Once again you and Nasty just cannot comprehend that when You have several points in a graph, you just cannot pick or choose two points that are within the "Polling Error" to label them as a trend. The polling percent error is normally around 3 percentage points. If a slight dip occurs that is within this 3 percentage points, then clearly it is not "going South fast" as Nasty clearly stated below in that Post. It was 42% on Jan 22nd and then 40% on Feb 22nd. The 2% points difference are within the percent error. So barnacle justify this statement?
The OVERALL TREND is a steady 40% if You Average it since April 21st of last year. Take a look at the graph below:
Tracking Prime Minister Trudeau ‘Generational fairness’?: Seven-in-ten Gen Z, Millennials say Trudeau’s government not working in their interest April 24, 2024 No Bounce: Liberals’ hoped-for support surge in wake of under-40 targeted spending blitz has yet to materialize April 23, 2024 Load More
Maybe You get it now barnacle!!
But any comment from You with regards to nasty's following post as you purportedly are policing this name calling on politicians: