Again you try to incorrectly attribute what I say to fit your messed up view of the worldOf course you don't want to attribute the spectacular growth in the US economy to Obama. You're a knee-jerk frothing at the mouth ideologue whose opinions have no relationship whatsoever to reality.
But you've been hoist by your own petard here -- you correctly pointed out that economic results trail government policy by several years. The implication is clear, whether or not you like it.
Obamas policies were not explicitly accommodative. In fact he was a lame duck president for much of his administration and continually expressed frustration at not getting congressional support.
Many of his actions / vetos applied increased environmental or regulatory burdens on the economy
He has integrity and is a decent human being, however he was not an economic saviour
If you had the first clue about economics (how's that duel currency Ponzi scheme working for Ya?) you would know that US growth is due to close to zero interest rates for a decade due to Fed policy
Grow up and learn something before forming an opinion and most importantly do not try to imply (incorrectly) what I am thinking
Fuji the fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap