What job earns you $200,000 in Canada, if you are not the VP of a company at the very least in lets say a pharmaceutical company?
Tons of salesmen earn more then $200,000
time for you to come out of your parent s basement and discover how the world works
The fact is that if you did not own a house or condo about 5 to 10 years ago, and if you are an average Canadian, then you are going to struggle to survive.
That is dependant upon where you live
Are you going to advocate regional income redistribution?
An average Canadian salary is NOT $200,000.
Just the ones who are incented to get the skills, qualifications or drive to make $200,000
Income redistribution eliminates that incentive and will result in lower productivity
If you are referring to joint salaries of couples, yes in that case they maybe close to $200,000 provided they both have reasonable incomes. That annual salary means that they can live comfortably, and enjoy your vacation time, have two cars and dine out on a regular basis. You can end up having over a million in savings and a couple of millions in your RRSP, in addition to earning a property that can earn you an additional million or two when you reach your retirement age.
What about sending your kids to university or having a cottage as well as the family home?
if you work hard why should Justin take that dream away to give to others?
The average Canadians have benefited from the tax cuts.
fine , we should
all benefit including those that pay the most tax
Saddly rather than shrink the cost of government, he is expanding it and looking to screw our most productive citizens
It is not such a big hike for those just above $200,000.
Bull shit
Obviously it does not impact you
All the same Trudeau kept his election promise whether you like it or not.
I did not lke then and I do not like it now
He has increased spending on infrastructure, and that in turn is benefiting the Canadian economy.
Any idiot can spend , it take real guts to cut the waste
If doctors want to move to the USA then they have a right to like every other profession. There are doctors who love living in Canada and they continue to live here.
Ok, get back to us when someone you care about is forced to wait 9 months for a knee or hip replacement. That is going to happen
There are numerous qualified ones immigrating to Canada and I personally know a one that has emigrated from the UK. He mentioned that he had the option to move to the USA but preferred Canada.
You know a guy?
wow that solves everything
Mark my words there will be a doctor shortage and Justin's wealth redistribution will make it worse than it needed o be
By the way there are specialists in Canada that are earning about $500,000 annually.
If you have the skill to perform heart surgery I would expect $0.5 MM is inadequate.
What qualifies Justin to take $250,000+ of that?
Just a few dollars of aide to the struggling middle class and minimum salaried employees does not mean income "redistribution". The rich will continue to stay rich without hurting under this tax legislation.
This will be a real drag on small business who already have to deal with higher electricity costs , higher payroll taxes and increased minimum wages
any guess on how many will go under do to Justin / Granny Wynne polices ?
Eventually, if the economy continues to grow, then most benefit compared to an economy that is close to being stagnant.
Our economy will grow only if the US economy grows
If you think taxing the rich helps our economy you need to take some economics refreshers
You are the one buying all the propaganda from the right wing media like the Rebel and Sun.
I do not follow either
I see if I do not agree with these types of media, then I am reading "too much of propaganda". Oic.
If you say so
I was referring to the crap the unions or NDP publish, however either way if you think $200,000 makes you an elitist, then you are listening to the uninformed