Canadian Economy - Buoyant


Jan 31, 2005
Please show me any country which has engaged in wealth redistribution seamlessly without any unintended consequences.
It is an utopian well intended ideal that does not work
In addition it is bloody stealing

Better to focus on increasing the skill levels of all rather than taking from those that have invested in them selves to obtain those skills and qualifications
It is not the job of government to redistribute wealth

Sorry but the Nanny state does not work
Increasing the skill level of all is wealth redistribution in the form of subsidized education.

Which is a good thing.

Just wanted to highlight how little sense you make me


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Now you bring ISIS in the mix. You really cannot fathom the context I mentioned Future Shop stores that shut under the Harper Government. What does it have to do with Trudeau. Ask Smalldick guy that, not me okay. He brought it up. Sheesh.
Sheesh ??
Did you really need to mention former PM Harper when speaking of a failed Retailer?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You hate Trudeau dont you?
I do not hate Justin
I do not think he is qualified for the job though
Had his last name been anything other than Trudeau there is not a snowballs chance in hell he would be Prime Minister

Drunken sailor?
Your right , he is worse than a drunken sailor
Deficit spending with no plan to get back to balance
Even a drunken sailor will stop spending once the pay package is empty

Canada was in a recession for quite a few years under Harper.
Canadian GDP growth was positive for 9 of 10 years he was the PM (2009 was negative). Are you going to blame PM Harper for the Global financial crisis?
It was barely growing when Harper handed it over to Trudeau
0.9% in 2015 is actually quite good considering the slide in oil prices that year

and it was clear that it needed a boost to help trigger a healthy growth rate that it has now achieved.
if you think Trudeau's spending is the driver of the growth rate you are sadly mistaken
That is being driven by growth in the US (that US growth may soon stall so be ready to blame Justin if you stick to your lame ass logic)

Good for Trudeau.
for spending without a plan to come back to balance?
Your children may not agree as they will have to pay the bill


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Thanks for conceding, when your abandon even the pretense of rational debate that's the sign you've lost and realized in your own mind that you've got no argument.
once again you get schooled and then you claim victory
your argument to control the oil industry was the ramblings of an idiot in 2014 and remains so now

Point carried: Harper subsidized oil at the peak of an oil price bubble which made the subsequent collapse more painful for Canada than it needed to be.
The oil industry paid/ pays huge amounts of taxes. Something like $20 B in 2014
there was no subsidy
Name an industry which pays more smart guy?

Tell that to all the unemployed Albertans.
they are well acquainted with the boom and bust cycle of the industry and can manage that
What they can not mange is a loud mouth no nothing from the East who does not understand the industry, yet thinks he can control it with a throttle on his duel currency Ponzi scheme


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I do not hate Justin
I do not think he is qualified for the job though
Had his last name been anything other than Trudeau there is not a snowballs chance in hell he would be Prime Minister

Your right , he is worse than a drunken sailor
Deficit spending with no plan to get back to balance
Even a drunken sailor will stop spending once the pay package is empty

Canadian GDP growth was positive for 9 of 10 years he was the PM (2009 was negative). Are you going to blame PM Harper for the Global financial crisis?

0.9% in 2015 is actually quite good considering the slide in oil prices that year

if you think Trudeau's spending is the driver of the growth rate you are sadly mistaken
That is being driven by growth in the US (that US growth may soon stall so be ready to blame Justin if you stick to your lame ass logic)

for spending without a plan to come back to balance?
Your children may not agree as they will have to pay the bill
Again you hate Trudeau, but if the Canadians did not want a Liberal Government, then they would not have voted for him. Like saying Bush Junior would not have been elected if he did not have a "Bush" name. Ridiculous.
0.9 % GDP growth under Harper. You boasting about that?? Err 4.5% under Trudeau. His opinion polls are still high. Canadians (normal) think he is doing a great job, haters think.... Errr, the less said the better the beer.

