Doug Ford is screwing up Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
The reply of a 4 year old.

But then you also think its really smart policy to spend $230 million cancelling contracts that you decide you need a few years later.
They spent $230 million to save the province from spending $790 million for energy that wasn't needed.
The approach to building wind power now is much better.
The previous Liberal government did not get the approval of local communities and paid way too much.

More info here:

The requirement for companies to get municipal approval is just one key difference between the PC and Liberal governments' approaches to wind power. There's also a notable financial difference.

Under the Liberals' since-repealed Green Energy Act, the province issued contracts paying wind and solar producers lucrative premiums for generating electricity, justified at the time as a way to kick-start a nascent industry.

This time around, the bidding process is to be competitive, with the province looking to see how cheaply the power can be produced.

"While the Liberals paid up to eight times the going rate for wind projects that were imposed on unwilling communities, we are determined never to force families and seniors into energy poverty again," said Lecce's press secretary Isha Chaudhuri in an email.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Metrolinx quoted the project but it's Toronto who makes the decision and has to pay for the majority of the bike path. Surely Metrolinx isn't the only company who can build a bike path. They need to open up the bidding process. I bet there's a company who could do it for far less and probably faster. Seriously, is a $150 million bike path a priority for Chow, when she's crying for money for shelters, homelessness, affordable housing etc?
Metrolinx quoted $20 million years ago, now the plans include buying property, 4 bridges and sound walls. How many of those are really part of the rail path costs? How much more expensive is this now that Tory's Fast track plan has squeezed the space that was available? Why is this under Metrolinx?

Its stupidly expensive.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Is the goal to spend the most $$$ on healthcare per capita, or to have the best outcomes? My money's on the latter. But people like yourself, with Ford Derangement Syndrome (FDS) will always point to Ford and how every single one of his policies is a fail. Whether it's true or not.

"The same source that shows Ontario spends the least per capita of all provinces also shows that Ontario has the best outcomes on key metrics.

According to the Canadian Institute of Health for Health Information, the average spent per resident when considering both public and private funding is $8,740. The highest province in the country is Newfoundland and Labrador at $10,333 while Ontario is dead last at $8,245.

What’s interesting is that on six treatments measured nationally, Ontario is the leader across Canada in providing timely access to hip replacement and knee replacement surgeries. When it comes to providing timely access to radiation therapy, Ontario meets the mark 99% of the time just behind Manitoba at 100% but well ahead of Newfoundland, the big spender among the provinces which only meets the mark 57% of the time.

On hip fracture repair, Ontario is just ahead of the national average meeting the guidelines 83% of the time. For cataract surgery, the province is behind the national average meeting the timeliness guidelines just 65% of the time which is still well ahead of Newfoundland which meets the guideline just 43% of the time."
Are you quoting an article written by someone who is sleeping with DoFo's team as evidence?

Do you really think health care in Ontario has gotten better under DoFo or worse?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It's not a race to see who can spend more. There is not an endless supply of money. And the money that is available, the Feds are transferring less to Ontario compared to other provinces.
DoFo spent $1 billion to beer in corner stores.
He's willing to spend, just not on health care.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
DoFo spent $1 billion to beer in corner stores.
He's willing to spend, just not on health care.
No previous Ontario government has spent more on healthcare than the current one despite getting under-funded by the feds compared to other provinces.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No previous Ontario government has spent more on healthcare than the current one despite getting under-funded by the feds compared to other provinces.
Stupid comment.
Ontario is the largest province, of course the total spent is the most.
Ontario spends the least per capita, per person, that is the point.

Maybe you really are at 4 year old levels of comprehension.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
The CBC quoted that DoFo claim.
I'm asking for you to prove its a legit claim.
None of the communities wanted them and it was simply a Liberal government making haste to virtue signal about "green energy" without think things through.
Based on the crappy contracts established by the Liberals, it was a worthwhile strategy by the new PC government in Ontario in 2018. The savings claimed is based on cost avoidance for the future should those contracts have remained.

The contracts were crap and the issue was complicated.

You can find the details here:

And more about the cost savings...

"but the math is pretty simple. The unneeded power would have cost ratepayers $790 million. Not buying it produces a net saving of $559 million. It would have been foolish to pass up that opportunity.

It’s fair to say the government played down the cost of the cancellations and did its best to keep the figure secret. If the goal is to cancel contracts as cheaply as possible, it’s probably not wise to announce that you have a bag of money to dispense.

It’s a pity the $231 million will have to be spent, but it would not have been necessary had the previous government not signed a raft of wind and solar deals simply for green optics."


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
The realty is anyone that thinks dofo is doing a good job is biased or just plain dumb.
He's doing a great job not a good job and will win a 3rd majority next election. How would that happen if he wasn't doing a great job? Heck how did he win two majority elections up to now?

Seems to me the bias is coming from people who just don't like him regardless what he does. He could cure cancer and it wouldn't change those people's minds. Talk about bias indeed!


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
How much did the coal and natural gas cost vs the cost from renewables in the contracts, skoob?
Holy f*ck all you do is ask questions and provide zero factual information in return.

I've provided info with facts & sources after you cried about me using the government info and you still want more while you provide nothing.

How about you start providing some factual info and stop assigning people homework because you're too lazy to do your own research?

Can you handle that? Or is your only source of info fake Xitter posts that result in you apologizing afterwards for spreading misinformation when you are called out?


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Metrolinx quoted $20 million years ago, now the plans include buying property, 4 bridges and sound walls. How many of those are really part of the rail path costs? How much more expensive is this now that Tory's Fast track plan has squeezed the space that was available? Why is this under Metrolinx?

Its stupidly expensive.

Yes, it is stupidly expensive. Another reason the city should take a hard look at expenditures. Is a $150 million 2 km bike path really at the top of the city's expenditures?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Imaginary claim?
It's from the CBC article I shared.

You should know by now that Frankfooter doesn't read any article that don't support his narrative. I'm not sure why we even bother pointing out facts to him. He'll just spew out the same old garbage. You could post a completely left wing article that refutes one of his claims, and he'll still tell you you're wrong. He should change his name from Frankfooter to Infalliblefooter...

BTW, if healthcare and everything else was so great in the province, why were the liberal kicked to the curb a couple elections ago?

Can't wait to see his head explode when we have a new Prime Minister. lol
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