her to quit, which she may well do if you're well off financially. But if finances change, or she misses the parts of the job she likes, oh boy, trouble ahead once again.

Recently, my g/f screwed another guy---twice. She argued with me that my hobbying is the same thing. Not wanting to be a hypocrite I agreed--with one caveat: When I hobby, the chances of getting emotionally attached are minimized significantly because of...

Double jeopardy.

The worst mistake you can make in this game is getting attached to a girl who is often just really good at what she does, and managed to convince you of it.

Real relationships don't operate on the fantasy zone. They require the weight of the "real world".

However, if it's really a true connection, I wish you well. However, sounds like you're way too early in the game to be talking about a life together. I suspect it will implode a lot sooner. :)


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
zydeco said:
geo - How long have you actually known this woman?
And, more importantly, had you had sex before?

Hey, I am no one to throw cold water in the face of true love, but successful client/working girl relationships are very rare. The allure of a woman who has just acceded to all of your sexual desires is very powerful, but you need to think with the big head, not the little one. But like others have said, if you really feel smitten, by all means, go for it. Just be careful. Hey, it worked for Richard Gere and Julia Roberts, right?


New member
Jan 26, 2004

You said so yourself that you haven't had a girlfriend before, I hope that your inexperience is not causing you to mistakenly believe that how she behaves when you $pend time with her is actually how she is. The fact that your paying her money make$ her of live out your fanta$y and well be nice to you.

If you want a nice cutie for a wife.... You'll find them in church...

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
Don't fall in the trap.

My friend, you are treading on thin emotional ice. Great sex and a great first time connection with someone doesnt mean you are destined to be together forever. I do believe that every person that comes into our life impacts us - some greater than others. I also agree with an earlier reply in this thread that mentioned that we're all human and are subject to these emotions regardless of how we may meet a person. When it comes to the opposite sex, it is wise to really take your time and get to know a person before considering something as serious as marriage. In this case you have a LOT of obstacles to overcome if you were ever able to have a successful relationship with this woman. Tell me this... if your best buddy came to you with the exact same question, what would you tell him?


New member
Jan 2, 2005
geokar said:
Hey folks,
Wanted to bounce this thought off to the forum. I have been knocked over by an escort - she sweet early 20s, blonde, and me 28, successful in life, handsome(though not the traditional model type), gentle, fun guy to be with(but I was so nervous and self conscious when I met her), never had a girl friend cauz I was so busy building my career and being a good son to my parents(recently buid them a new house). But this girl I just cant forget and want to spend my life with her if shes willing, quite strange ,eh? I am not crazy, she didnt appear to me like somebody who was in the business for sex, but some circumstances due to which she wanted more money. I am very curious to know about her, want to ask her "I will love and protect you my whole life. Will you leave all this and marry me?"

Folks, what do you say? How do I go about this? I am not somebody who quite understand women psychology.
So, let me get this straight, you've never had a girlfriend before and want to move straight into marriage with an SP that you've spent an hour or two with?? Sounds logical. Do you even know if she likes you? :confused:

At least try asking for a date first before going out shopping for a wedding ring and definitely do not ask her what you're suggesting above. She may just laugh or worse, get a restraining order against you.

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
And just to be clear...

... the chances of a successful marriage coming out of this is (or for any man that falls in love with his SP) is about as likely as winning the 649. Tell me... when you buy a lottery ticket, do you truly believe you're going to win the jackpot or are you simply being temporarily caught up in fantasy?

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
We have a winner folks!!

Fitman... congratulations for winning the 649. Or should I say for finding your life mate. For the other millions of us out here (including Geo), lets be realistic and not fool ourselves into thinking that we should ever seriously entertain this notion. Unfortunately for Mr. Geo, now that you've been 'bitten', you will be forced to follow your emotions until you either prove to be another lottery winner like Fitman or crash and burn... dripping tears onto your keyboard as you put up another post damning anyone for even contemplating pursuing a serious relatonship with an SP.

You people cant be serious about encouraging this...


New member
Oct 23, 2003
I'm with Misty. I married a former escort and we are very happy. My advice, take it very slow, and realize that for her fucking these gents is just a job (sorry guys). You may not like it very much when one of the Terbites writes a review of her, talking about how he stuck his finger up her ass and how she responded to it. If you can handle that, your OK.


New member
Jan 18, 2004
I would try, there was one SP I thought I connected with, I did not have a chance to call her again and now she does not appear to be SP'ing any more...darn.

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