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European Refugee Crisis


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I saw a video clip on CP 24 of the Premier of Quebec and the Mayor of Montreal hugging female Syrian refugees. Let's hope these females are not Muslims.

I hug and kiss (on the cheeks) Muslim women that are wives / daughters of the families I visit. There are a large proportion of Muslims not only in Canada but around the world who are a far more broad minded than people are let to believe.


Mar 31, 2009
There are a large proportion of Muslims not only in Canada but around the world who are a far more broad minded than people are let to believe.
Iranians in Canada are the most liberal. The ones who live in $2 million houses in Richmond Hill call themselves Persians.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Iranians in Canada are the most liberal. The ones who live in $2 million houses in Richmond Hill call themselves Persians.
Again a very narrow minded view. Ones I know are from Egypt, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Malaysia, Brunei, Iran and Ethiopia and guess what a number of them even eat pork and drink alcohol. Some of them tell me not to mention that there is pork in the meals that I dish out even if it is in the dish. They just want to enjoy eating it and they cannot be blamed for it. I think that it is smart :). The women dress up as if you wont be able to distinguish them from any other Canadians. Hard for you to believe but they live in homes that are near the average price for Canadians.


Mar 31, 2009
Again a very narrow minded view. Ones I know are from Egypt, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Malaysia, Brunei, Iran and Ethiopia and guess what a number of them even eat pork and drink alcohol. Some of them tell me not to mention that there is pork in the meals that I dish out even if it is in the dish. They just want to enjoy eating it and they cannot be blamed for it. I think that it is smart :). The women dress up as if you wont be able to distinguish them from any other Canadians. Hard for you to believe but they live in homes that are near the average price for Canadians.
You're the man. How do you get to know so many Muslim women? Not sure if she is Muslim but there is an SP who calls herself "Persian Princess". I met an SP dancer from Iran and another one from Lebanon but they said they are not Muslim.


Mar 31, 2009
Fourth: We now list the opinions of the four schools of jurisprudence (Madthabs):

With regard to the views of the four Imams, they are as follows:

1- Hanafi Madthab (Imam Abu Hanifah):
Ibn Nujaym said: 'It is not permissible for a man to touch a woman's face or hands even when there's no risk of desire because it is Haram in principle and there is no necessity to allow it.'

2- Maliki Madthab (Imam Malik):
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ('Ulaysh) said: 'It's not permissible for a man to touch the face or hand of a non-Mahram woman (not related), and it is not permissible for him to put his hand on hers without a barrier. Ayesha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: 'The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) never accepted a woman's oath of allegiance by shaking hands with her; instead he would accept their oath of allegiance in words alone.'

According to another report: 'His hand never touched the hand of a woman, instead he would accept their oath of allegiance with words alone.'

3- Shafi'i Madthab (Imam Ash-Shafi'i):
Imam An-Nawawi (author of Al-Arba’in An-Nawawiyyah and Riyadus-Salahin) said, "It is not permitted to touch a woman (not properly related) in any way.

Waliyyud-Din Al-Iraqi said, 'This indicates the hand of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) did not touch the hand of any woman except for those permissible to him, whether in the case of accepting their oath of allegiance or in other cases. If he didn't do it in spite of the fact he was infallible and above suspicion, then it is even more essential for others to heed this prohibition. It appears from the texts he didn't do it because it was forbidden for him to do so.

The Fuqaha’ (scholars of jurisprudence) among our companions and others say it is forbidden to touch a non-Mahram (not properly related) woman even if it is touching any part of her body that is not a part of her 'Awrah, such as her face.

But their differences of opinion occurred regarding looking (at them) when there is no desire and no fear of Fitnah (serious calamity). The prohibition of touching is stronger even than the prohibition of looking, and it is forbidden when there is no necessity to allow it. In the case of necessity, such as medical treatment, removing a tooth or treating the eyes, if there is no woman available to provide the treatment, then it is allowed for a man to do it because of the necessity.

4- Hanbali Madthab (Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal):
Ibn Muflih said about Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, that he was asked about a man who shakes hands with a woman. His answer was, 'No' and it was emphatically forbidden. When he was asked about shaking hands having some cloth in between he said, 'No'.

**********h Taqiyyud-Din also held the view it was prohibited and gave the reason, touching is more serious than looking.