Ohh, so now Trump is growing the Canadian economy. You are are going ballistic, with your dumb right wing logic. What did Trump do to grow the Canadian economy??? So Harper did nothing to grow the 0.9% GDP. It was thanks to Obama, then. My children are not concerned about Trudeau. Okay??? Hilarious.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
What job earns you $200,000 in Canada, if you are not the VP of a company at the very least in lets say a pharmaceutical company?
Tons of salesmen earn more then $200,000
time for you to come out of your parent s basement and discover how the world works

The fact is that if you did not own a house or condo about 5 to 10 years ago, and if you are an average Canadian, then you are going to struggle to survive.
That is dependant upon where you live
Are you going to advocate regional income redistribution?

An average Canadian salary is NOT $200,000.
Just the ones who are incented to get the skills, qualifications or drive to make $200,000
Income redistribution eliminates that incentive and will result in lower productivity

If you are referring to joint salaries of couples, yes in that case they maybe close to $200,000 provided they both have reasonable incomes. That annual salary means that they can live comfortably, and enjoy your vacation time, have two cars and dine out on a regular basis. You can end up having over a million in savings and a couple of millions in your RRSP, in addition to earning a property that can earn you an additional million or two when you reach your retirement age.
What about sending your kids to university or having a cottage as well as the family home?
if you work hard why should Justin take that dream away to give to others?

The average Canadians have benefited from the tax cuts.
fine , we should all benefit including those that pay the most tax
Saddly rather than shrink the cost of government, he is expanding it and looking to screw our most productive citizens

It is not such a big hike for those just above $200,000.
Bull shit
Obviously it does not impact you

All the same Trudeau kept his election promise whether you like it or not.
I did not lke then and I do not like it now
He has increased spending on infrastructure, and that in turn is benefiting the Canadian economy.
Any idiot can spend , it take real guts to cut the waste
If doctors want to move to the USA then they have a right to like every other profession. There are doctors who love living in Canada and they continue to live here.
Ok, get back to us when someone you care about is forced to wait 9 months for a knee or hip replacement. That is going to happen
There are numerous qualified ones immigrating to Canada and I personally know a one that has emigrated from the UK. He mentioned that he had the option to move to the USA but preferred Canada.
You know a guy?
wow that solves everything
Mark my words there will be a doctor shortage and Justin's wealth redistribution will make it worse than it needed o be

By the way there are specialists in Canada that are earning about $500,000 annually.
If you have the skill to perform heart surgery I would expect $0.5 MM is inadequate.
What qualifies Justin to take $250,000+ of that?

Just a few dollars of aide to the struggling middle class and minimum salaried employees does not mean income "redistribution". The rich will continue to stay rich without hurting under this tax legislation.
This will be a real drag on small business who already have to deal with higher electricity costs , higher payroll taxes and increased minimum wages
any guess on how many will go under do to Justin / Granny Wynne polices ?

Eventually, if the economy continues to grow, then most benefit compared to an economy that is close to being stagnant.
Our economy will grow only if the US economy grows
If you think taxing the rich helps our economy you need to take some economics refreshers

You are the one buying all the propaganda from the right wing media like the Rebel and Sun.
I do not follow either
I see if I do not agree with these types of media, then I am reading "too much of propaganda". Oic.
If you say so
I was referring to the crap the unions or NDP publish, however either way if you think $200,000 makes you an elitist, then you are listening to the uninformed


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again you hate Trudeau,
Again you are wrong
What part of
" do not hate Justin
I do not think he is qualified for the job though"
Did you not understand?
but if the Canadians did not want a Liberal Government, then they would not have voted for him.
It was time for a change and they voted for a name

Like saying Bush Junior would not have been elected if he did not have a "Bush" name. Ridiculous.
My god you are naïve
He certainly would not been elected if he did not have Bush money
By the way look how that turn out. I guess we did not learn the idiot son of a former leader is not qualified for his dads old job

0.9 % GDP growth under Harper. You boasting about that?? Err 4.5% under Trudeau
let talk after serval years, Justin has not had to deal with any real external forces such as a financial crisis

His opinion polls are still high. Canadians (normal) think he is doing a great job
Lets see post the NAFTA deal, once these tax increases and the carbon taxes are applied and once the real bill for his spending comes in

haters think.... Errr, the less said the better the beer.
English please
Ohh, so now Trump is growing the Canadian economy. You are are going ballistic, with your dumb right wing logic. What did Trump do to grow the Canadian economy???
I did not say that
If you had a clue you would know our economy is extremely dependant upon the US

So Harper did nothing to grow the 0.9% GDP. It was thanks to Obama, then.
While PM Harper did not do anything to screw up our economy, it was highly dependant upon the US then as it will be going forward

My children are not concerned about Trudeau. Okay??? Hilarious.
I guess none of them have any aspirations in life to make More than $200,000 and will instead be counting on receiving the benefits of his wealth redistribution scheme?

Do not delude yourself
Your kids and your grand kids will be paying for Justin's deficit spending


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Again you are wrong
What part of
" do not hate Justin
I do not think he is qualified for the job though"
Did you not understand?

It was time for a change and they voted for a name

My god you are naïve
He certainly would not been elected if he did not have Bush money
By the way look how that turn out. I guess we did not learn the idiot son of a former leader is not qualified for his dads old job

let talk after serval years, Justin has not had to deal with any real external forces such as a financial crisis

Lets see post the NAFTA deal, once these tax increases and the carbon taxes are applied and once the real bill for his spending comes in

English please

I did not say that
If you had a clue you would know our economy is extremely dependant upon the US

While PM Harper did not do anything to screw up our economy, it was highly dependant upon the US then as it will be going forward

I guess none of them have any aspirations in life to make More than $200,000 and will instead be counting on receiving the benefits of his wealth redistribution scheme?

Do not delude yourself
Your kids and your grand kids will be paying for Justin's deficit spending
Less said the better the beer. Go back to school if you think this is not English. In fact that quote is from an English Beer Ad.
You hate Trudeau. Period, unless you are saying that Canadians do not have any grey matter and just voted for a name. Ridiculous.
Ohh, and Bush Junior paid or had large sums of money to get elected. More ridiculous by the minute. Yes our economy is dependant on the USA for it's market and there are certain USA states that are dependant on Canadian goods and the Canadian market as well. It is called trade, okay?? If the USA did not exist then Canada would have been adapting to different markets like the EU, China etc. Who does the USA depend on in that case? Or are you saying that the USA can survive with no trades with other nations including Canada? Your right wing logic runs into road blocks. Do not worry about my children as they have started their University education and are far more optimistic with their career paths. I can imagine your children being fed with your pessimism. You must be a real grumpy old parent with your take on life.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Please show me any country which has engaged in wealth redistribution seamlessly without any unintended consequences.
It is an utopian well intended ideal that does not work
In addition it is bloody stealing

Better to focus on increasing the skill levels of all rather than taking from those that have invested in them selves to obtain those skills and qualifications
It is not the job of government to redistribute wealth

Sorry but the Nanny state does not work

Oh now its unintended consequences is it? One of the PRIMARY roles of govt is income redistribution. Building public goods is a form of income redistribution, as are public schools. Nationalized healthcare etc etc etc. Its not stealing. Its investing in a platform of wealth and maintaining equity and opportunity om society to ensure its long term viability. Would it be better to have widespread poverty and violence so we can spend more money on cops and jails? Conservatives like you really lack commonsense and actually believe you can be successful without the great country we have that is a result of a reasonably good govt. Go to Zimbabwe and see how you make out there.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Oh now its unintended consequences is it? One of the PRIMARY roles of govt is income redistribution. Building public goods is a form of income redistribution, as are public schools. Nationalized healthcare etc etc etc. Its not stealing. Its investing in a platform of wealth and maintaining equity and opportunity om society to ensure its long term viability. Would it be better to have widespread poverty and violence so we can spend more money on cops and jails? Conservatives like you really lack commonsense and actually believe you can be successful without the great country we have that is a result of a reasonably good govt. Go to Zimbabwe and see how you make out there.
The right wing dudes always seem to equate the implementation of a higher percentage of tax on the richest percentage as robbing Peter to pay Paul. Yet they will be the first to complain about certain flaws in the infrastructure.


