Seduction Spa

How about marrying an escort?


New member
Jul 30, 2005
Have been persued by SPs

One SP and I became somewhat involved over some years; she was the one who initiated the relationship, but I kept it at the occasional BF/GF level. She did have the habit of asking for loans that somehow never got paid, but hey! I got some freebies.

Another SP got chummy and also needed a loan -- subsequent relationship initiatives from her were parried by the invention of a GF.

I've had other good SP chums as well -- if they make me feel good, I'm happy to do something in return.

But if marriage is in the cards, get thee to a lawyer and a prenup. Multiply some hundreds in "bad loans" to SP chums by a thousand and you will have an idea of what my divorce from a non-SP cost. There was a time long ago that I calculated my ex's rate as at least an order of magnitude greater than the fanciest SP.

It sounds like you have enjoyed success. Half or more of your wealth becomes hers if you don't watch out. You know, you might be at less financial risk from an SP than a lady from a good family :D


New member
Aug 5, 2005
This is great!! lots of opinions

This is amazing!! I never expected so many people to respond. Thanks for all ur advices folks!!

Let me give u some more context.
About me, I guess I am tired of living my life alone, but do have a decision of not marrying just because I am pressurised to do so(happens a lot in the place where I come from, u call that parental pressure). I am not from Toronto infact not even from Canada and where I come from, divorces are very less, as in you are committed to that person unless really bad happens.

Abt "What happens after she looses her beauty?", I think a lil beyond beauty. May be I am infactuated, but I think I will stick to the girl in good times and bad, isnt that the true meaning of marriage?

I see a lot of guys happily married to former escorts, to me the way I think it is " I am no perfect guy, so why dont I marry someone who needs somebody's support in every sense, not just sex". I mean this girl is pretty young and may be got into escorting too early. Who knows may be she's really dreaming for a guy to approach her with a different eye than the few hours of sucking and fucking. Again speculation, I dont know for sure as many people pointed out already. I guess more than anything this idea strikes me.

Now does she feel the same for me, probably not. I met her only once( I dont visit escorts frequently, only when I am really in the mood with absolutely no other option). She only knows me as a person who was gentle to her and I am pretty much sure thats it. I do plan to visit her more often though. Ask her out for a date, possibly, may be after paying her agency for those hours (This girl is going to make me bankrupt!!).

My question is for all the SPs/former SPs reading this thread? Did you actually ever wanted a man to approach you with the intent of seeing beyond ur stats and the services you provide? Would you have left escorting if such a thing ever happened?


New member
Aug 5, 2005
nice try infinity

But no way!! :D wait and I will definitely announce to this group if this ever happens


New member
Sep 17, 2003
ces't la vie

i want to be sorry what i did or
i don't want to be sorry what i did not

or choose
a) i am sorry now because i did not do this (you'll never know)

b) i am sorry now becasue i did do this (you know)

personally i prefer b. I did this I know how it is.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
baltimoron said:
Some questions to consider:

What happens when she loses her figure and is no longer the cute blonde you so adore now?

Will your feelings for her surpass the loss of looks?

What happens when you get "sick" of her and her of you?

How much time have you spent with her?

How much baggage does she come with?

How do you know an old BF from the past will not suddenly re-appear?

What happens when minor incompatibilities now turn into major tiffs later?

Have you got the number for a good marriage counselor/divorce attorney?

Will she agree to a pre-nup?

Are you prepared for the catastrophic event of divorce?
If guys asked themselves these questions no one would ever get together.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
geokar said:
My question is for all the SPs/former SPs reading this thread? Did you actually ever wanted a man to approach you with the intent of seeing beyond ur stats and the services you provide? Would you have left escorting if such a thing ever happened?
My question quickly would a sp's schedule fill up if she answered yes to the question above? lol


May 12, 2002
I guess if you can accept the fact that maybe most of us may have already screwed your future hopeful wife, then u are in the right frame of mind for this?


