Discreet Dolls

European Refugee Crisis


Jan 31, 2005
Syria wasn't a particularly radical country and those fleeing are unlikely to be. The radicals are the ones going TO Syria.

Knee jerk islamophobia has no place in public policy.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
Canada was founded by exactly this sort of person, refugees from whatever blight or religious persecution, and we have done pretty well.

We should take them ALL.

That three year old that drowned and washed up in a beach was apparently trying to get to Canada. We should have sent a plane to get him, a three year old! That is paydirt in immigration terms, he would have been socialized by our school system. And he died trying to get here.

We should enact emergency legislation to divert all available Air Canada, West jet, Canadian military, etc, jets and form a massive air convoy to get any refugee family with young kids to Canada this week. It is a national priority for us and a humanitarian disaster for them.

Rarely does alleviating human suffering align so well with a national interest as in this case. We get to grab the golden ring and be heroes at the same time.
This is a very nice, however you is going to pay for all the cost. First canada has to change the way that deals with refugees. We can't afford to give them a place to live, food and thousands of dollars a month to spend without working.
We should go back to the old ways. After the second war we took in refugees, we pay for the trip and Provided them with secured jobs (these were hard jobs, mining, forestry, etc. not office jobs) for two years with room and board. These people had to pay back the expenses incurred and had to support themselves by working.
Sorry no more free loaders, the system can not afford it anymore. This is what EU is facing right now. Tons of refugees that don't want to work just want to be on social assistance without working. They give them free room and food and money to spend. These people are not looking for work. They sit around, freeloading and complaining that the food that they provide is not good for them. Sorry, but if you are hungry, you eat anything they give you.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Syria wasn't a particularly radical country and those fleeing are unlikely to be. The radicals are the ones going TO Syria.

Knee jerk islamophobia has no place in public policy.
Actually it isn't knee jerk. It's based on what has already happened not only in Europe but with some of the enclaves popping up in the GTA as well. You are making grandiose claims of how well they will assimilate and integrate by quoting history. But historically those same refugees weren't Muslim.

I have background in this. On one side of the family are Irish who came over in the potato famine. On another branch are Ukrainian who settled in the Prairies when the Russians starved them out.
I also have Germans who left in the 30's to come here.

But all threw themselves into being Canadian. Served in the military in some cases. Worked hard and raised their kids to be Canadian.

The ones from the Middle East don't. And that includes all religions. I knew some Lebanese girls from Christian Families who were treated no better than Muslim girls. Called Whores for staying out past 6:00 and God help them if they had a boyfriend.

It's cultural to the area. Misogyny, Homophobia, et al.

Right now there are 10's of thousands of young Irish. All trained due to their schooling in trades over there. And wanting to come here. If we are going to do something like what you say then I say they are a far better choice. A well trained English speaking workforce. Minimal taxpayer cost and achieves the same goal you espouse.

Unless you are prejudice against the Irish of course.....


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Paul Craig Roberts writes:

Europe is suffering a refugee crisis of Europe’s own making. By mindlessly and immorally supporting for 14 years Washington’s illegal and unjustified wars in the Middle East and North Africa that have murdered and displaced millions of peoples, European governments have created a flood of refugees into Europe. Instead of accepting their responsibility for peoples whose lives Europe has helped to ruin, European governments are employing fences and violence to keep out the hordes of peoples displaced by Washington’s violence and the violence that Washington’s violence unleashed. Those who escaped the Americans are now being murdered by ISIS. Jean Raspail’s prediction in The Camp Of The Saints that a morally disarmed Europe would be unable to turn away Third World hordes that would overwhelm Europe has not prevented the construction of razor-wire fences and the deployment of troops and dogs against refugees.

Finian Cunningham, a writer who possesses a moral conscience, explains how refugees fleeing violence cannot get away from violence. Read his article: http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/08/31/european-police-scarier-than-isis-terrorists.html


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I know many of you will say, "you're a racist" for saying what I'm saying....
I don't think that at all.

I also think the correct course of action is to send them back. It's a sad state of affairs, but granting asylum on such a grand scale would be a cataclysmic mistake.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I know a fair number of syrians and they are hard working people and not very religious.

In my extended family we have descendants of the vietnamese boat people, hungarian refugees, east european refugees from the second world war, and a couple of ugandan refugees. They are all good people who have added to the canadian economy (most have their own businesses and employ canadians).

Fuji is right this is an opportunity for canada but its also a christian thing to do, a human thing to do to help other human beings in need.

As a father, I am ashamed of my inaction after seeing that photo this morning. Well- no more- I am off to join some ngos to lend my knowledge and money.

We took in 100,000 boat people and 100,000 hungarians. When the irish famine took place we took in more irish people than the population of toronto at that time. We are still a country that is starved for population- we can absorb a 100,000 syrians with out a problem (hard work and money_ yes it will take both).

Come on- roll up your sleeves and help


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Actually it isn't knee jerk. It's based on what has already happened not only in Europe but with some of the enclaves popping up in the GTA as well. You are making grandiose claims of how well they will assimilate and integrate by quoting history. But historically those same refugees weren't Muslim.

I have background in this. On one side of the family are Irish who came over in the potato famine. On another branch are Ukrainian who settled in the Prairies when the Russians starved them out.
I also have Germans who left in the 30's to come here.

But all threw themselves into being Canadian. Served in the military in some cases. Worked hard and raised their kids to be Canadian.

The ones from the Middle East don't. And that includes all religions. I knew some Lebanese girls from Christian Families who were treated no better than Muslim girls. Called Whores for staying out past 6:00 and God help them if they had a boyfriend.

It's cultural to the area. Misogyny, Homophobia, et al.

Right now there are 10's of thousands of young Irish. All trained due to their schooling in trades over there. And wanting to come here. If we are going to do something like what you say then I say they are a far better choice. A well trained English speaking workforce. Minimal taxpayer cost and achieves the same goal you espouse.

Unless you are prejudice against the Irish of course.....
Bring in the irish too

I never understood the idea of not taking economic refugees- if they want to work and have skills - come in


Jan 31, 2005
This is a very nice, however you is going to pay for all the cost. First canada has to change the way that deals with refugees. We can't afford to give them a place to live, food and thousands of dollars a month to spend without working.
We should go back to the old ways. After the second war we took in refugees, we pay for the trip and Provided them with secured jobs (these were hard jobs, mining, forestry, etc. not office jobs) for two years with room and board. These people had to pay back the expenses incurred and had to support themselves by working.
Sorry no more free loaders, the system can not afford it anymore. This is what EU is facing right now. Tons of refugees that don't want to work just want to be on social assistance without working. They give them free room and food and money to spend. These people are not looking for work. They sit around, freeloading and complaining that the food that they provide is not good for them. Sorry, but if you are hungry, you eat anything they give you.
We need them more than they need us, actually. We are headed for a national catastrophe if we don't find a way to increase the number of young workers, and since Canadians aren't likely to start having more babies, immigration is the only way.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
We need them more than they need us, actually. We are headed for a national catastrophe if we don't find a way to increase the number of young workers, and since Canadians aren't likely to start having more babies, immigration is the only way.
But the key is to put them to work. Don't let them go on social assistance. Reward employers who give them work.


Jan 31, 2005
But the key is to put them to work. Don't let them go on social assistance. Reward employers who give them work.
How many years were you on social assistance, aka, in school, at taxpayer expense?

It takes an immigrant a few years to become established in a new country. You can expect around 40% of them to be unemployed in the first couple of years, but by the tenth year the unemployment rate starts converging towards the national average. Their children should have outcomes very near the Canadian average.

That ten years to fuly ramp up in the workforce is well within the time horizon we need: the point at which there are not enough working Canadians to support our system.

I am not sure you understand how bad that will get. As the tax burden rises on the shrinking population of workers people will leave for countries that don't have that problem and thus have lower taxes, which will leave even fewer people paying even higher taxes and even more will leave.

It will be a CATASTROPHE.

Unless of course we solve the problem by bringing in immigrants, and if they need support in the first years while they are learning English and such, so the fuck what?


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
That image is fucking heartbreaking.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
How many years were you on social assistance, aka, in school, at taxpayer expense?

It takes an immigrant a few years to become established in a new country. You can expect around 40% of them to be unemployed in the first couple of years, but by the tenth year the unemployment rate starts converging towards the national average. Their children should have outcomes very near the Canadian average.

That ten years to fuly ramp up in the workforce is well within the time horizon we need: the point at which there are not enough working Canadians to support our system.

I am not sure you understand how bad that will get. As the tax burden rises on the shrinking population of workers people will leave for countries that don't have that problem and thus have lower taxes, which will leave even fewer people paying even higher taxes and even more will leave.

It will be a CATASTROPHE.

Unless of course we solve the problem by bringing in immigrants, and if they need support in the first years while they are learning English and such, so the fuck what?
In my whole life I've never been in social assistance. I've been in this country for over 30 years. When I came here as a tourist I landed a Pearson. The first thing that the CBSA agent asked is if I wanted to apply for refugee. I said no I came to visit and to see if the country is good to settle here. After a couple of weeks I applied to become a landed immigrant and got accepted in less than 6 months. I brought enough money to support myself and to pay my English schools.
As soon as I got permission to work I started to work for low wages doing hard manual labour.
For the first three years I was barely making ends meet, however I never asked for help. I was thought from younger age that the only way to get ahead is to work and I worked hard. I learned a couple of trades and I also upgraded my degree to Canadian standard, opened my own business and employed Canadians.
So p, Fuji please don't preach me about what can or can not be done. I'm not against immigration I'm against free loaders. You want to come to Canada, you are welcome, but you have to work to have the privilege to live here.
As I said before bring them in, but the government should find them an apartment and a job for two years. However they have to pay rent and work for their food and schooling. If not don't come, stay in your own country.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
The Americans created this crisis the UN should drop the whole mess in their lap.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The Americans created this crisis the UN should drop the whole mess in their lap.
Arguably, I'll give you that the Americans fucked up Iraq royally, but tell me:

1. How are the Americans responsible for the mess in Syria?

2. How are the Americans responsible for Islamo Fascism that rules every middle eastern country and all the "stans" and a good chunk of Africa?


Feb 26, 2012
As a father, I am ashamed of my inaction after seeing that photo this morning. Well- no more- I am off to join some ngos to lend my knowledge and money.
You're a good person doing good work!
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