Canada welcomes terroists with open arms

Canada welcomes terrorists with open arms

  • Deport them

    Votes: 40 48.2%
  • Prosecute them for terrorism and or treason

    Votes: 22 26.5%
  • Let them stay

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • Galt is a politically incorrect bigot for soliciting this poll

    Votes: 12 14.5%

  • Total voters

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Marco said:
"The last time I checked, Canada wasn't at war with any country."

Canadians died in 911. Canada sent their token soldiers to Afghanistan. We lost lives in Afghanistan. We have those that fought against our side coming here again after leaving to fight against us...

Don't get me wrong that is really really messed up. But what really is messed up how some Canadians aren't even aware of all this.

Feel for those fighting overseas for Canada laying all on the line. Its like Vietnam they go unnoticed and only get criticized for it in the end.
The Khadr father was born in Egypt. I believe that the sons were born in Canada.

The 911 murderers were mostly from Saudi Arabia.

Many of the Taliban "soldiers" were/are from Pakistan and the Central Asian countries of the former Soviet Union.

Spode suggested that we shouldn't let refugees/immigrants "enter from a country that we are fighting", so I'll ask again. Which country(s) are we fighting?


Sep 9, 2001
"Marco - the problem is that we all suffer because of this. For example, there is a severe family doctor shortage in Central and Northern Ontario. There are also many immigrants with medical qualifications from other countries who are under-employed. For a variety of reasons (including bureaucratic incompetence and the doctor's union trying to protect its own turf), those people are not allowed to practice medicine here. I don't care who's fault it is - its just a loss for the immigrant and for our country."

That is true. The physician shortage is just politics. The OMA wants to keep the supply of doctors low so that their members can work 9 to 5, sometimes four sometimes five days a week and cram in all their appointments and make their 100k plus a year. Same with dentists. Keep supply low so that the wages remain high and not to make the mistake they did with lawyers.

I have no qualms about allowing physicians from other countries to work up in northern Ontario but will they stay there and remain loyal to their patients? How could you control that? Then you would have to look at whether what they learnt in their curriculm is acceptable under what is accepted by our medical bodies. And that is not an easy chore. In the end it may end up being more expensive. In my opinion, why not open up more seats in our Canadian medical schools and allow our university students many of which graduate from Canadian schools only to work at Hudson's Bay or Staples or call centres. Open the door for them on the condition that certain spots are for students who agree to work in the North and are given the license to practice on that condition only. To have a separate license for the North.

Just my opinion.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Marco said:
I have no qualms about allowing physicians from other countries to work up in northern Ontario but will they stay there and remain loyal to their patients?
I have no moral qualms with insisting that they sign a contract that includes a significant financial penalty (or even loss of their Canadian license) if they don't live up to their end of things.

In my opinion, why not open up more seats in our Canadian medical schools and allow our university students many of which graduate from Canadian schools only to work at Hudson's Bay or Staples or call centres.
Completely agree!


Sep 9, 2001
Hi Druken Master!

(Marco Hugs and Kisses Druken Master)

To quote you:
"Keep on trying to keep Canada white, Christian and pure, dude"

I am? Not sure where you got that idea. By the way my nickname here is my real name and suits my ethnicity. Guess it didn't sound "ethnic" to you. Nevertheless, my name suits me as I'm not white but a visible minority.

But of course you would never believe that. Sorry for my defense of Christianity. It obviously rang some truth.


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Marco said:
"SKILLED imigrants are not getting the opportunities they deserve, they risk their futures by coming here, only to be degraded by people like you....."


If I move to the US and not get a job whose fault is it? You take a risk when you leave a country. If you don't find what you deserve here then tough! You took your chances by coming here. And tell me how many of these people come from countries where welfare, medicare and cheap education are found?