Jan 31, 2005
once again you get schooled and then you claim victory
your argument to control the oil industry was the ramblings of an idiot in 2014 and remains so now
Sorry troll but you are mixing up two differentv debates you lost.

1. The current topic is that oil was subsidised at the height of the bubble, a claim you previously tried to deny but then ran away when lots of references illustrating the various subsidies were provided

2. The topic on sterilizing the Canadian dollar from oil price fluctuations, which you lost when a Nobel prize winning economist endorsed it


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Less said the better the beer. Go back to school if you think this is not English. In fact that quote is from an English Beer Ad.
I have never heard it before
It looked like gibberish or you made a typo to me.

You hate Trudeau. Period,
What part of "I do not hate Justin, I do not think he is qualified for the job though" " do you not understand?
unless you are saying that Canadians do not have any grey matter and just voted for a name. Ridiculous.
I cant help it if you do not believe this, however no way he gets the Liberal nomination if his last name is Jones
There were many within the Liberal party who had far more political experience and who are far more intelligent
Justin has his father name and some of his charisma , but he inherited his mothers good looks and sadly her intelligence

Ohh, and Bush Junior paid or had large sums of money to get elected. More ridiculous by the minute.
What a fool you are if you do not know how US politics works
Of coarse Bush money was spent by the buckets to get George W elected
How do you think they would up with the current idiot as President ?
Money was spent

Yes our economy is dependant on the USA for it's market and there are certain USA states that are dependant on Canadian goods and the Canadian market as well. It is called trade, okay??
An our economy is ultra dependant upon the US for this trade. If the US gets a cold Canada get the Flu economically
If the USA did not exist then Canada would have been adapting to different markets like the EU, China etc.
Fantasy as the US does exist and our economy is our economy is ultra dependant upon the US for this trade.

Who does the USA depend on in that case? Or are you saying that the USA can survive with no trades with other nations including Canada?
The US unlike most other developed economies is far less dependant upon trade as the US consumer is the primary driver of their economy.
I will not chastise you too much on this point as not many people know this

Your right wing logic runs into road blocks.
Correct logic based upon facts is not a roadblock
Do not worry about my children as they have started their University education and are far more optimistic with their career paths.
I guess if they are counting on Justin to redistribute wealth to them , they can be optimistic for the next few years.
Until the bill comes due and the bill always come due. Much higher taxes down the road (for everyone) to pay for Justin's inability to manage the countries fiancés in a responsible manner
I can imagine your children being fed with your pessimism. You must be a real grumpy old parent with your take on life.
That is a non responsive statement. You lack the intelligence to make a logical fact based counter argument and resort to personal insults


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Oh now its unintended consequences is it? One of the PRIMARY roles of govt is income redistribution. Building public goods is a form of income redistribution, as are public schools. Nationalized healthcare etc etc etc. Its not stealing. Its investing in a platform of wealth and maintaining equity and opportunity om society to ensure its long term viability. Would it be better to have widespread poverty and violence so we can spend more money on cops and jails? Conservatives like you really lack commonsense and actually believe you can be successful without the great country we have that is a result of a reasonably good govt. Go to Zimbabwe and see how you make out there.
It is the governments job to build infrastructure and provide basic services
Everyone is taxed to pay for this

It is not the governments job to address "Inequality Issues" through taxation
In addition the government needs to be responsible with the tax payers money
Ongoing deficits without a plan for balanced budgets is not responsible.

You talk about lacking common sense
The most basic common sense lesson is you can not continue to spend more than you bring in
Yet we elected Justin a man who can not grasp this concept


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The right wing dudes always seem to equate the implementation of a higher percentage of tax on the richest percentage as robbing Peter to pay Paul. Yet they will be the first to complain about certain flaws in the infrastructure.

