European Refugee Crisis


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Why doesn't Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Somalia accept these refugees?. After all, we have accepted all theirs and now we are paying the price.......
Jamaica does NOT have generous welfare system like Germany and the U.K. and Jamaica's borders are more restricted


New member
Oct 23, 2008
WinterHawk is correct. Traditional source countries for immigration shared a common Judeo-Christian belief system. They worked hard and assimulated. Even the much maligned Jews assimulated well becoming model citizens. Multiculturalism has been a failure. How do I know? Look at Holland, they have just dropped their official policy of multiculturalism as it has been an abject failure. I would say right now we are about 10 years away from where they are...
Go to any strip mall in suburban Toronto now and you enter these ethnic enclaves/ghettos. India in Brampton, China in Markham, Somalia in Rexdale. You get the Idea.


Jan 31, 2005
WinterHawk is correct. Traditional source countries for immigration shared a common Judeo-Christian belief system. They worked hard and assimulated. Even the much maligned Jews assimulated well becoming model citizens. Multiculturalism has been a failure. How do I know? Look at Holland, they have just dropped their official policy of multiculturalism as it has been an abject failure. I would say right now we are about 10 years away from where they are...
Go to any strip mall in suburban Toronto now and you enter these ethnic enclaves/ghettos. India in Brampton, China in Markham, Somalia in Rexdale. You get the Idea.
All waves of immigrants have tended to congregate in a common area for the first generation or two. Initially language and other barriers makes it easier for them to do that, but second and third generations fan out.

Even your cherished waves of Euro immigrants did that.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Initially? Are you suggesting that these ethnic enclaves I just described are temporary? I've got news for you; they are growing larger daily and are not transitory. It's not generational, it's permanent.
All these areas have multigenerational families living under one roof so don't tell me they fan out.
I'm not some liberal, self-loathing gullible CBC reporter.


Jan 31, 2005
Initially? Are you suggesting that these ethnic enclaves I just described are temporary?
Yes. Your mindless racist nattering notwithstanding. Historically we can see it took europeans a few generations to come out of their ghettos.

White anglos in Montreal are still hiding in their ghetto after hundreds of years...


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Can someone explain this to me, here.. because I'm a bit confused by the situation.
No doubt Syria is a war-torn nation, and people obviously want to get out of a warzone and away from ISIS.

My understanding, though.. is in the case of this kid and his family.. they were living in Turkey. I'm fairly ignorant of the political situation over there, but it seems they'd be relatively safe and away from the fighting. So I'm not sure what the imminent need to get out of there is, that they'd risk their lives in this way? Can someone explain this to me?
Turkey is a signatory of the UN Convention on refugees (unlike Lebanon and Jordan, the other two stops for refugees) but adding a couple million refugees in a short time has made it impossible to do more than just give basic life saving aid. Theoretically they should be providing an opportunity for all the refugees but are unable to do so and most are stuck in camps where all the political strife just continues. yes, for the most part people are safe from the direct warfare but can't access the support that the Convention obligates.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
All you bleeding hearts

Here's an idea: go visa the Swiss, Japanese and Saudi consulates. Convince them to accept a couple of thousand refugees and then get back to me. Until then not an ounce of guilt in not bringing them over to Canada
Why don't we also visit Saudi and other dictatorships and convince them to accept universal human rights and democracy before we decide they're right for us?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Initially? Are you suggesting that these ethnic enclaves I just described are temporary? I've got news for you; they are growing larger daily and are not transitory...
Little Italy and China town have been there for a long time. Obviously shows they have no interest in assimilating either.:fear:


New member
Oct 23, 2008
My point exactly! Both populations come from non-English speaking countries.
French Canadians are the exception. Because they are one of the original founding peoples, they were given (even in defeat) their own ethnic, linguistic ghetto called Quebec


Feb 26, 2012
Traditional source countries for immigration to Canada?? So confused. Can someone tell me why Aboriginal peoples processed so many European immigrants to their land?

I think European migrants did a good job in assimilating to Aboriginal beliefs and culture. Wait, you mean residential schools weren't how Aboriginal peoples taught European migrants about Judeo-Christianity?

I'm confused. Better go back and hit the history books.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Just reading about the new curriculum protests. Comments such as "Gay and Lesbian is against our Islamic values" seem to be the norm. This is a direct quote from the Star.

Many are pulling their children from school to go to Islamic School or home school.

Does this sound like integration to you?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Without a massive increase in immigration we are headed for a catastrophe. .
We are heading for catastrophe regardless. All our economic systems depend on more people going into them than are going out. Compounding the problem is the fact we are living longer and the added expense associated with doing so. Our social safety nets are giant ponzi schemes that will collapse at some point. Irresponsible politicians will speed up the process. Throwing immigrants at the problem just delays the inevitable and makes the impending collapse all the more brutal. I expect my senior life will be drastically different than what today's seniors are enjoying...and not in a good way.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Just reading about the new curriculum protests. Comments such as "Gay and Lesbian is against our Islamic values" seem to be the norm. This is a direct quote from the Star.

Many are pulling their children from school to go to Islamic School or home school.

Does this sound like integration to you?
Of course there are also a noticeable number of Christian Canadians at those protests saying it's against Christian values. Are you saying that all those Christian protesters aren't integrated either?

More significantly, their kids will be more integrated and their kids even more so just like the many generations of Canadians before them.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Of course there are also a noticeable number of Christian Canadians at those protests saying it's against Christian values. Are you saying that all those Christian protesters aren't integrated either?

More significantly, their kids will be more integrated and their kids even more so just like the many generations of Canadians before them.
What I am saying is we already have enough of them and Fuji is proposing taking in 100,000's more. At those levels they don't integrate, that segregate.

I think 10,000 is fine and would even consider 25,000 with proper sponserships and local assistance set up.

But not the numbers that some would see.

The rednecks are just as bad, and the purpose of the curriculum is to hopefully eradicate the thinking that lies behind the protests. Bringing in vast more who think that way sets it back. Already we have issues with schools demanding prayer rooms, pools being segregated by gender. Even small issues like taxi drivers refusing to take service dogs. All are related to religious and cultural differences that exist in the middle east.

And they don't want to integrate. But to segregate. That's the difference.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Of course there are also a noticeable number of Christian Canadians at those protests saying it's against Christian values. Are you saying that all those Christian protesters aren't integrated either?

More significantly, their kids will be more integrated and their kids even more so just like the many generations of Canadians before them.
Just to add they are old school homephobes. We are steadily evolving as a people but this type of change takes time. I can say when I was a young man I was a homophobe because that's how I was raised and the norm of the time. It has changed very quickly in the scheme of things and steadily for the better. There will always be hold outs and extremists. We can't do much about the ones who are here but we can sure as hell be picky about who we as a nation choose to bring in.


Mar 31, 2009
Here are some petitions to sign for all the non-bigots
Name calling, false accusations and demonizing Canada will not solve this crisis. Also, knee jerk emotional reactions are no substitute for sound policy and due diligence.

Fearmongering about lack of immigrants is groundless. Racist me would gladly welcome the Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Portuguese and E.I.'s (and even those dreaded red hair Irish Catholics) and many of them would be happy to come to Canada and adopt our values.
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