Have you been asked what race you are by SP's


May 27, 2005
Alexa Taylor said:
Come back and tell me that when you can't get it up because you slept with a female client who you weren't attracted to for the above reasons. LOL. Aside from that, would you get paid if you couldn't get a hard on?
I wouldnt deserve to get paid

Alexa Taylor said:
This would be considered shitty service and you'd get a bad review based on your poor performance.
Yeah it would...and the bad review would be just

Alexa Taylor said:
Would all that really stop you from getting a new line of work? Somehow I doubt it. I bet if the roles were reversed, they'd start some form of a selection process in order to fuck only the hottest chicks they could meet. :D Remember guys are visual.
I used "my actions" as an example to show the integrety you should have if you charge a fee and call it a business. lol..its not for real Alexa. this is part of the reason why you dont see too many male to female SPs. This is why I'm not an SP because I know I'd suck at providing the minimum level of service.... and thats my point; If your going to make a biz out of it... do it right or dont bother.

If they insist on doing "biz" like shit... prepare for scrutiny (whether you care about it or not).... thats "business"


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
xdog said:
For me sex is an intimate act. If it wasn't I would stare at myself in a mirror while masturbating. I would agree with your analogy that a SP is similar to an actor as long as she is pretending to have sex with her client. It's not like you're buying a loaf of bread. If it was that simple a BJ would cost you $6.

Luckily for me people in this world are allowed to have different opinions and that is why I refuse to insult someone's intelligence because they happen to disagree with me. Just because I disagree with your opinion does not mean I didn't read your post.

Saying you have not clue was not meant to insult your intelligence. It's that I find it difficult that you would really understand the nuance of this particular
topic... and your posts backed that up...

I don't mean to keep flogging a dead horse...I have continually agreed that sex can be an intimate act.. but paying for sex is NOT an intimate act (but it IS illegal, it's a business transaction. It is more like buying a loaf of bread than intimacy....

Any person who refuses to associate with another person before they have every spoken or seen that person based ONLY on the color of their skin has a RACIST attitude... They may not be KKK but they still have a racist attitude..
Regardless of their justification for their bias...


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Alexa Taylor said:
I remember this being discussed here before and here are the links:



So let me ask this question.... Is it about a person`s color of skin? Perhaps it is racial profiling due to their ethnicity or cultural differences that makes an escort not want to seem them? If an escort saw a client who was caucasian and had a very bad experience such as being rough, aggressive, trying to pull the condom off, etc would she stop seeing these men? No, probably not. If an escort saw an East Indian or Asian client and had the same experience, would she stop seeing them? While the answers may vary from SP to SP, my opinion is that it doesn`t matter what race they are, it is the bad experience that would stand out in my mind. I can tell you I am weary when I meet a new client regardless of what race they are. It is a case by case basis. I am wise enough to know by now that anyone can be stinky, ulgy, fat, aggressive or violent from any race.

Hypothetically speaking, an escort meets so many different people when she`s in the business what if was a repeated pattern with people of a certain race? Coincidence or not? What are they supposed to think? What would you do? Can an escort help that when they`re in this kind of situation? Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. The pyschological effects can be damaging and maybe by limiting themselves to a certain race eases their minds of it happening again Maybe in plays over and over again in their head. While I am not dismissing racism or rejection of clients due to their ethnicty, please bear in mind that it could be for other reasons. The following is a quote from Sasha Jones who responded in one of the above threads and I have to agree with her: "The colour of a persons skin has nothing to do with what kind of person they are in general, and THAT is what is most important."

Sadly, discrimination does exist mostly in part to cultural stereotypes and it is not going to go away. While many escorts may be selective in who they want to meet, remember that many of these women are often stereotyped everyday by many of you who think they are just trash and have nothing else going on or that we`re all stupid. The logic seems to be is that she is just a whore providing a service, is not a real person and they should see who ever they can get business from. Some of you have previously posted this. It doesn`t matter if you`re the customer because it is still discrimination in terms of what you`re thinking about them and this doesn`t have to be about racism or a person`s skin color. Discrimination comes in all different kinds of forms. It`s a two way street between the client and escort.
Alexa... you are a very intelligent lady... thank you for putting that together so well.... and I completely agree with everything above..

The above hypothetical is right on, and I sympathize with women who have had bad experiences with a particular race or religious group.....but that hypothetical is exactly how racist attitudes develop and are perpetuated throughout our society...

BTW, I believe that an SP has the right to see whomever she wants. I don`t believe that an SP should be forced to see anyone regardless of race or color.. However, I would still label that behaviour as racist...

