Canadian Economy - Buoyant


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Of course you don't want to attribute the spectacular growth in the US economy to Obama. You're a knee-jerk frothing at the mouth ideologue whose opinions have no relationship whatsoever to reality.

But you've been hoist by your own petard here -- you correctly pointed out that economic results trail government policy by several years. The implication is clear, whether or not you like it.
Again you try to incorrectly attribute what I say to fit your messed up view of the world
Obamas policies were not explicitly accommodative. In fact he was a lame duck president for much of his administration and continually expressed frustration at not getting congressional support.
Many of his actions / vetos applied increased environmental or regulatory burdens on the economy
He has integrity and is a decent human being, however he was not an economic saviour

If you had the first clue about economics (how's that duel currency Ponzi scheme working for Ya?) you would know that US growth is due to close to zero interest rates for a decade due to Fed policy

Grow up and learn something before forming an opinion and most importantly do not try to imply (incorrectly) what I am thinking

Fuji the fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Harper doubled down on oil, which turned out to be a total fuck-up.
Total Horse shit
Again if you had the first clue you would know oil patch activity is driven by commodity prices

Any positive government policy is incremental at best
Although a moron like you could have a very negative impact on any sector if you tax away any economic benefit
Carbon taxing will be a drag on the oil patch growth especially if the US does not apply them

Fuji the fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap


Mar 12, 2004
Obama has overseen the longest period of sustained growth in modern American history, soon too be the longest sustained growth ever.

He was a fantastic President and embodies the argument for a third term.

Meanwhile the Obama economy continues to expand
Obama was handed an economy that had no where to go but up.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Trudeau in fact lowered the personal taxes for the taxpayers earning less than $200,000 per annum. The elitists earning above $200,000 will be paying higher taxes. But these elitists normally figure out ways of reducing their taxes and know how to manipulate the system.
Elitist earning above $200,000 ?????

Come on comrade you are reading too much propaganda
1. The primary driver of employment is small business. This foolish policy will hurt employment growth
2. Small business owners making less than $200,000 are taking on huge risk vs the reward and are likely one or two steps from bankruptcy
3. We are facing a huge increase in demand for medical services due to demographics and this foolish policy will only encourage more doctors to move to the US
4. $200,000 is a decent income, however it is not excessive given the cost of housing, raising a family, paying for children's tuition and saving for a retirement
5. Most people earning over $200,000 bring a unique skill set of qualification to the table. This policy is a penalty on those who have invested in them selves to obtain those skills and qualification.

Income redistribution is a utopian well intended ideal which is ultimately unachievable and has a lot of very negative consequences


Mar 31, 2009
The primary driver of employment is small business.
So true and many small businesses are struggling under heavy taxes and now the pending $15 minimum wage. A walk along West Queen Street West will show many boarded up windows where there used to be mom and pops. Also, even large retail chains are struggling (Sears, Future Shop, Blacks's, etc.).


Jan 31, 2005
Again you try to incorrectly attribute what I say to fit your messed up view of the world
Obamas policies were not explicitly accommodative. In fact he was a lame duck president for much of his administration and continually expressed frustration at not getting congressional support.
Many of his actions / vetos applied increased environmental or regulatory burdens on the economy
He has integrity and is a decent human being, however he was not an economic saviour

If you had the first clue about economics (how's that duel currency Ponzi scheme working for Ya?) you would know that US growth is due to close to zero interest rates for a decade due to Fed policy

Grow up and learn something before forming an opinion and most importantly do not try to imply (incorrectly) what I am thinking

Fuji the fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap
You look pretty stupid now, either economic results lag government policy or it does not. Obama was President from eight and a half years ago until a half year ago. If results lag policy the results today are due to his policies.

If results do not lag policy you need to give some credit to Trudeau.

You are flailing and squirming about now but it's not helping, you are hoist on that petard.


Jan 31, 2005
Total Horse shit
Again if you had the first clue you would know oil patch activity is driven by commodity prices

Any positive government policy is incremental at best
Although a moron like you could have a very negative impact on any sector if you tax away any economic benefit
Carbon taxing will be a drag on the oil patch growth especially if the US does not apply them

Fuji the fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap
It's OBVIOUS that oil prices have an impact on oil patch activity. It's also OBVIOUS that government subsidy does as well.

Oil prices hit unsustainable highs while Harper was PM. He had nothing to do with the oil price bubble. The measure of his worth is how he reacted to the bubble.

Did he take steps to slow investment at the peak of the bubble, to protect the economy from the coming collapse?

Did he at least do nothing, claiming laissez faire is best?

Nope. At the peak of the bubble he implemented subsidies of the oil patch to drive investment to absolutely stupid levels not even justified by the bubble prices, did terrible harm to the economy, and then watched like a helpless gibbon as the whole thing imploded.

