Hush Companions

European Refugee Crisis

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
That image is fucking heartbreaking.
Yes it is. But the blame lies with the parents who put him in an impossible situation and with the war in Syria between the moderates (believe it or not, that's Assad) and the fundamentalist muslim whack jobs that want to take over in Syria.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I would fully support bringing in more Chinese, Filipinos, Portuguese, Tamils and E.I.'s and blue eye blonde females.
and Latinos and Eastern Europeans


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

I am thankful to my ancestors going back to whatever monkey I evolved from for making a series of decisions, aided probably by a good amount of luck, that did not end up in death and have culminated in me having great opportunity in life. Canada, ...l.
Good reminder that a great many of us are here because of refugees, economic or other. Two of my grandparents people came here because of the Potato Famine and one because of conflict in Tsarist Russia. All three of those families faced the same sort of discrimination as we now hear about these Syrian refugees; thieves, rapist, no skills dishonest, or just plain different (the 4th simply came to try and get a job because his parents in England had too many kids).

Wanting to keep people out for the same reason our antecedents came here and displaying the same kind of racist justifications they faced just because we were lucky enough to be born here is messed.

And no, I don't think we should take ALL as fuji suggested in the other thread but that is mainly because if we let them in we have a moral and financial obligation to do more than just dump them in a ghetto without any support. It is that support which will make their transition to being "Canadian" a lot easier my people faced.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
In my whole life I've never been in social assistance....
Yet obviously when you came to Canada you had enough financial resources to get yourself started so you didn't need support. Someone fleeing a war that has destroyed their home and had to use all their wealth to get smuggled out of the country doesn't have that advantage.

My experience which is purely anecdotal is that many refugees have a huge motivation to do like you did and make the most of the opportunity (and congrats on that BTW). Of course there are people happy to play the system but Canadian born people aren't any different.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes it is. But the blame lies with the parents who put him in an impossible situation and with the war in Syria...
Yep. Lets blame the parents for giving birth to him in a war zone.

And Assad is not the moderate. The moderate rebels have mostly been killed off because Assad and the extremists groups have much more funding and support. The closest to moderates left now are the Kurds (something that I thought I'd never say considering their use of terror tactics for decades).


Jan 18, 2004
Why should Canada be shut out of the benefits of getting a reasonable share of these refugees?
What "benefit", an increase in my taxes, more strain on the health care system, social housing? If Canada was really interested in helping out, deploy troops, wipe out ISIS and put the whole place under a UN mandate. Millions of people who think it's there right to take what you and your family have fought to protect? This is an invasion, pure and simple.


Jan 18, 2004
Canada was founded by exactly this sort of person, refugees from whatever blight or religious persecution, and we have done pretty well.

We should take them ALL.

That three year old that drowned and washed up in a beach was apparently trying to get to Canada. We should have sent a plane to get him, a three year old! That is paydirt in immigration terms, he would have been socialized by our school system. And he died trying to get here.

We should enact emergency legislation to divert all available Air Canada, West jet, Canadian military, etc, jets and form a massive air convoy to get any refugee family with young kids to Canada this week. It is a national priority for us and a humanitarian disaster for them.

Rarely does alleviating human suffering align so well with a national interest as in this case. We get to grab the golden ring and be heroes at the same time.
Wow Fuji, you didn't go to school here in Canada or if you did you teachers didn't have a clue. "Canada was founded by exactly this sort of person, refugees from whatever blight or religious persecution, and we have done pretty well.

Canada was founded by Empire Loyalist and disgruntled former Americans who lost in the American Revolution; and French Canadians. Despite some of the language difference, the back grounds cultures of many of the immigrants who settled in Canada right up to WW2 were easily integrated into Canadian society being basically white, European and Christian. It wasn't until the 70's that Trudeau made a concerted effort to break the WASP hold on this country to satisfy Quebec by shifting migration from Europe to Asia, India, the Caribbean and to a lesser extent the Middle East. Preference was given to Commonwealth countries as they had a common British background.

The people you are championing have nothing in common with the average Canadian but the desire for a better life. And as we are witnessing as of late, the desire of most immigrants from Muslim countries have a very strong desire to destroy our heritage and change things so it just like back home. No thanks...


New member
Sep 5, 2005
Can someone explain this to me, here.. because I'm a bit confused by the situation.
No doubt Syria is a war-torn nation, and people obviously want to get out of a warzone and away from ISIS.