In the matter of how SPs are viewed... I think that any guy who visits SPs but believes that the SPs that he visits are somehow lower or beneath him is himself a lower form of being.

For anyone of women who have had particularly negative experiences with particular races of men, please remember that these men really do not represent the majority of their race...

Finally, Alexa, you mentioned East Indians... I have heard from many SPs that EIs are (in general) their least desirable clients... in your experiences, would you agree???


DrRogers has left the Bld
I often get asked where I am from - when I say Canada the conversation ends up going to what is my religion - was never sure why it went there - but it does - now when I am asked where I am from the answer is - Richmond Hill - and that's it.


New member
Feb 11, 2006
In some countries it is the cultural norm for men to treat women more like property than human beings (it's even supported by their legal systems). When men from those countries come to Canada, some of them (not all) will bring this attitude towards women with them. It's not because of the colour of their skin, but rather just the environment and culture they were raised in. (If those same men had been born here, their attitude toward women would likely be different.)

I don't mind if an SP screens her clients by background (even though not all men of the same background will treat her in the same way). I want my SP to feel comfortable with me as a client, otherwise I don't think either of us will have a good time.


New member
Sep 18, 2003
In some cultures men view women in general as subordinate or even property but those women who work in the sex trade are viewed with contempt (even though these same men will avail themselves of the service).


Jan 16, 2004
I'm outwardly dark looking, though 1/2 white ethnically. And i cannot recall any racist expereriences except the occasional thing in grade school that was very rare...and in that circumstance i gave as much if not more than i received.

Not sure what your problem is, but idiots that see racism everywher simply are not able to accept responsibilty that maybe their lives are crap because THEY are crap.

I notice this mainly among of our caribeean immigrants and progeny. Leftist leaders from msny communiyird sem to make a aliving from finding racism everywhere. As if their only solution to the world is all white nations letting millions of non-whites into their countries and giving them all the best jobs and giving them reparations and disapearing off into the sunset.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Your analogy....

Alexa Taylor said:
While many escorts may be selective in who they want to meet, remember that many of these women are often stereotyped everyday by many of you who think they are just trash and have nothing else going on or that we're all stupid. The logic seems to be is that she is just a whore providing a service, is not a real person and they should see who ever they can get business from. Some of you have previously posted this. It doesn't matter if you're the customer because it is still discrimination in terms of what you're thinking about them and this doesn't have to be about racism or a person's skin color. Discrimination comes in all different kinds of forms. It's a two way street between the client and escort.
...is less than perfect, though articulate (as always) and does make your point.

"Escorts" CHOSE their profession (in most cases - certainly anyone posting in this thread did) and presumably did so knowing that this choice would bring a certain amount of stigma associated with it. I can only assume that the risk / reward analysis of income versus consequnces was made with a clear mind.

As an escort you are treated the "same" as ALL escorts (assuming nothing about your personally makes you different - we know that some BBW escorts for example are treated rudely...). Even if you think that treament is unjust, it is admistered(sp) equally and "fairly" (theoretically speaking here...not about the individual cases that I am sure abound).

On the other hand, a Black / Asian / Indian man does NOT chose his race - he is born into it. Unlike the BBW Escort who might feel the industry is unfair to her, there is NOTHING he can do about it.

Additonally, there may be NOTHING that differentiates him from his white counter part except the color of his skin. His character, demeanor, attitude, skill in bed, might ALL be above par - yet he is not painted with the same brush (be that brush unjust or not).

What I am saying is this - to over simplfy: Escorts go into their proferssion by choice, knowing that "discrimination" exists, and also with the choice to do something about it (leave the profession, or in the case of BBWs - lose weight). They can die their hair, become a Dom, whatever.

A minority can do NOTHING about his race, and save for ads the blodly announce as much, have no idea thart someone will treat them differently or in fact refuse to see them at all (that cannot be a very good feeling..."oh...you're Black...sorry...your money isn't good enough").

I respect you POV here...but the discrimination you are alluding to based on choice of career is not the same as discrimantion that has nothing at all to do with who or what you are beyond the pigment in your skin...
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Jul 12, 2003
I've been asked my ethnicity sometimes before or after the session by the SP and not over the phone by the agency.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
KWI said:
So your point of view is that because a woman choose this profession she has to see men of all races????

I understand that it is a bit of bitch that you would be turned down from a placee based on skin tone. Again it falls back to being a women's body therefore being a women's choice. Does that not count for anything in the minds of some of you who feel this is a racist act? A women is to give up herself over being a racist in your mind?????

Women have rights to abortions, so what if she didn't want mixed children? If she made the choice to have an abortion it would be okay but if she made that choice because the child would be of mixed raced, then that is wrong?