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Bora Bora
geokar, just a friendly piece of advice, but maybe you should find out first if she already has a significant other. It could save you time/cash/heartbreak.

As you said, it may be a strong case of infatuation, seeing as you've only seen her the one time. I mean to say that
geokar said:
She only knows me as a person who was gentle to her...
but I think many a gentlemen have been respectful or gentle to her too. Point is since beauty is only so much, it would be well advised to get to know her more first - there is a lot you dont know about her, and maybe the more you learn will either turn you off or get you more connected.

Just dont jump the gun either. Moving too quickly may turn her off and scare her away - especially if you mention marriage before a first date :D


New member
Feb 9, 2005
Another falls for the notorious MPA who's gone independent with SP tendencies...???

geokar said:
Hey folks,
Wanted to bounce this thought off to the forum. I have been knocked over by an escort - she sweet early 20s, blonde, and me 28, successful in life, handsome(though not the traditional model type), gentle, fun guy to be with(but I was so nervous and self conscious when I met her), never had a girl friend cauz I was so busy building my career and being a good son to my parents(recently buid them a new house). But this girl I just cant forget and want to spend my life with her if shes willing, quite strange ,eh? I am not crazy, she didnt appear to me like somebody who was in the business for sex, but some circumstances due to which she wanted more money. I am very curious to know about her, want to ask her "I will love and protect you my whole life. Will you leave all this and marry me?"

Folks, what do you say? How do I go about this? I am not somebody who quite understand women psychology.
Some MPA/SP's can mf you into thinking you are the one and only and that you and her can be great together....well, at least until she tires of

BTW, you may be one of several guys she has wrapped around her finger. Just enjoy the ride and don't let your emotions get in the way or else you will be hurt for sure.


New member
Aug 8, 2005
But the same could be said of almost any woman, that's why you take your chances. Manipulation and greed lies in a person's nature and has nothing to do with being a SP... :)


Nov 9, 2004
Pardon me if this has been stated already, I skipped a few pages. But if you are in fact reasonably good looking with a good job there should be no problem finding another cute and intelligent girl. I too have fallen for a beautiful woman in the past, whether a SP or and exotic dancer and even a MP. See the trend......there will always be another to make you forget about the previous. Now here is the tricky part, because I may insult a few people here. A woman or a man who makes the decision to become a sex provider has made a huge decision to get into a buisness that can be seedy and a little dangerous. And no matter how careful they may have been, there will be some emotional scarring and that is something that you would have to deal with in the future. As cute, as witty, as smart as someone may be, we all have baggage in our closets, so the question is: is it a walk-in or an armoir? Of course all of this is a generalization and is not applicable to all providers.

P.S. check out the Loblaws at Queens Quay after work, there is more then canned goods to choose from


New member
Dec 24, 2004
geokar said:
Hey folks,
Wanted to bounce this thought off to the forum. I have been knocked over by an escort - she sweet early 20s, blonde, and me 28, successful in life, handsome(though not the traditional model type), gentle, fun guy to be with(but I was so nervous and self conscious when I met her), never had a girl friend cauz I was so busy building my career and being a good son to my parents(recently buid them a new house). But this girl I just cant forget and want to spend my life with her if shes willing, quite strange ,eh? I am not crazy, she didnt appear to me like somebody who was in the business for sex, but some circumstances due to which she wanted more money. I am very curious to know about her, want to ask her "I will love and protect you my whole life. Will you leave all this and marry me?"

Folks, what do you say? How do I go about this? I am not somebody who quite understand women psychology.
LOL ignorance is bliss man... Don't waste your time.. You have NO CHANCE...

LOL LOL LOL This is too funny




New member
Dec 24, 2004
geokar said:
This is amazing!! I never expected so many people to respond. Thanks for all ur advices folks!!

Let me give u some more context.
About me, I guess I am tired of living my life alone, but do have a decision of not marrying just because I am pressurised to do so(happens a lot in the place where I come from, u call that parental pressure). I am not from Toronto infact not even from Canada and where I come from, divorces are very less, as in you are committed to that person unless really bad happens.

Abt "What happens after she looses her beauty?", I think a lil beyond beauty. May be I am infactuated, but I think I will stick to the girl in good times and bad, isnt that the true meaning of marriage?

I see a lot of guys happily married to former escorts, to me the way I think it is " I am no perfect guy, so why dont I marry someone who needs somebody's support in every sense, not just sex". I mean this girl is pretty young and may be got into escorting too early. Who knows may be she's really dreaming for a guy to approach her with a different eye than the few hours of sucking and fucking. Again speculation, I dont know for sure as many people pointed out already. I guess more than anything this idea strikes me.

Now does she feel the same for me, probably not. I met her only once( I dont visit escorts frequently, only when I am really in the mood with absolutely no other option). She only knows me as a person who was gentle to her and I am pretty much sure thats it. I do plan to visit her more often though. Ask her out for a date, possibly, may be after paying her agency for those hours (This girl is going to make me bankrupt!!).

My question is for all the SPs/former SPs reading this thread? Did you actually ever wanted a man to approach you with the intent of seeing beyond ur stats and the services you provide? Would you have left escorting if such a thing ever happened?
You will get shot down... Lol you've never even had a girlfriend before bro... SAD


Lust is not Love...

-Terbs Youngest Hobbiest


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
...the best advice you will ever get about this matter... to allow yourself more time to grow(up) and mature emotionally...

You've never had a girlfriend but you want to get married - at such a young age - TO AN SP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK. Take a deep breath and repeat after me.

"I am too young to know any better.".

Seriously, your reaction to that lady, although perfectly normal, has got to be taken within the correct perspective. GO OUT AND MEET OTHER WOMEN!!!!

Pursue this fantasy and you will be forever doomed.

They say that history always repeats itself. I recall a certain famous painter who fell in lust with a young lady - it was his first attraction. He became infatuated with her - nay, obsessed! Instead of moving on and meeting other ladies, he created an imaginary relationship; wound up in an asylum; cut his ear off - I speak of the great Van Gogh.

Learn from other peoples' mistakes.

It has also been said that the whole world is a stage. Shakespeare wrote plays for us to learn so we might not tread in the false steps of others. Yet here we are yet again at this same juncture! Will we never learn!

Go out and live life to the full!


Apr 15, 2005
cry me a river. all i can say is you better take a few more for a spin, just to be sure. and don't think that she wants to be rescued. she can take care of herself.


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
i_am_good said:
You've never had a girlfriend but you want to get married - at such a young age - TO AN SP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK. Take a deep breath and repeat after me.

"I am too young to know any better.".

Seriously, your reaction to that lady, although perfectly normal, has got to be taken within the correct perspective. GO OUT AND MEET OTHER WOMEN!!!!
Couldn't have said it any better. Wow, he is good.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
I somewhat know how this guy feels. I was very in "lust" for a sp. We were very close but it got all fucked up. Basically I knew she wasn't into me that way, friendship and money was fine but a serious relationship she was not down for. So I just stopped seeing her and found myself a girlfriend. Save yourself some grief buddy. Unless you're super don juan with a 12 inch pecker, a multimillionaire and is THE nicest guy in the whole world, she won't want you for more than friends or client. Go out and meet some girls not in the business. It's called a hobby for a reason. :)


New member
Aug 8, 2005
Unless you're super don juan with a 12 inch pecker, a multimillionaire and is THE nicest guy in the whole world, she won't want you for more than friends or client.
So you're saying that description applies to the guys in this thread claiming they married ex-SPs?


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
SlashCo said:
So you're saying that description applies to the guys in this thread claiming they married ex-SPs?
Wow, someone doesn't know how to tell when someones exaggerating.
And we're talking current sp's, not ex-sp's. :p
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