Ford needs to ACT ASAP


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
You're so sexy when you are assertive!

My take is that with the the new strain hospitalizations and deaths will be quite low.

And more importantly massive immunity will be acquired throughout the world.

The sky is not falling and this will signal the beginning of the end of the pandemic.
It’s not so certain that serious cases will be low. SOuth Africahas an avg age of 27, and most of the population has had an infection with prior versions of the virus. And they are seeing cases go up. And a less virulent virus, that infects people at 4x the rate will still overwhelm health resources.
Even if hospitalization doesn’t go up (very unlikely given the rapid spread) unchecked transmission could grind our economy to a halt, taking out huge segments of the workforce (including healthcare) and their contacts. You think we have supply chain issues now….

but if it is super mild, and we decide we don’t care if people have it, don’t need to isolate etc, and it runs thru the population quickly, you are right, we would all acquire some more immunity.
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New World

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2003
Ford & Company just added more restrictions. No supports announced for businesses. Where is Justin and team CERB?

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
It’s not so certain that serious cases will be low. SOuth Africahas an avg age of 27, and most of the population has had an infection with prior versions of the virus. And they are seeing cases go up. And a less virulent virus, that infects people at 4x the rate will still overwhelm health resources.
Even if hospitalization doesn’t go up (very unlikely given the rapid spread) unchecked transmission could grind our economy to a halt, taking out huge segments of the workforce (including healthcare) and their contacts. You think we have supply chain issues now….

but if it is super mild, and we decide we don’t care if people have it, don’t need to isolate etc, and it runs thru the population quickly, you are right, we would all acquire some more immunity.
My assertion is this. If 80% of the population is vaccinated and a good majority of the remaining 20% have acquired natural immunity. And I do believe that natural immunity protects better than the vaccine immunity. Then we will be alright given that so far folks in South Africa are not seeing the dire circumstances that the modeling is giving as a worst possible case scenario.

From the beginning I have been saying that the healthiest individuals with the strongest immune systems will fare the best. So it would be prudent for everyone to get in the best shape of their life. It's also looking the individuals with the lowest bodyfat are most benefits from the vaccines while the more obese people are finding their protection waning sooner than predicted. Doug Ford by the way could have set an example here and knocked off about a hundred pounds or so. But instead looks like a bloated whale.

My feeling that this strain will be mild and will signal a turn for the better for all of us. No need to panic


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
My assertion is this. If 80% of the population is vaccinated and a good majority of the remaining 20% have acquired natural immunity. And I do believe that natural immunity protects better than the vaccine immunity. Then we will be alright given that so far folks in South Africa are not seeing the dire circumstances that the modeling is giving as a worst possible case scenario.

From the beginning I have been saying that the healthiest individuals with the strongest immune systems will fare the best. So it would be prudent for everyone to get in the best shape of their life. It's also looking the individuals with the lowest bodyfat are most benefits from the vaccines while the more obese people are finding their protection waning sooner than predicted. Doug Ford by the way could have set an example here and knocked off about a hundred pounds or so. But instead looks like a bloated whale.

My feeling that this strain will be mild and will signal a turn for the better for all of us. No need to panic
80% 2 doses. So 80% of people have 30% protection.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
You lost me there.........
Sorry. That was a bit obtuse.
With omicron, 2 doses offers only about 30% protection against infection (compared to ~80% with other variants). So 80% of the pop has 2 doses, and those people have only 30% protection against omicron. Eg in the outbreaks at universities across the country, the vaccination rates approach 100%.

now 2 doses does still offer good protection against severe disease, but not a lot against getting infected. The booster gets you to ~70+%

As for the idea that natural immunity (due To infection) would be more protective than vaccine given the multiple immune targets vs just the spike, makes total sense, but has not panned out that way. When previously infected unvaccinated people are compared against non infected vaccinated. Vaccine is much more protective than infection (maybe because of the very strong response against spike protein).

Previous infection + vaccine appears to be excellent.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
WTF is with this RAT kit roll out?

I went to 3 LCBO’s after work, and they all said they had been gone since early in the day.

Why not a kit in the mail? How are we still not prepared for a wave like this at least in that way?

I assume they didn’t buy enough. But maybe they couldn’t buy enough.