I don't think anyone is disputing a woman's right to choose who she copulates with. It's the reasoning in which she bases her decisions on.

Basically, if she isn't attracted to black men then that's fine but you have to wonder one thing and it's been said on this thread from the very funny MLAM. If she isn't racist, then how does the woman base her judgement of attractiveness on color alone? There are many men of all color that are very attractive. When a woman says she won't see black men or asian men or hispanics or any other ethnic group outside of caucasion, then what does that make her? At this point, it has nothing to do with attractive qualities, it has everything to do with her discomfort with other races.

There is a big difference between preference and racism. Big difference. Take myself for example. I have had sex with almost every ethnic group out there. Something made me want to have sex with them all to see how I would like them. However, generally I am more attracted to asian and caucasion women. That does not rule out the possibility of the horizontal shuffle with a black woman. Basically it has to do with my preference. I don't usually find black women that attractive and it's a physical thing. Most of the black women I have met have big feet. While I'm not a foot fetishist, I am fond of small feet on women. It's actually quite important to me. However a lot of black women have a wonderful ass that makes me want to pound it like crazy. This decision has no racial factor other than that the black women I have slept with had big feet. I still had a good time but the big feet made it a little less enjoyable.

Asian women generally have small feet. However it doesn't mean I'm going to bang every one of them. They have passed the feet but there are other factors that control who I want to fuck.

I think what most people are saying is that a woman can choose who she sleeps with. It's the basis of decision that is under fire here. The providers general comment that she does not service anyone that is not white is a very racist thing. If you don't think so, you need to retool your thinking.

I had posted earlier about this and I think I said she has the right to choose. I thought about this a bit more and yes, there are conditions. Conditions of being a decent human being with no racial barriers.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
I once had sex with a Polar Bear (pure white) she was a lousy lay but told me I was hung like a Panda Bear.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
great bear said:
I once had sex with a Polar Bear (pure white) she was a lousy lay but told me I was hung like a Panda Bear.
That was not a compliment great bear...


May 13, 2006
The reason why the "it's her body and an intimate act" argument doesn't apply here is because regardless of whether or not that is true, she's selling sex. That means sex is her product. You cannot deny someone sale of a product in this country on the basis of race. That is like refusing to seat people at a restaurant due to their race. It's illegal and violates the charter of rights and freedoms. Her preferences are irrelevant in this context; I'm not saying she should date people of an ethnic background she doesn't find attractive, but there's no other product in this country that anyone here would support denying someone on a racial basis. If you'd sell a car, a lawnmower, a meal, or a movie ticket to someone from a culture you don't "dig", you ought to sell them sex. If you can't do this, you shouldn't be an SP; even in this world ethical business practises are desirable for all parties involved.

KWI- I realize this view is repulsive to you, but that's the problem with prostitution. If we involve ourselves with it we want to use kid gloves and make it out to be something nicer than it is, but it's complicated. I firmly believe you can't have your cake and eat it to. Either it's an imtimate personal act, or it's your job. The comparison I would make is to say, perhaps a person writes music. If you want it to be intimate and personal, you can sing to only your loved ones behind closed doors. Once you want to make a living doing it, however, could you deny certain people from buying your music, or joining your audience? Wouldn't that be unfair? Wouldn't we all think THAT racist? The SP is not the product or service here, the sex is. If you were really selling time, as many ads claim, you wouldn't list the sexual activities you're comfortable participating in.

Now, the simple fact that SPs can get away with this is because no one is going to file a lawsuit to say "I couldn't get laid by this escort because of my race", so in that sense, it's impossible to prosecute. But it is still illegal and immoral and it is most definitely wrong.

As far as being clean goes, that's different. There is a safety issue. Wanting a client to wear a condom? Safety. Wanting to have someone else at or near the location? Safety. But you can't argue, on even the most biased statistical basis, that an SP is inherently more safe with one race than another.

EDIT: Let me add to this an admission that may have skewed my opinion on this matter. I am biracial. I rarely encounter anyone of "my mix". If I only dated my race, my kind, I'd probably never date. I don't know if this is why I find so many different cultures to be beautiful, and find it impossible to be attracted to one race over another, but I honestly don't understand how anyone can only want to be with only their race. I would find that so boring. When I'm with a white girl or a black girl, I'm not thinking, this is my white girl, this is my black girl. I'm thinking this is my girl, period. People are people. My "preference" is seeing human beauty as universal; not belonging to one type or person versus another.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
KWI said:
Some do not like the smell of smoke, so they prefer to see non smokers, right? Some don't like the smell of curry and we know that the smell of curry when eaten alot gives off a scent. Instead of having you show up at the door and say "sorry but you smell like curry to much" why not just make a general rule? Why does this become a racist issue, not just a preference.
People who do not see sp's who smoke are anti-smokers.
People who do not see sp's or clients because they smell like curry don't like curry.