**********h Yusuf Estes

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April Fools - Or Just Lying?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You're the man. How do you get to know so many Muslim women? Not sure if she is Muslim but there is an SP who calls herself "Persian Princess". I met an SP dancer from Iran and another one from Lebanon but they said they are not Muslim.
Contrary to what you believe, these women are either my colleagues or spouses of my colleagues, as well as next door neighbours. It is very interesting when we discuss some of the politics and the bias that they encounter generally until one realises that they are Muslims. The average person normally has stereotypical views of Muslims.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Hundreds of asylum-seekers entering Norway were discovered to have images of ‘executions’ and ‘severed heads’ on their mobile phones.

The revelation comes amid heightened fears that ISIS is exploiting the migrant crisis to smuggle fighters into Europe, following last month’s attacks in Paris.

Police admitted that the ‘explosion’ of refugees crossing into the country over the summer and in recent months meant that security checks were less thorough than required, and weren’t checking the background of those entering the country.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Police in Germany are covering up the extent of crime committed by migrants, claim Bild... as country is revealed to have taken in 1.1 MILLION people during 2015
Asylum seekers are being recruited as cheap drug dealers and traffickers as well as petty thieves, Bild newspaper claims
But police have apparently been ordered to cover up extent of crimes so as not to fuel 'right wing extremist debate'
Shocking claim comes as Germany registered over one million migrants in 2015 - five times last year's total
Germany has taken more refugees from the Middle East and Africa than any other EU state
The country is a magnet for migrants partly because of its generous social benefits

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...en-1-1-MILLION-people-2015.html#ixzz3vw7a16U0
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Mar 31, 2009
Police in Germany are covering up the extent of crime committed by migrants,
Same thing in the U.K. with immigrants. All they would say is "Asian" (instead of Pakistani) which is doing a great disservice to other Asians like Chinese, E.I.'s, Koreans, Filipinos, etc.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
I've done some reminiscing of past threads I've participated in previously in a past life.
My oh my what an eye opener hindsight is when looking through the rear viewfinder of history.
So I'll open up and bump an old thread to see where the current thinking goes from the old dogs and goddesses of the past.
If they're still here or under another assumed name.
Maybe some newbies can offer they're insight and pearls of wisdom too ....

Has open borders broadened our horizons or brought our downfall?

Immigration has always been necessitated by means of escape from brutal forms of misgovernment and rule throughout history.
"Moses led his people through the desert to the promise land."
"The grass is always greener over the hillside."

Yet the one constant that remains the same to this day is how much is too much and why are people still running away from dictators in the twenty-first century?
The oppressed need to overcome the dictators and take a stand in their homeland.
Why risk life and limb to escape misery and poverty for a better future for better generations to come, when the real change is needed to overthrow the dictators and stop running away from your homeland.
Cowards never built a homeland or homestead.
Generations of elders fought for our freedom and democracy, yet today many forsake it.

Left wing lunatics like Nicolas Maduro need to be hung by the gates of freedom.
The same goes for those of his ilk and kind.

Ukraine fights for its livelihood. Putin needs to die by his own poison. The sooner the better.

Israel is surrounded by enemies that want it erased from the map and history.
When can one negotiate peace when thy enemy is always knocking on the door?
Take a stand and fight for your defense and livelihood or die trying.

Fire away !!


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Ukraine fights for its livelihood. Putin needs to die by his own poison. The sooner the better.
The sooner the better because that will save us and our allies from
having to send more money in the billions to Ukraine for its leaders
and soldiers to make a livelihood. It will be great though for Putin to
survive if we can make him pay for Ukraine's reconstruction. But
I am afraid it will be the west Canada included who will end up
footing the bill.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Left wing lunatics like Nicolas Maduro need to be hung by the gates of freedom.
The same goes for those of his ilk and kind.

Ukraine fights for its livelihood. Putin needs to die by his own poison. The sooner the better.

Israel is surrounded by enemies that want it erased from the map and history.
When can one negotiate peace when thy enemy is always knocking on the door?
Take a stand and fight for your defense and livelihood or die trying.

Fire away !!
Maduro is still backed by Venezuela.
Israel sits on the land of Palestine and Palestinians are trying to rise up against the foreign occupiers.



New member
Mar 7, 2011
The sooner the better because that will save us and our allies from
having to send more money in the billions to Ukraine for its leaders
and soldiers to make a livelihood. It will be great though for Putin to
survive if we can make him pay for Ukraine's reconstruction. But
I am afraid it will be the west Canada included who will end up
footing the bill.
We will all pay if Putin survives.
Canada can either pay Ukraine to fight as a proxy against Putin.
Or Canada can increase it's military might right NOW to prepare for the inevitable breach of our borders.
Putin and China have eyes on our sovereign Great White North lands.
Only Uncle Sam keeps them at bay.