…Would’a saved a lot on those tests if the employee picked up those costs…

$40/piece at Shoppers, tho. Thanks Doug.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
WTF is with this RAT kit roll out?

I went to 3 LCBO’s after work, and they all said they had been gone since early in the day.

Why not a kit in the mail? How are we still not prepared for a wave like this at least in that way?

I assume they didn’t buy enough. But maybe they couldn’t buy enough.

…Would’a saved a lot on those tests if the employee picked up those costs…

$40/piece at Shoppers, tho. Thanks Doug.
Same here I could not get one. If Loblaws cared they should hand the ones they are selling for free. Fuck you Galen Weston!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
My assertion is this. If 80% of the population is vaccinated and a good majority of the remaining 20% have acquired natural immunity. And I do believe that natural immunity protects better than the vaccine immunity. Then we will be alright given that so far folks in South Africa are not seeing the dire circumstances that the modeling is giving as a worst possible case scenario.

From the beginning I have been saying that the healthiest individuals with the strongest immune systems will fare the best. So it would be prudent for everyone to get in the best shape of their life. It's also looking the individuals with the lowest bodyfat are most benefits from the vaccines while the more obese people are finding their protection waning sooner than predicted. Doug Ford by the way could have set an example here and knocked off about a hundred pounds or so. But instead looks like a bloated whale.

My feeling that this strain will be mild and will signal a turn for the better for all of us. No need to panic
I like your attitude.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
WTF is with this RAT kit roll out?

I went to 3 LCBO’s after work, and they all said they had been gone since early in the day.

Why not a kit in the mail? How are we still not prepared for a wave like this at least in that way?

I assume they didn’t buy enough. But maybe they couldn’t buy enough.

…Would’a saved a lot on those tests if the employee picked up those costs…

$40/piece at Shoppers, tho. Thanks Doug.
They’ve got thousands of tests, been sitting on them for a year, but they can’t distribute in a day or two.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
They’ve got thousands of tests, been sitting on them for a year, but they can’t distribute in a day or two.
We’d need millions of tests to accomplish what a circuit breaker is supposed to do, even if he just focused on priority areas.

But, has this been the plan they’ve had for 21 months in case of a hyper-virulent strain?

Is there some chicken grease stained napkin on Ford’s wall with “LCBO’s and malls” scribbled on it? Or was there less thought?


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
We’d need millions of tests to accomplish what a circuit breaker is supposed to do, even if he just focused on priority areas.

But, has this been the plan they’ve had for 21 months in case of a hyper-virulent strain?

Is there some chicken grease stained napkin on Ford’s wall with “LCBO’s and malls” scribbled on it? Or was there less thought?
Sorry. I meant millions actually. I don’t think the issue is supply (could be wrong) its the fact that they decided a couple days ago to give them out, and clearly (surprise…) had no well laid out plan to do so. So they looked at the news and social media and saw “wtf, Nova Scotia is giving these out at the liquor store FFS, and in Ontario they are nowhere to be seen, so Premair Doug said “friends, you want test at the LCBO, you got it, get your buck a beer and your rapid covid test, one stop shopping “
In Ontario (and many provinces) the appt has been to wait to see if we are in trouble, and wait to make sure, before deciding to do anything or even make plan for a bad situation before it happens. Might be excusable in the first wave, but now on # 5….

“Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.”
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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2020
Sorry. I meant millions actually. I don’t think the issue is supply (could be wrong) its the fact that they decided a couple days ago to give them out, and clearly (surprise…) had no well laid out plan to do so. So they looked at the news and social media and saw “wtf, Nova Scotia is giving these out at the liquor store FFS, and in Ontario they are nowhere to be seen, so Premair Doug said “friends, you want test at the LCBO, you got it, get your buck a beer and your rapid covid test, one stop shopping “
In Ontario (and many provinces) the appt has been to wait to see if we are in trouble, and wait to make sure, before deciding to do anything or even make plan for a bad situation before it happens. Might be excusable in the first wave, but now on # 5….

“Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.”
But the convenience of 1,000 kits a day at some of the busiest malls in Canada at the busiest time of the year… Where else can I get a testing kit and a new ugly Christmas sweater in the same enclosed space as 60,000 people?

A community centre or school? Good luck finding holiday savings there.
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