Soooooo, what does that say about women who refuse to service people of color?



Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

KWI said:
So your point of view is that because a woman choose this profession she has to see men of all races????

...I am saying if she choses to not see certain men because of their race, she is a racist.

The "problem"...and it is clear from this post and your response to Ruck...is that people don't like the label. They want to BEHAVE in a racist manner...but they don't like to think of themselves as racist.

The definition of "racist", which has been posted a few times in this thread but I'll offer a smaller sound bite is this: If you make a judgement about someone based on their race - you are a racist.

This is not the same a preference or prejudice, which we all posess. I have preferences in women insofar as physical appearance (not so much around race...but yes...to a degree). That doesn't mean I would not consider dating / sexing somone who I found attractive JUST because they were of a certain (or not of a certain) race. It means that if you were to peek inside my head and see what the "perfect woman according to MLAM" looked like...she'd be of a certain race or build. But like yourself, I've dated inside and outside my race...

All the arguements I have read so far to defend this "right to choice" with escorts strike me as hollow because they cannot be assumed about ANYONE...because you ladies (in virtually all cases) do not meet your clients in advance. Not attracted to Asian men? But you haven't seen this guy...how do you know if he is attractive or not? Are you attracted to all white men? had a bad experience with a Black guy? It the history of sex for sell no postitute has ever had a bad experience with a white guy? Indeed...I'd bet LARGE SUMS of cash that MOST crime against sex workers are committed by white males.

Does that mean an escort "has to see men of all races"?


But her having the right to not "see men of all races" doesn't mean she isn't raicist...just as she could in fact see men of all races because she is just that much of a money grubber...and be a Klan member at the same time. One does not by definition exclude the other....

To revisit: A racist is someone who makes judgments (or more critically I suppose...decisions) about others based on race.

The decision to not see someone based on race - is RACIST.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
And in response....

KWI said:
I do not think of myself as a racist, but I believe in the freedom of choice.
"There are quite a few who have made it clear that an Sp is nothing more then product and therefore has to perform her job while leaving her "preferences" at the door."

Can you name anyone else who provides a service as part of business who isn't expected to do the same?

That said - I don't think said SP has to see anyone and everyone...but as I said above, she doesn't get to behave as a racist and decide that she isn't one...

"It can't have anything to do with her being comfortable with her race????? Why is that wrong? "

It isn't.

"Why is it wrong not to want to have inter-racial sex? "

But it is ok to have sex with total strangers?

If someone has this hang up they CLEARLY have issues regard their views towards others of a different race.

You know...I have a penis and it works the EXACT SAME WAY as the ones attached to most white guys...it is just a different color.

Now...if THAT is the problem...the color...then, well, we all have our preferences. But that isn't about "race"...that is appearances and preferences. Would this hypothetical woman we are speaking of have a problem fucking my BIL...who is bi-racial but thinks of himself as Black, and who is very often mistaken for Latino or Italian (and who is a very handsome man...and unfortuately knows it...arrogant prick)? He looks nothing like me, and not like "most" Black men...would this person still have a problem with him since he is Black?

"I don't see it as being racist. I see that as preference. When you choose to see it as she is feeling uncomfortable with other races, you make it look as tho it is a racist choice which is not always the case."

See - this is what I mean by people want to adopt the behavior but not the label.

How can you express a "preference" against someone you have not even seen and know nothing about them at this point except their race without that OBVIOUSLY being racist?

You don't have to wear a white sheet to be a racist. You don't have to hate people of races other than your own to be racist. Again - a racist is someone who makes judgements / decisions about persons BASED ON RACE.

"Not only that, but some will only sleep with blonde haired and blue eyed and some will only sleep with tanned people. They don't like the pale color of white. It that not a preference based on skin tone? "

That is a preference based on APPEARANCE...not race. Not the same thing.

You know - not to accuse you of ignorance or anything...not all Black / Indian / Asian people look the same. Years ago I met a woman who I was working with (she was a consultant to my company) who was "Black" to the extent that she was from Africa (I forget what country) and she identified with African Americans as being the cultural / social group she was a part of (though technically she was not an American). However, she had long straight dark brown hair (not blonde, but...) and hazel green eyes. Her lips and nose somewhat gave her away...but there are white people with large noses, and heaven knows white people every day pay good money to get full lips. She could have easily "passed" as we "Black folk" like to say...