By the way, what's twisted is that former immigrants had acceptable expectations. Usually it was the second generation of immigrants that benefit the most. But to come here and to expect to get a job ahead of those that lived here all their lives, made connections, got North American experience is a little ambitious. Canadian born PhDs don't all have great jobs you know. To those that achieve all the best to you.
they came here to build a future, to integrate to society not to depend on welfare.. yet they are not given the chance and eventually end up on welfare..and you cry your hard out about those immigrants who dont contribute, dont pay taxes.... by they way Canada lacks PHD's and doctors.... and so immigration policy is geared so as to fill those gaps... but the skilled worker who was allowed into canada on that basis is rejected.... and then blamed for all crimes and economic woosss.....


Sep 9, 2001
they came here to build a future, to integrate to society not to depend on welfare.. "

Never mentioned welfare.

"yet they are not given the chance and eventually end up on welfare..and you cry your hard out about those immigrants who dont contribute, dont pay taxes.... "

Never said that either. We all met people that talk like that. And many get hurt by statements like that because either from their own experiences or by others close to them have experienced hard times and know otherwise how difficult it is to adjust in a new society. If Canadian born citizens, of all races, of all religions find it hard to find a new job I'm just saying you have to be realistic that newcomers will have difficulties unless the labour supply is short of workers.

"by they way Canada lacks PHD's and doctors.... "

Depends on which PhDs you are refering to. PhD in Philosophy? In history? Or biotechnology?

"and so immigration policy is geared so as to fill those gaps... but the skilled worker who was allowed into canada on that basis is rejected.... and then blamed for all crimes and economic woosss....."

Business is business. If IBM, Royal Bank or whomever needed skilled workers and they were available they would hire them. Do you actually think a businessman would say..."I need a skilled worker, oh wait none are available except this guy that just arrived from overseas...Nah won't give him a chance and will let me business suffer."

Don't see that happening. If businesses are like that why is India and China booming with outsourcing jobs?
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Marco said:
Hi Druken Master!

(Marco Hugs and Kisses Druken Master)

To quote you:
"Keep on trying to keep Canada white, Christian and pure, dude"

I am? Not sure where you got that idea. By the way my nickname here is my real name and suits my ethnicity. Guess it didn't sound "ethnic" to you. Nevertheless, my name suits me as I'm not white but a visible minority.

But of course you would never believe that. Sorry for my defense of Christianity. It obviously rang some truth.
Drunken Master. I worked long and hard to get my reputation as a drunk, and I'll thank you to respect that.

Thanks also for the kiss. I'll take what I can get.

As for your ethnicity, I do believe you, and I don't give a damn. I can't help but see what you've had to say about immigration here in the context of your far less coherent comments about Jews.


Sep 9, 2001
"I can't help but see what you've had to say about immigration here in the context of your far less coherent comments about Jews."

Right, lump me the racist white bigot.

Then when I post an article on some anti-semitic group protesting everytime a movie opens in some country and whine about about it being anti semitic (the movie was about a Jewish man being crucified and the ordeals his friends, mother, brother and family went through. Oh, and the most touching part for me was how that Jewish man carried the cross for him as the Romans whipped him.) I lumped that group into the same group in Israel responsible for turning hitech weapons of destruction on civilians. Now I'm racist against the Jews despite defending a movie concerning the ordeals of a Jewish man.

Make sense?

Not to me. Perahps to those that justify the Khandr family fighting against our side and then wanting to come back over here without being tried for treason.


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
onthebottom said:
It's "what does this HAVE to do with this thread" geez. (it's a sad day when I'm annoyed by grammar)

Tall tree and a short rope if you ask me. The US military is an all-volunteer professional military that need not ask if the solders agree with the mission they are assigned only if they can accomplish it. Hang em all.




Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Marco said:

That is true. The physician shortage is just politics. The OMA wants to keep the supply of doctors low so that their members can work 9 to 5, sometimes four sometimes five days a week and cram in all their appointments and make their 100k plus a year. Same with dentists. Keep supply low so that the wages remain high and not to make the mistake they did with lawyers.

I know this is off topic but do you mean to tell me your Doctors only make 100k a year and are part of a union? Unbelivable.



Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
Hmmm...quite the interesting results so far. I had actually never intended for this poll to become a debate about immigration or refugees; although it is likely resonable to assume that it would given the nature of the poll. There is no doubt that this is a contorversial issue and, although I did sign the petition, I did so not expecting the Khadrs to be deported but to make a statement that this type of behaviour should not be tolerated by Canadian citizens be they white, black, pink, purple, christian, muslim, jewish, hindu, buddist, seik or otherwise. In the poll I actually voted for them to be prosecuted.

They have clearly taken part in Al Qaida activities and they were clearly engaged in hostilities against allied troops. It does not matter if those troops were from Pakistan, America or Canada. An assault against any of those allies is an assault against them all (thus the term allies). Ergo these people may just as well have attacked Canadian forces and, in reality we don't necessarily know that they did not.

I actually believe that this family should be allowed back into is their right. Having said that, they should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law should charges be warranted.

For the sake of interest I added the forth option to the poll in order to gain an understanding of the level of reactionary zealots on both sides of the fence. It's pretty clear on the "deport them" side of the fence who may be called, for lack of a better term, over zealous. On the flip side of that, being that it is politically incorrect and virtually a moral abomination to ever question the opinions of left wing apologists, I thought I'd throw the final option out there.

I was very careful in my original post to not make a mention of race or religion because to me it does not matter a single bit. If ANYBODY leaves this country and openly admits to being a part of any terrorist organization and conducts any hostilities against this country or the allies of this country for a conflict that we, as a country, are also engaged in, they, in my mind have committed treason.

I wonder if 18% of the respondants that classified me a a biggot would vote the same if the Khadrs had been Irish and went over to conduct hostilities against england (and, in a purely hypothetical case killed or attacked canadian troops or our allies). I, personally would have made the same post if the people had been named o'toole as opposed to Khadr...I find terrorism and treason dispicable no matter what race the person is that commits it. It is sad to see that some people do not necessarily feel the same way and, possibly, change their view on a subject depending on race.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
WRT the healthcare arguement, does it not follow that once this little terrorist and his family meet the minimum residence requirements that he will then be eligible for full access to our healthcare system?

I have no problem with that as criminals have access as do we (equal access to all). I'd just feel more comfortable if his medical treatment was administered first in a youth correctional facility then in Kingston Pen


Feb 19, 2003
For the record, they've been Canadian citizens since 1979. The kid was born here. His father indoctrinated him with extremist Al Qaida views and enlisted him terrorist training camps. How accountable is he for what his parents have done to brainwash him to the evils of the US?

By the way, the residency requirement is only 3 months before he can access healthcare. I thought it was longer.



New member
Nov 14, 2003
Re: Re: Re: A Question for Kathleen et al

The Shake said:
Have the Khadrs?

Have the Khadrs?

That's a criminal issue. Do we strip the citizenship of Hell's Angels? No. We charge them, try them, and punish them.


The 14 yr old was injured fighting Pakistani forces who are US allies, as is Canada, and is considered as fighting Canada. So he has definitely broken the law.

The mother when in Pakistan did say she found our society to be bad and she supported the Al Qeada. This organisation killed 3000 People some canadian so she is guilty too.

Also all the sons attended Al Qeada Training camps which makes them equally culpable.


New member
Nov 14, 2003
yychobbyist said:
Just keep in mind that this "piece of human garbage" is 14 years old.
Does the age make him excusable. He had a gun and was fighting allied forces. He is a piece of garbage. I dont know whether he is human but calling him an animal would be an insult to the animals.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Re: Re: Re: Re: A Question for Kathleen et al

kanjoosm said:

The 14 yr old was injured figthing Pakistani forces who US allies as is Canada so considered as fighting Canada. So he has definitely broken the law.
Really? What law is that? You are dead wrong on that part.

The mother when in Pakistan did say she found our society to be bad and she supported the Al Qeada. Thsi organisation killed 3000 Peopel some canadian so she is guilty too.
Guilty of what crime?