There is a reason why Trudeau thumped him in the last election, the economic fiasco he wrought was obvious to everyone but you by that point.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You look pretty stupid now, either economic results lag government policy or it does not. Obama was President from eight and a half years ago until a half year ago. If results lag policy the results today are due to his policies.

If results do not lag policy you need to give some credit to Trudeau.

You are flailing and squirming about now but it's not helping, you are hoist on that petard.
You are the stupid one
Economic results can lag government policy, however that does not mean that government policy is directly responsible for economic results
if you had clue one you would understand this and stop trying to ring fence what I say.
But you are an economic moron, so I will attempt to enlighten you

There are a huge number of factors which can influence the economy , government policy being just one input & generally speaking it is not the driver of positive growth

Positive government policy creates an environment for economic growth , however without consumer spending and business investment, even a sound government policy may not result in economic growth.
On the other hand , bad government policy can kill off growth with the stroke of a pen. The National Energy program of PET for example killed foreign investment in the oil patch and even the provincial Alberta conservatives found activity decreased when they start dicking around with the royalty rates.

So your grade 8 level conclusion that
either economic results lag government policy or it does not
is woefully inadequate and just plain not true
I do not have to give credit to Obama or Justin as you say I must

as mentioned before Obama has integrity and is a decent human being, however his policies did not create the current US growth (The Federal Reserve deserves far more credit than Obama for that)
As for Justin, I will give his government credit for what appears to be sound management of an over heating housing market and his team has not panicked wrt the NAFTA negotiations
Other economic issues such as the carbon tax and the recent tax assault on small business will likely prove to be very detrimental to the economy down the road

Fuji the Fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It's OBVIOUS that oil prices have an impact on oil patch activity. It's also OBVIOUS that government subsidy does as well.

Oil prices hit unsustainable highs while Harper was PM. He had nothing to do with the oil price bubble. The measure of his worth is how he reacted to the bubble.

Did he take steps to slow investment at the peak of the bubble, to protect the economy from the coming collapse?

Did he at least do nothing, claiming laissez faire is best?

Nope. At the peak of the bubble he implemented subsidies of the oil patch to drive investment to absolutely stupid levels not even justified by the bubble prices, did terrible harm to the economy, and then watched like a helpless gibbon as the whole thing imploded.
The ramblings of a control freak and an idiot

There is a reason why Trudeau thumped him in the last election, the economic fiasco he wrought was obvious to everyone but you by that point.
There was no economic fiasco in 2015, a slower growth (+0.9%) perhaps , but no fiasco
you really do not know what you speak of.

After 10 years with Steven Harper as PM, Canadians wanted change. That is the reality of politics
The vote swing from Blue to Red was predominantly in Eastern Canada and had absolutely nothing to do with the price of oil
You are such an idiot

Get back to us once you learn something about economics that you do not pull out of your ass
Still going to renegotiate NAFTA with goal of allowing currency manipulations
How's your dual currency Ponzi scheme working for Ya?

Fuji the Fool siting in the corner wearing his dunce cap


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Elitist earning above $200,000 ?????

Come on comrade you are reading too much propaganda
1. The primary driver of employment is small business. This foolish policy will hurt employment growth
2. Small business owners making less than $200,000 are taking on huge risk vs the reward and are likely one or two steps from bankruptcy
3. We are facing a huge increase in demand for medical services due to demographics and this foolish policy will only encourage more doctors to move to the US
4. $200,000 is a decent income, however it is not excessive given the cost of housing, raising a family, paying for children's tuition and saving for a retirement
5. Most people earning over $200,000 bring a unique skill set of qualification to the table. This policy is a penalty on those who have invested in them selves to obtain those skills and qualification.

Income redistribution is a utopian well intended ideal which is ultimately unachievable and has a lot of very negative consequences

Income redistribution unachievable? Where do you get that crazy idea? Please show me ANY wealthy country that does not engage in income redistribution to some degree.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You can thank Prime Minister Harper for the current economy. Sadly, we will have to clean up the mess when junior leaves.
No Harper should have thanked Chretien for handing him a great economy on the plate. This was not the case, when he handed Trudeau an economy that was barely growing.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
So true and many small businesses are struggling under heavy taxes and now the pending $15 minimum wage. A walk along West Queen Street West will show many boarded up windows where there used to be mom and pops. Also, even large retail chains are struggling (Sears, Future Shop, Blacks's, etc.).
Yes Future Shop got chewed up under Harper's reign.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Income redistribution unachievable? Where do you get that crazy idea? Please show me ANY wealthy country that does not engage in income redistribution to some degree.
Please show me any country which has engaged in wealth redistribution seamlessly without any unintended consequences.
It is an utopian well intended ideal that does not work
In addition it is bloody stealing

Better to focus on increasing the skill levels of all rather than taking from those that have invested in them selves to obtain those skills and qualifications
It is not the job of government to redistribute wealth