"I know many black men who will only sleep with white women because they like the pale color of their skin and the contrast of color they have in the bedroom. "

Again, that is a preference based on APPEARANCE, not RACE. Alisha Keys is very pale...as is Vanessa Williams. Both these women firecely identify themselves as Black.

BTW- those men would be pretty fucking ignorant, but that isn't racist either...just a very good example of self hatred...don't get me started there...

"Just because you can see past the big feet on a lady because you are focusing your attention on the big ass and that is what you are in the mood for, doesn't mean that everyone is like you. Some do not like the smell of smoke, so they prefer to see non smokers, right? Some don't like the smell of curry and we know that the smell of curry when eaten alot gives off a scent. Instead of having you show up at the door and say "sorry but you smell like curry to much" why not just make a general rule?"

None of these things have anything to do with race...they could be applied to anyone of any race...

"Why does this become a racist issue, not just a preference. "

Because it is. It wasn't "I don't particular care for dark men" issue...that would be an appearance preference. No, it was (I assume - I didn't actually see where this was made clear) "I don't see Black people" issue. And again - not to assume any level of ignorance on your part - but Black people are not all dark.

"You can think I need to "retool" my thinking but I bring it back to you. You are not in her head. You have no real knowledge as to the reasons behind her choice."

Don't need to be (in her head). It is her ACTIONS that are relevent to this debate, not her reasons. Again, you are embracing the behavior while rejecting the label.

She might in fact have very good reasons for being racist, though all the ones I can think of SHOULD preclude being a sex worker in the first place. But the fact that her reasons are "good" does not make them any less racist...just as the KKK member who sees Black clients isn't suddennly not racist / suddenly a "good person" because she does.

"I understand it COULD be racist depending on her reasons, but there are reasons to support preference as well."

The reasons don't matter. "Racist" labels a BEHAVIOR...not a thought process. What you are speaking of with "reasons" are a reflection of prejudices and preferences, which we all have. It is what you DO with those preferences and prejudices that earn you the "racist" tag.

You cannot avoid the truth just because you don't like it. It is like saying a guy has a good reason to cheat on his wife....she refuses sex. Well, I'd call that a damn good reason, but if she didn't have knowledge of his planned infidelity in advance, he is still a cheat (as defined as being unfaithful to someone who is expecting fidelity).

" I know many women, not in this business, who don't find black/asian/indian men attractive because of gerenal physical traits that are generally present with these different cultures. Does that make them racist?"

It makes them ignorant if they think all "Black / Asian / Indian" men look alike..and racist if they find someone "unattractive" based SIMPLY on knowing what race they are.

By comparison of I have known racist people who could freely tell you someone outisde their race was attractive or very attractive...but would not have sex with them simply because they were of a certain / different race. And I've heard lots of different reasons for defending this behavior....some stupid as fuck...some quite noble. It is still RACIST.

"If there is such a big difference between having preferences and being racist, then why does this seem like such a fine line?"

The line isn't fine. You just don't like where it is located.

"I do not think of myself as a racist, but I believe in the freedom of choice. "

One is not the opposite of the other. You can "chose" who you wish. If your choice is based strickly on race (versus APPEARANCE, let's say) you are racist.

"I would not be offended if someone didn't want to be with me because I was white, and yes it has happened."

You should be. I am offended every time someone judges me without knowing me...
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New member
Jun 15, 2003
KWI I'm not attacking you but your views are a classic case of someone not living in someone's shoes or eyes. Your two comments below are based in living an enivoronment where caucasins are in the majority now and historically. Step back and tried to imagine this. Humour me here.

You are born in another country to caucasin parents in a country dominated by another cultural group. And you were shunned, made fun of, stereotyped and turned away. If you ever felt the burning sting of racism while growing up and feeling left out, you wouldn't so nonchalantly mention those 2 comments below. It's funny in my culture I was taught very young that everyone else was dirty and blah blah and as I got older and met different people I can find beauty in every race. Yes I have so called preferences but it wouldn't prevent me shagging a gorgeous girl like star track vulcan babes :).

<"I would not be offended if someone didn't want to be with me because I was white, and yes it has happened.">

<It can't have anything to do with her being comfortable with her race????? Why is that wrong? Why is it wrong not to want to have inter-racial sex? There are many people who live in this world who only want to have sex with their race? Why is that wrong? and how is that racist? I don't see it as being racist. I see that as preference. When you choose to see it as she is feeling uncomfortable with other races, you make it look as tho it is a racist choice which is not always the case. >

Anyways racism exist and lets call a spade a spade and move on.
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