I would rather pay Canadian taxes to support the CAF than have a foreign proxy fight for our homeland. Be it Ukraine or Uncle Sam.
But successive Canadian governments have made a mockery of our once proud fighting Canadian forces since world war 2.
The CAF is still good at what they do with what little support they have from the government of the day.
OUR veterans have served Canada well beyond their means and they deserve more from us.
Every Canadian should do more than wear a poppy on Remembrance Day to show our support.
The CAF has demonstrably fought for OUR freedom and the freedom of our allies time and time again.
Only an ignorant fool of Canadian history would say otherwise.

One thing we can agree on Oil & Gas, is the utter waste of Canadian taxes spent on subsidizing the whole GREEN BULLSHIT AGENDA.
Let the free market decide your ride.
I didn't ask for a tax subsidy for my car or it's battery. Billions of CAD wasted on subsidizing electric cars and battery plants. What about our failing healthcare system?
The auto sector is waking up to the fact that not everybody wants to buy an electric car. The recent sales results prove that fact.
Not even Trudope can change those numbers with his mandates to go full blown GREEN GREEDY. The leftists' progressive agenda will bankrupt Canada.
And we all know that Green cars and batteries still require tonnes and tonnes of fossil fuels to MINE the Earth for rare earth metals, copper, nickel, cobalt, lithium, etc....
The country's entire electric grid will need to be tax subsidized to build the infrastructure required for a complete green economy.
Millions of tonnes of copper will be needed to increase every Canadian home to 200 AMP service for car charging and home heating pumps.
And what about the carbon foot print of charging spaces in condos and apartments, and the replacement of all gas stations with rapid chargers too.
This will require a massive amount of fossil fuels to MINE Canada's green spaces on an exponential level beyond the regulations of the Eco-terrorists' agenda.
The Green Plan is a fallacy. A single EMP will knock out the country of the future. A set up for failure.
Besides China and India are already using more cheap coal now for manufacturing and electricity. The CO2 blows across our planet equally.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Maduro is still backed by Venezuela.
Israel sits on the land of Palestine and Palestinians are trying to rise up against the foreign occupiers.

Palestinians would be better served with a government more interested in a peaceful two state solution.
But they elected a terrorist organization in Hamas that does NOT want peace.

Supporting Hamas terrorists and the start of the war on October 7th, 2023 has led to misery and death.
Hamas is supported by the Islamic Regime of Iran and all Jihadists that want Israel wiped off the map and history.
"From the river to the sea" is a Jihadist terrorist chant to wipe out Israel with mass lunatic martyrdom.
The Islamic Regime of Iran obviously didn't want Israel to have a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia which was close at hand in negotiations before October 7th, 2023
So the Islamic Regime of Iran threw a big fucking monkey wrench into the peace negotiations to disrupt and nullify it by having their proxy Hamas attack Israel on October 7th.

The War on Terror against Jihadists continues from Afghanistan to Iraq to Iran to Syria to Israel to Lebanon to Yemen to Somalia, etc ....

Wipe out the leadership of all Jihadists and dance in the streets when they are all dead just like when Osama bin Laden finally took the bullet. Not soon enough.
They want martyrdom and they deserve HELL.

Do you want to live in the Islamic Regime of Iran?
Please leave now and don't bother coming back.

I hope rational and reasonable Palestinians find a lasting PEACE with Israel in a two state solution.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Palestinians would be better served with a government more interested in a peaceful two state solution.
But they elected a terrorist oragnization in Hamas that does NOT want peace.
Israel just killed the Palestinian negotiator.

Now its up to the UN and the ICJ.
The ICJ says all the settlements are Palestine.
Israel needs to get out of Gaza, its Palestine.

And pay restitution.

Zionists are killing Jews in Palestine now.


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Israel just killed the Palestinian negotiator.

Now its up to the UN and the ICJ.
The ICJ says all the settlements are Palestine.
Israel needs to get out of Gaza, its Palestine.

And pay restitution.

Zionists are killing Jews in Palestine now.

I admire the intelligence and the fortitude of Independent MPP Goldie Ghamari who has a very rational view of the Islamic Regime in Iran.
The Persian Princess knows what she is talking about when dissing the Jihadists.

Her X.com page is fucking brilliant.
Toronto Escorts