Sorry but the Nanny state does not work


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
No Harper should have thanked Chretien for handing him a great economy on the plate. This was not the case, when he handed Trudeau an economy that was barely growing.
Cause and affect of policy on economic growth is hardly instantaneous
However if your going to hang PM Harper on that basis, Canadian GDP growth was positive for 9 of 10 years he was the PM (2009 was negative)

Will Justin be able to achieve such a record?
Perhaps if he continues to spend our children's inheritance like a drunken sailor on shore leave


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yes Future Shop got chewed up under Harper's reign.
Gee, a retailer of TVs, cameras and PCs did not keep pace with the technological changes of the past decade.
Yeah that was most defiantly PM Harpers fault !!!

why don't you blame the rise of ISIS terrorism on him while your at it ?
After all he was in office when that happened


Mar 12, 2004
Actually was owned by Best Buy at the time Future Shop was closed,... by Best Buy.

Was inevitable.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Elitist earning above $200,000 ?????

Come on comrade you are reading too much propaganda
1. The primary driver of employment is small business. This foolish policy will hurt employment growth
2. Small business owners making less than $200,000 are taking on huge risk vs the reward and are likely one or two steps from bankruptcy
3. We are facing a huge increase in demand for medical services due to demographics and this foolish policy will only encourage more doctors to move to the US
4. $200,000 is a decent income, however it is not excessive given the cost of housing, raising a family, paying for children's tuition and saving for a retirement
5. Most people earning over $200,000 bring a unique skill set of qualification to the table. This policy is a penalty on those who have invested in them selves to obtain those skills and qualification.

Income redistribution is a utopian well intended ideal which is ultimately unachievable and has a lot of very negative consequences
What job earns you $200,000 in Canada, if you are not the VP of a company at the very least in lets say a pharmaceutical company? The fact is that if you did not own a house or condo about 5 to 10 years ago, and if you are an average Canadian, then you are going to struggle to survive. An average Canadian salary is NOT $200,000. If you are referring to joint salaries of couples, yes in that case they maybe close to $200,000 provided they both have reasonable incomes. That annual salary means that they can live comfortably, and enjoy your vacation time, have two cars and dine out on a regular basis. You can end up having over a million in savings and a couple of millions in your RRSP, in addition to earning a property that can earn you an additional million or two when you reach your retirement age.

The average Canadians have benefited from the tax cuts. It is not such a big hike for those just above $200,000. All the same Trudeau kept his election promise whether you like it or not. He has increased spending on infrastructure, and that in turn is benefiting the Canadian economy. If doctors want to move to the USA then they have a right to like every other profession. There are doctors who love living in Canada and they continue to live here. There are numerous qualified ones immigrating to Canada and I personally know a one that has emigrated from the UK. He mentioned that he had the option to move to the USA but preferred Canada. By the way there are specialists in Canada that are earning about $500,000 annually.

Just a few dollars of aide to the struggling middle class and minimum salaried employees does not mean income "redistribution". The rich will continue to stay rich without hurting under this tax legislation. Eventually, if the economy continues to grow, then most benefit compared to an economy that is close to being stagnant. You are the one buying all the propaganda from the right wing media like the Rebel and Sun. I see if I do not agree with these types of media, then I am reading "too much of propaganda". Oic.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Gee, a retailer of TVs, cameras and PCs did not keep pace with the technological changes of the past decade.
Yeah that was most defiantly PM Harpers fault !!!

why don't you blame the rise of ISIS terrorism on him while your at it ?
After all he was in office when that happened
Now you bring ISIS in the mix. You really cannot fathom the context I mentioned Future Shop stores that shut under the Harper Government. What does it have to do with Trudeau. Ask Smalldick guy that, not me okay. He brought it up. Sheesh.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Cause and affect of policy on economic growth is hardly instantaneous
However if your going to hang PM Harper on that basis, Canadian GDP growth was positive for 9 of 10 years he was the PM (2009 was negative)

Will Justin be able to achieve such a record?
Perhaps if he continues to spend our children's inheritance like a drunken sailor on shore leave
You hate Trudeau dont you? Drunken sailor? Canada was in a recession for quite a few years under Harper. It was barely growing when Harper handed it over to Trudeau and it was clear that it needed a boost to help trigger a healthy growth rate that it has now achieved. Good for Trudeau.


Jan 31, 2005
The ramblings of a control freak and an idiot
Thanks for conceding, when your abandon even the pretense of rational debate that's the sign you've lost and realized in your own mind that you've got no argument.

Point carried: Harper subsidized oil at the peak of an oil price bubble which made the subsequent collapse more painful for Canada than it needed to be.

There was no economic fiasco in 2015, a slower growth (+0.9%) perhaps , but no fiasco
Tell that to all the unemployed Albertans.
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