What a stupid statement

If you are paying 55% of what you make to a group of people who
1. Pay $10 MM to a murdering terrorist (Fed Liberals)
2. Pay a $ 1B to cancel a contract they negotiated (Ont Liberals)
3. Pay out billions in welfare payments while importing more refugees (Fed Liberals)
4, Drive up the cost of electricity with foolish polices (Ont Liberal)
5. Apply a carbon tax that will likely drive up the tax burden to 60% (Fed Liberals)
6. Tell you that you need to save more for your retirement
7. Layer one cost increase on top of another at your business (Payroll taxes , electricity increases , minimum wage increases , carbon tax)
etc etc

and there are flaws in the infrastructure , then you bloody well have the right to complain

The Liberals have zero respect for how hard people have to work to generate the tax money they spend and redistribute with such ease


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Sorry troll but you are mixing up two differentv debates you lost.

1. The current topic is that oil was subsidised at the height of the bubble, a claim you previously tried to deny but then ran away when lots of references illustrating the various subsidies were provided

2. The topic on sterilizing the Canadian dollar from oil price fluctuations, which you lost when a Nobel prize winning economist endorsed it
In your dreams maybe
Those subsides you were wrong about then and are wrong about now are applied to all business its called Capital cost Allowance
In 2014 the oil industry generate $Billions more in government revenue than any other industry
he did not subsidise the oil industry.
That is pure bullshit from an uniformed fool named Fuji

Have you found anyone on TERB who thinks your duel currency throttle controlled Franken plan was not the work of an idiot?
No you have not, three years latter because it was the work of an idiot

Quoting a noble prize winner who wrote a paper 13 years ago about currency controls on a state owned oil industry is not relevant to the abortion you proposed for our privately owned oil industry.
he would laugh at your proposed solution
You came up with a stupid idea and can not stomach admitted it was a mess, despite post after post of details (it was illegal for starters) illustrating its flaws
Why pray tell is it not on the agenda for the new NAFTA negotiations?
Because they will not waste time on the workof an idiot that's why

You are an economic fool


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I have never heard it before
It looked like gibberish or you made a typo to me.

What part of "I do not hate Justin, I do not think he is qualified for the job though" " do you not understand?

I cant help it if you do not believe this, however no way he gets the Liberal nomination if his last name is Jones
There were many within the Liberal party who had far more political experience and who are far more intelligent
Justin has his father name and some of his charisma , but he inherited his mothers good looks and sadly her intelligence

What a fool you are if you do not know how US politics works
Of coarse Bush money was spent by the buckets to get George W elected
How do you think they would up with the current idiot as President ?
Money was spent

An our economy is ultra dependant upon the US for this trade. If the US gets a cold Canada get the Flu economically

Fantasy as the US does exist and our economy is our economy is ultra dependant upon the US for this trade.

The US unlike most other developed economies is far less dependant upon trade as the US consumer is the primary driver of their economy.
I will not chastise you too much on this point as not many people know this

Correct logic based upon facts is not a roadblock

I guess if they are counting on Justin to redistribute wealth to them , they can be optimistic for the next few years.
Until the bill comes due and the bill always come due. Much higher taxes down the road (for everyone) to pay for Justin's inability to manage the countries fiancés in a responsible manner

That is a non responsive statement. You lack the intelligence to make a logical fact based counter argument and resort to personal insults
If you are not aware of the origin of a quote, just leave it and move forward. Do not pretend that you know it all.

You keep on going on about Trudeau. It is more like hatred the way you express your opinion about him, in spite of him having a more popular rating in the opinion polls, unlike that moron South of the border. Yes,this is the only thing that I agree with you, about the POTUS, although your fellow right wing buddies will get ticked off with you calling him an idiot. Trudeau is smarter than what you give him credit. Trump mentioned that he spent little of his own money in the elections. So is he a liar?