My understanding, though.. is in the case of this kid and his family.. they were living in Turkey. I'm fairly ignorant of the political situation over there, but it seems they'd be relatively safe and away from the fighting. So I'm not sure what the imminent need to get out of there is, that they'd risk their lives in this way? Can someone explain this to me?


Mar 8, 2014
Problem is....

.... Every Western country signed an international agreement to accept refugees in 1947(?) after it came to light than six million Jews had been murdered in Germany because no Western country would take them in the late 1930's. So there was more than enough guilt, blame and embarrassment to go around and the way out was to sign an undertaking that it would never happen again.

To refuse to take refugees means that the present day governments of those countries are reneging on the principles of their grandfathers and essentially saying "Fuck it! We'll go back to letting all the Jews fry in ovens and we don't give a shit!" Which is an embarrassing thing to have to admit you believe in.

Or let's leave the Jews out of it because they're doing just fine now?! okay, who's going to be the first to admit that the Syrians can fry and we'd save the Jews - because after all, the Syrians are rude and smelly and wear funny orange t-shirts and we socialize with Jews and have dinner with them.

It amounts to a fundamental repudiation of post war Western democratic values, as accepted by pretty much every expert, legal authority or reputable spokesperson - as opposed to Right Wing neo Nazi Yahoo.
They're not white and being Muslim doesn't help


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Arguably, I'll give you that the Americans fucked up Iraq royally, but tell me:

1. How are the Americans responsible for the mess in Syria?

2. How are the Americans responsible for Islamo Fascism that rules every middle eastern country and all the "stans" and a good chunk of Africa?
The US has been plotting to remove the Assad regime in Syria through it's proxy Saudi Arabia. Unless you've been in cave for the last 4 years, it was the US that funded the so-called moderate rebels in Syria, who have mostly since defected to Al-Qaida/ISIS/IS. After the debacle in Libya, the CIA transferred weapons from Libya's huge stores of weapons, along with Libyan religious nut-jobs to Syria, and through a complicit Turkey, who have an agenda of their own: the re-establishment of the Province of Damascus that was once part of the Ottoman Empire.

It was the Saudis that pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into what became ISIS, in order that they go to from Iraq to Syria and overthrow Assad, and break the Shiite crescent in the Middle-East from Iran, now-Shiite Iraq, Syria and Lebanon/Hezbollah (shortly after ISIS started rolling in Syria with their shiny new Toyota pickups and SUV's, they turned against the Saudis, and Saudi Arabia is next to be annexed to the Kaliphate, minus the Saudi royals). The Saudi national religion, Wahabism/Salafism, regards Shiites as apostates who's only purpose is the get their heads chopped off. The US was complicit in the establishment of ISIS, since it could not have not noticed the huge transfers of money from Saudi Arabia to ISIS, given that they have the largest, most sophisticated and most expensive intelligence gathering apparatus in the world, and that the Saudis are their close allies. How naïve to expect that just a bombing campaign could stop ISIS in a region the size of the UK; in fact, it's just window dressing. In reality, ISIS is doing the US and Saudi Arabia's bidding for them, or being useful idiots.

And is your memory so short to not remember that it was US led NATO that launched an unprovoked bombing campaign against Libya and destroying that state, that had the highest per capita income in Africa, and transformed into a failed state, with 3 main factions fighting it out for control, one of which is ISIS?

The result is millions of people who are fleeing the results of US spreading freedom and democracy through the force of weapons. I'm frankly surprized that the blowback, in the form of millions of people fleeing war is affecting Europe but not the US, and nobody seems to be paying any attention to that fact. The EU should mount a full scale ground war and kick ISIS out of Syria and Iraq, and tell the Americans to fuck off and stop destabilizing the world.

And as a footnote, as the moderate rebel experiment in Syria has failed utterly, the US have been looking for other rebels to co-opt for their purposes. The heart-eating Jabhat Al-Nusra Islamic nut-jobs are now being converted into less-extreme rebels, because they are fighting against the Assad regime. Israel was caught giving them refuge in the Israeli held Golan Heights, and Israel has been giving them satellite intelligence if their fight with Assad.

Every single American adventure in democracy building through bombing had ended in failure because they figured that market capitalism would miraculously generate a pliant US friendly democracy in the resulting power vacuum.... anything but. And they have been repeating that strategy over and over for the last century. The US has been responsible for overthrowing and otherwise destabilizing the governments of at least 40 countries since WW2. And how many countries has China invaded? Maybe 1: Vietnam. The US destroyed Viet Nam, and killed a couple million of their people. But that doesn't seem to count.