It is not a crime to think horrible things or agree with murderous fanatics.

Also all the sons attended Al Qeada Training camps which makes the equally culpable.
First, I'm not sure how culpable a pre-teen (the kid is 14 now, so how old was he then?) is in this situation. Regardless, if they are guilty of a crime, try them for it. You can't just strip someone's citizenship because of what we think they have done.


New member
Nov 14, 2003
I never said we should strip them of their citizenship. I definitely am in the camp that says prosecute them and once found guilty punish them.

Fighting against our Country's army makes them Hostile aliens.

I come from South Asia myself and have seen 12-14 yr old become terrorists in these training camps and kill many innocent citizens. so age is not a factor in argument here.

She not only agreed with Murderous fanatics but according to her own son (the 20 year old) they were close to Bin Laden and lived in an Al Qeada compund. MY friend Shake if you can please look at these things in perspective.

after this i do not want to be involved in further arguments. I believe that not only they should be prosecuted but we should ensure that our immigration policy keeps out the garbage of the world.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
kanjoosm said:
I never said we should strip them of their citizenship. I definitely am in the camp that says prosecute them and once found guilty punish them.
Me too!

Fighting against our Country's army makes them Hostile aliens.
They have not fought against our country's army and, as far as I am aware, we do not have any formal military pact with Pakistan in this regard.

I come from South Asia myself and have seen 12-14 yr old become terrorists in these training camps and kill many innocent citizens. so age is not a factor in argument here.
I understand you point, but can't entirely agree. I'm just not willing to treat a brainwashed 14 year old as either irredeemable or fully culpable in this matter.

She not only agreed with Murderous fanatics but according to her own son (the 20 year old) they were close to Bin Laden and lived in an Al Qeada compund.
The older son seems to change his story by the month. If we have evidence that they are members of a terrorist organization, then they should be prosecuted. Right now, people are ready to lynch the woman simply because she's said she agrees with those bastards.

MY friend Shake if you can please look at these things in perspective.

but we should ensure that our immigration policy keeps out the garbage of the world.
This is the only part of your post that bothers me (even if I disagree with your other points, they are well argued). This has NOTHING to do with immigration policy. These people are CANADIANS. Period.


New member
Nov 14, 2003
That part of my post meant that we should amend our Immigration policy to ensure that Canada gets quality immigrants in the future and not the grabage of the world That no other country wants.

Again Shake, Pakistan is a one of the countries along with Canada that is an US Ally in Afghanistan and hence fighting against any one of the allies is considered aggression again all of the allies. Thus by association, The piece of shit was fighting Canadian Army.


Feb 19, 2003
galt said:

For the sake of interest I added the forth option to the poll in order to gain an understanding of the level of reactionary zealots on both sides of the fence. It's pretty clear on the "deport them" side of the fence who may be called, for lack of a better term, over zealous. On the flip side of that, being that it is politically incorrect and virtually a moral abomination to ever question the opinions of left wing apologists, I thought I'd throw the final option out there.

I was very careful in my original post to not make a mention of race or religion because to me it does not matter a single bit. If ANYBODY leaves this country and openly admits to being a part of any terrorist organization and conducts any hostilities against this country or the allies of this country for a conflict that we, as a country, are also engaged in, they, in my mind have committed treason.

I wonder if 18% of the respondants that classified me a a biggot would vote the same if the Khadrs had been Irish and went over to conduct hostilities against england (and, in a purely hypothetical case killed or attacked canadian troops or our allies). I, personally would have made the same post if the people had been named o'toole as opposed to Khadr...I find terrorism and treason dispicable no matter what race the person is that commits it. It is sad to see that some people do not necessarily feel the same way and, possibly, change their view on a subject depending on race.
Perhaps the 18 per cent who picked the 4th option labeled you a bigot because you framed the discussion in such a biased fashion without presenting neutral arguments representing both sides of the debate. Just look at the heading of the poll, "Canada welcomes terrorists with open arms". You simply fanned the flames of intolerance and lynch mob mentality.

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