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GOP prized informant against Hunter Biden now charged with lying under oath


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Since MAGA has taken over the GOP, they are just an extension of the Kremlin! MAGA and a lot of right-wing media seem to be willing partners of the Kremlin, just look at that farce of an interview Tucker did with Putin. All so they can gain power and defeat their real enemy, dems/liberals and anyone who doesn't bow to Trump and MAGA.
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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
I used to mainly watch Fox when I came to North America in the late 90s. But after basic, simple lies, misinformation, the same people being shown to be full of shit time and time again...had to stop. How does one stay with a source that is so routinely deceptive? I still watch now and then until I feel sick. The holes in the logic and misdirection are just too much to take more than 10 minutes.
What's so sad is that Fox has gotten way worse during these Trump years. Because now they have a lot of competition, so in order to keep their viewers and market share $$$$$. They will spew any lie, propaganda and right-wing conspiracy that makes Trump and his allies look good. It's basically Trump/MAGA cult TV, to keep their audience watching. Which results in their audience becoming more radical and outraged. That's why we hear so many Trump supporters talking about violence, Civil War and succession. Jan. 6th never would have happened without right-wing media going all in on Trump's election lies, and Fox was the biggest platform for those lies!
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
What's so sad is that Fox has gotten way worse during these Trump years. Because now they have a lot of competition, so in order to keep their viewers and market share $$$$$. They will spew any lie, propaganda and right-wing conspiracy that makes Trump and his allies look good. It's basically Trump/MAGA cult TV, to keep their audience watching. Which results in their audience becoming more radical and outraged. That's why we hear so many Trump supporters talking about violence, Civil War and succession. Jan. 6th never would have happened without right-wing going all in on Trump's election lies, and Fox was the biggest platform for those lies!
The irony is they've admitted it! They give the audience what they want to hear. When they told the truth about election not being stolen they started losing viewers so they started to put Sidney Powell etc on the air spreading conspiracies. Again, in their own words.
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Aug 23, 2001
Its not that they thought no one would notice but rather that they know there followers will not care.
We need Mitchy's special input on this question....


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

The same prosecutor who got busted for cooking up Hunter’s sweetheart plea deal arrested the FBI informant who reported that Joe and Hunter Biden took bribes from Ukraine. Then that prosecutor accused the informant of talking to people close to Russian intelligence, though I thought that’s why the FBI paid him? Even Democrats agreed this informant was credible, but maybe he was too credible because now it looks like he might be a strawman to discredit Biden’s impeachment. This time, instead of making up hoaxes to get Trump impeached, they’re making them up to stop Biden from getting impeached.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Late night TV showed Fox discussing the 'source'. Somehow they forgot to mention the unverified claims or the info coming directly from Russian intelligence but instead said it's part of Biden arresting all opponents.

Amazing how Joe can be so all powerful while also being a drooling idiot.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Watched Judge Pirro screaming her usual conspiracy theories when she was on the Hannity show. She accused the FBI of covering up by arresting this "informant". Hannity was bullshitting about the polls and how Trump was was ahead. Of course he forgot to mention the most recent poll that puts Biden 4 points ahead of Trump. Then Pirro also stated that James Biden's testimony was a "disaster". Although we all know know that it was a nothing burger!!


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I used to mainly watch Fox when I came to North America in the late 90s. But after basic, simple lies, misinformation, the same people being shown to be full of shit time and time again...had to stop. How does one stay with a source that is so routinely deceptive? I still watch now and then until I feel sick. The holes in the logic and misdirection are just too much to take more than 10 minutes.
One watches it to have one's world view validated, not to be informed.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
The thing you're all ignoring is that Smirnov has been working for the FBI for years. The House Republicans didn't just go out and find this guy.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Of course he forgot to mention the most recent poll that puts Biden 4 points ahead of Trump.
Are you referring to the Quinnipiac poll? It's currently an outlier. There's about ten updated polls that show Trump ahead.

Since you're a champion of Biden greatness, the Presidential Greatness Project, which surveys relevant members of the American Political Science Association and calls itself “the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics” has declared him the 14th greatest President (out of 45). This is so patently predisposed. Anyhoo, our very own Valcazar might be a member of the American Political Science Association.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The thing you're all ignoring is that Smirnov has been working for the FBI for years. The House Republicans didn't just go out and find this guy.
He was a source they used and judging by this case, they treated his intel as unverified. The GOP heard there was an accusation and didn't give a shit that the FBI found it completely unsupported. The evidence now shows they knew how unreliable their source was as he simply took info directly from Russian intelligence.
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