Mar 8, 2014
Wow Fuji, you didn't go to school here in Canada or if you did you teachers didn't have a clue. "Canada was founded by exactly this sort of person, refugees from whatever blight or religious persecution, and we have done pretty well.

Canada was founded by Empire Loyalist and disgruntled former Americans who lost in the American Revolution; and French Canadians. Despite some of the language difference, the back grounds cultures of many of the immigrants who settled in Canada right up to WW2 were easily integrated into Canadian society being basically white, European and Christian. It wasn't until the 70's that Trudeau made a concerted effort to break the WASP hold on this country to satisfy Quebec by shifting migration from Europe to Asia, India, the Caribbean and to a lesser extent the Middle East. Preference was given to Commonwealth countries as they had a common British background.

The people you are championing have nothing in common with the average Canadian but the desire for a better life. And as we are witnessing as of late, the desire of most immigrants from Muslim countries have a very strong desire to destroy our heritage and change things so it just like back home. No thanks...
LOL....this dude said my educational background was in question, they start teaching this stuff in grade 7 (I have studied this stuff at a post-secondary level). However I think it's unfair to label all Muslims in the same light, it's far more complicated than you suggest.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
All you bleeding hearts

Here's an idea: go visa the Swiss, Japanese and Saudi consulates. Convince them to accept a couple of thousand refugees and then get back to me. Until then not an ounce of guilt in not bringing them over to Canada


Mar 31, 2009
The EU should mount a full scale ground war and kick ISIS out of Syria and Iraq,
I doubt the EU has the resources nor the stomach for full scale ground war with ISIS. The optics of Europeans killing Muslims is not good. Even if ISIS is killed some other S.O.B. group will spring up. There is no shortage of S.O.B.'s in that region.


Jan 31, 2005
What "benefit", an increase in my taxes, more strain on the health care system, social housing? If Canada was really interested in helping out, deploy troops, wipe out ISIS and put the whole place under a UN mandate. Millions of people who think it's there right to take what you and your family have fought to protect? This is an invasion, pure and simple.
Without a massive increase in immigration we are headed for a catastrophe. Our population is aging. As the ratio of workers to retirees starts to climb taxes will go up, working people will leave for regions without an aging population therefore lower taxes, leaving even fewer workers to pay even higher taxes in a death spiral. It is already happening in the maritime provinces and it will eventually spread nation wide.

Your absolute racism is disgusting by the way. My ancestors fought for Canada to be open and free.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Well, from what I caught from the Italian and Croatian press, a good portion of the migrants are not Syrian at all. The Pakistanis are extremely well represented, hordes of Libyans and other assorted Africans, a lot of Iraqis of all persuasions, Kurds, Yemenis, the list is almost endless. Anyway, the answer to the migration is not in accepting refugees, the answer is in fixing their countries. We can make a grand gesture in Canada and accept 10k refugees. So, what? The day after there will be 100k more, waiting. This is an endless cycle. The West cannot possibly absorb all the poor Asians. Africans and so on. And as long as the borders are open, they'll keep coming. As long as their countries are garbage, they'll keep leaving.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Why doesn't Jamaica, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Somalia accept these refugees?. After all, we have accepted all theirs and now we are paying the price.......


Jan 31, 2005
Wow Fuji, you didn't go to school here in Canada or if you did you teachers didn't have a clue. "Canada was founded by exactly this sort of person, refugees from whatever blight or religious persecution, and we have done pretty well.

Canada was founded by Empire Loyalist and disgruntled former Americans who lost in the American Revolution; and French Canadians. Despite some of the language difference, the back grounds cultures of many of the immigrants who settled in Canada right up to WW2 were easily integrated into Canadian society being basically white, European and Christian. It wasn't until the 70's that Trudeau made a concerted effort to break the WASP hold on this country to satisfy Quebec by shifting migration from Europe to Asia, India, the Caribbean and to a lesser extent the Middle East. Preference was given to Commonwealth countries as they had a common British background.

The people you are championing have nothing in common with the average Canadian but the desire for a better life. And as we are witnessing as of late, the desire of most immigrants from Muslim countries have a very strong desire to destroy our heritage and change things so it just like back home. No thanks...
Canada was originally founded by people fleeing discrimination in Europe. And you racist claim that only white europeans can integrate into Canada needs to be relegated to the last century where it belongs.
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