The USA depends on trades with other nations whether you believe it or not. That is a fact, as not everything can be manufactured in the USA. They buy stuff that is manufactured from workers earning less than a dollar an hour. The Americans are not willing to pay for stuff being sold currently for about a dollar, and if it is manufactured in the USA, it would then cost about ten times the price. Again you cannot grasp that certain USA states depend on the Canadian economy, that is why cancelling NAFTA could be an utter disaster for those states. Trade works both ways. Off course you have your own right wing logic on this. But I do not buy this logic that is also spewed out by the Rebel and / or the Sun. Again you go on about much higher taxes to be imposed by Trudeau. In real terms he has decreased the taxes on the middle class and the lower income Canadians. You are the fine one to talk about personal insults as you are the one starting them in the first place. Look at your responses to Fuji. You do not call them insults?
You have also insulted me a few times. So if you cut it out then expect to have more civil responses.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
If you are not aware of the origin of a quote, just leave it and move forward. Do not pretend that you know it all.
Or if you could put in quotes if it is obscure
Do not tell me what to do if you can not make your self clear
You keep on going on about Trudeau.
He is the PM and he is making some huge mistakes
It is more like hatred the way you express your opinion about him, in spite of him having a more popular rating in the opinion polls,
jesus !
For the third (and hopefully last time)
What part of "I do not hate Justin, I do not think he is qualified for the job though" " do you not understand?

I do not care about polls at this point in a mandate

unlike that moron South of the border. Yes,this is the only thing that I agree with you, about the POTUS, although your fellow right wing buddies will get ticked off with you calling him an idiot.
I could care less what anyone else thinks
despite your rhetoric many right wing people as you describe them can spot a bullshit artist a mile away

Trudeau is smarter than what you give him credit.
Anyone who spends more than he brings in and has no plan to return to balance is a damn fool. period

Trump mentioned that he spent little of his own money in the elections. So is he a liar?
He was born lying

The USA depends on trades with other nations whether you believe it or not. That is a fact, as not everything can be manufactured in the USA. They buy stuff that is manufactured from workers earning less than a dollar an hour. The Americans are not willing to pay for stuff being sold currently for about a dollar, and if it is manufactured in the USA, it would then cost about ten times the price. Again you cannot grasp that certain USA states depend on the Canadian economy, that is why cancelling NAFTA could be an utter disaster for those states. Trade works both ways. Off course you have your own right wing logic on this.
You misunderstood

The US unlike most other developed economies is far less dependant upon trade as the US consumer / domestic consumption are the primary drivers of their economy.
This is a fact and I encourage you to spend some time researching it

But I do not buy this logic that is also spewed out by the Rebel and / or the Sun.
If you do not buy this FACT that is your loss
Try some other reputable sources , they will back up the dominance of US consumer / domestic consumption as the primary drivers of their economy

Again you go on about much higher taxes to be imposed by Trudeau. In real terms he has decreased the taxes on the middle class and the lower income Canadians.
However is tax targeting small business and incomes over 200,000. That is a recipe for economic disaster

You are the fine one to talk about personal insults as you are the one starting them in the first place. Look at your responses to Fuji. You do not call them insults?
Fuji is the most despised person on this board and earns what he receives. He ratted me out and got me banned, all the while lying and insulting me.
Did you think I should treat him with any respect?
You have also insulted me a few times. So if you cut it out then expect to have more civil responses.
You did it first is a child's response
deal with it
likewise if you act more civil you can expect less caustic responses.
Implying I hate Justin despite multiple statements indicating I do not hate him is a just invite for abuse

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Impressive 4.5 % GDP growth in the Canadian economy. The fastest start to year since 2002. Exports in services and goods are up 2.3%, and even household spending is up. This has exceeded expectations. This Liberal Government has really instilled hope for exceeding expectations:
It's good to see, long overdue. I suspect this is more because of the growth in the US economy than anything the Liberals have done here. They are anti-business.


Mar 31, 2009
Hong Kong and Singapore are two of the most successful societies on this planet and yet they have extremely low tax rates. It's a myth that the higher the tax rate the better the society.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts