How about marrying an escort?


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
ruck said:
I somewhat know how this guy feels. I was very in "lust" for a sp.
I think a lot of us knows how this guys feels. There are a lot of wonderful attractive women in this business, so it is only natural that we might wonder about the possibilities. When I hit it off with an sp, and we are going at it, I can tell you that at that moment in time, I am definitely in love with her. But it passes...

We're not making fun of him because of how he feels--we're making fun of him because he's taking it way too seriously.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
You seem like a nice guy but wake up and do the math. How does getting less mileage for more money, that is marriage, equate to happiness? I have only heard of one SP on this board marrying a client and he was a rich guy. Get the picture? Right now while you are fucking her body, she's fucking your mind. Marry her and the only thing that she will eventually be fucking is your wallet. Sorry to be so blunt.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Some make an awful lot more money than me, I'm thinking it could be a very nice setup with the right one. :p


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Slash baby, some of these guys (myself included) are basing their opinions on decades of experience in this hobby. For the most part we have all felt the same way as Geo at one time or another, but the reality is - this "relationship" he's contemplating is not likely to go anywhere. That's not cynicism it's reality. But I do wish him well - good luck to you Geo - there's always exceptions!

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112

You've met this girl once and she impressed you so much that you would actually marry her at this point? You probably don't know 90% of what she's about. My suggestion is this - book another appointment with her go for a 4-6 hr (its expensive but you will find out alot more about her). If after that time you still feel the same about her ask her out on a "real" date. If she says yes then she's interested in you outside of the client/SP relationship. Good luck dude!



New member
Feb 10, 2005
Would there be the same warnings if I started a thread, "How about marrying a caterer?"
I wouldn't mind if she continued to cook for other people as long as I could still sample her goods. :p


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
SlashCo said:
Heh. All I can say is I hope I never become as cynical as some people here.
cynical or realistic? Yes I lean toward the cynical side, but it comes from experience. :) Reality is, most women who are in this biz are in it for cash. If you can't offer her at least the same amount of cash and freedom then what really can you offer her except your love. Love is a big thing for sure, but to a 20 something woman who is making lots of dough and seems to be having a great time, love don't mean shit. She can find that when she has saved tons of cash and is ready to retire. Sorry for my obvious lapse in english 101 and for my crass and cynical view of life.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
JANDA said:
For 1 year package. Yes I will.
Sorry Janda. I've heard of your legendary service and your classy attitude. I just don't see anyone dishing out 1 million up front for a service with ONE woman. Hell this is the reason why we hobby. We pay to have variety. :)
You are cute as a button though. hehehe
Aug 1, 2002
JPsoHot said:

Whats if its a leap year???? :D
She will make up that 1 missed day sometime during the following year.

If it's in your budget, you should spend $5,000,000 on her than you will get a "Life time of pleasure and royal treatment" as quoted on her website.




New member
Aug 5, 2005
Thanks folks for all your responses

Appreciate all the replies, for the PMs (really appreciate that u guys are actually giving me very valid arguments, some of them I never thought about). I did get a number of responses from ex SPs who did make this decision and who are glad about it, and believe me there are more than one in this board.

Understand that I should really think about it. I think the base line is I am really tired of all this, kinda think that I wasted all these years just focussing on my job and career and now here I am in my late 20s still havent been able to have a real girl friend. Is there something wrong with me, I cant see any. But never really tried. I guess that is underlying point, but nothing can stop u from dreaming, right?, particularly when u come across someone who had the looks you always wanted(By this I dont mean a sexy look).

So thanks for all the replies, and as everyone suggested I am putting considerable thought into it, but keeping my eyes open to other venues as well. Never know where and when it clicks, it could be an SP whos just tired of all this, who knows whats in store for you.

So if you know of a sweet single girl, who havent found a guy yet, you might just be able to help me :) so PM me.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Damn I like this kid! He makes me want to start chanting Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!
Geokar, I respectfully submit that you should change your handle to Rudy.

Sunny Side Up

New member
Aug 9, 2005
This is an interesting thread:

I think you got a lot of good and bad feedback regarding this topic. Now you just need to decide what you want to do about it, IMHO never hurts to try. But, before you put all the moves and stuff on her and jump straight to marriage you need to take a few steps back and actually get to know the girl. If you really like her and want the feelings to reciprocate - COMMUNICATION buddy. She will give you signs if she is genuinely interested and you will just have to be the judge if it's real or just a show. Heck, maybe after a few more times seeing her your feelings will totally change. Don't expect her to drop everything for you, just because your interested and want to marry her, that will come in time and she will have to make her own decisions without any criticism or pushing from you. Just be sure your ready for the challenge, cause oh boy will it be one. You mentioned where you come from they don't believe in divorce and all that, if it was only a perfect world that would be true - keep in mind she might not share in the same philosophies as well however knoble it may be. Remember, life is about learning buddy, if it doesn't work out - oh well lesson learned and you move on. If it does work out thats great, and cinderella stories are possible. A testament to that is the couple that responded. Good luck! :)


New member
May 25, 2005
Geokar your in your late twenties, have a successful career which has been your main focus, your single, and...there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You didn't waste nothin. Your at the perfect age and you have a solid foundation. Your future is bright, all wine in it's time.

Be thankful your not nearing mid 30's, have no career (is waitering a career?), no girlfriend, and little or no hope of ever successfully mating again in this lifetime.

You may feel your in a bad situation in life but trust me, there are much worse.


Aug 4, 2003
My deductions:

Geokar is from India. Or a country culturally similar. He has seen the movie Bollywood Hollywood. And is wondering if he can have the same ending as that movie.

Jokes aside geokar, if you are honest with yourself about your feelings, are honest and accepting about her background, and reality, go for it. If you don't pursue what you really and truly want you will regret it for the rest of your life. Take it from someone who has already made that mistake and regrets it everyday.
May 4, 2005

I'm in the same boat as you as far as career and never having a girlfriend, though I'm a few years older.

I started out with the dating services (online and off), but didn't like or didn't hit it off with any of the women there. I then turned to SPs.

Like you, I fell for an SP. She was Canadian, but she worked for a Florida agency. I thought by booking longer appointments, a spark would develop. It didn't. I would book 24-48 hr appointments at great cost. Admittedly, she was good; she was nice enough to keep me coming back for more, but distant enough for nothing to develop. I lost a lot of money this way. I don't hate her, rather I wish now that I had not been such a fool.

I now only see SPs for the minimum hour; I enjoy the variety and if there's someone I like, I repeat.

As for meeting that special someone, all I can say it'll either happen one day or it won't. Like the old Phil Collins song, "You Can't Hurry Love."

Just go out and do those things that you enjoy. If you're lucky, you'll meet or run into someone during the course of your activities. If not, then perhaps you're happiest alone. In the end, it'll all work out.
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