Canada welcomes terroists with open arms

Canada welcomes terrorists with open arms

  • Deport them

    Votes: 40 48.2%
  • Prosecute them for terrorism and or treason

    Votes: 22 26.5%
  • Let them stay

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • Galt is a politically incorrect bigot for soliciting this poll

    Votes: 12 14.5%

  • Total voters

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
hehehe said:
Shake, I hope your numbers are correct. If they are it's good to know most immigrants fall under skilled worker catagory and refugees only account for 10% of the immigrants.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Canada is a very beautiful country, protect it, don't destroy it.
Here are some figures from 2002.

Immigrants - 197,236 (87%)
Refugees - 30,064 (13%)
Total - 227,300

Immigrant Breakdown

Skilled workers - 118,510 (60%)
Other workers (business owners, live-in nannys, etc.) - 13,644 (7%)
Family - 60,566 (31%)

Refugee Breakdown

Government assisted - 10,666 (35%)
Privately sponsored - 2,913 (10%)
Dependents - 3,494 (12%)
Landed refugees (the ones that bother you) - 12,991 (43%)

Of the landed refugee group, I do not know how many arrived without ID, however I believe that it is less than half.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Just to add to those numbers, the "landed refugee" group represents 5.6% of total immigration to Canada (in 2002). As a percentage of Canada's population, that's about 0.04%.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

at countries that have low rates of immigration, you will find static GDP growth and a hardening of the attitudes. Immigrants are often the people who can most appreciate all that Canada (or the US) has to offer.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
I fail to see how this fourteen-year-old is any less a victim of Islamist violence than the victims of 9/11. He can hardly have choosen where was born or who his father was. As a result of these accidents of fate, and the reprehensible actions of his parents, this child now gets to be paralysed for life.

A candidate for deporation? Don't make me sick. A candidate for compassion? Yes.

His mother might well be charged with child endangerment.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002


New member
Nov 25, 2003
excellent job shake, kudos

as someone of irish and scottish heritage I KNOW my family came to canada as immigrants 4 generations ago

i don't believe that percieved "time in" or skin colour counts for beans on the scales of equality


New member
Jan 20, 2003
I haven't read through the whole thing, so forgive me if my comment is repetative or in any other way redundant.

But, without going into rants and raves. The immigration policies in Canada are a joke. Legitimate immagrants, those who are willing to contribute to society, those with skills to offer, come on in, we need to build a nation of skilled workers, tradesmen etc.

But, & that's a big but, if they are not able to contribute, then keep them out. It seems that anyone who claims refugee status is allowed into the country. A recent television interview with the ex head of immigration revealed that those allowed into the country are given a two year grace period while background checks are run etc, if the government then finds that they have entered under false pretences etc. Then they have to start legal proceeding to get them out of the country, which can take years, then even if they are found worthy of deporting, they may have disappered, and then "we don't have the funds to start tracking them down"...idiotic, keep them out in the first place.

An example, I was talking to a fellow from Cuba a while ago, he moved here with his wife and new born baby about three years ago. In telling me his story he said that he didn't speak the language, his wife still doesn't, and he runs a cleaning business. He had no particular skills, so that is what he does. Now, can a Canadian not clean?

As I said, if they have something to contribute great, but under no circumstances should we allow immigrants to enter from a country that we are fighting. Call it a police action, call it peace keeping, I call it bullshit, these guys are killing our boys. keep them out.

It's time we stopped this political correct bullshit and started showing some backbone. It's a sad state of affairs when a person cannot voice an opinion that is unpopular without being labelled a racist. I don't give a crap what color your skin is, it's what you do that amkes you the person you are, not were your from.

I wonder what the men that gave their lives for this country would think now. Oh and before someone starts about they died for freedom, ask any vet still living, 90% will tell you that we should close the doors to these people.

Not legitimate immigrants but these guys with obvious ties to trerrorism. So much for my not ranting, sorry.


Feb 19, 2003
As I stated above, the kid has been out of Canada too long to receive free medical attention. There's residency requirements to access our taxpayer funded health care.



Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
hehehe said:
Nice post, Spuds.
Both hehehe and Spuds typify xenophobic isolationists. Apparently xenophobia is alive and well in Canada. I bet if you two were together and weren't being as politically correct as you are here, you would advocate shaving your heads and getting out the spray paint.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
Spuds said:
An example, I was talking to a fellow from Cuba a while ago, he moved here with his wife and new born baby about three years ago. In telling me his story he said that he didn't speak the language, his wife still doesn't, and he runs a cleaning business. He had no particular skills, so that is what he does. Now, can a Canadian not clean?
Maybe you should apply for the job, Spuds.


New member
Nov 25, 2003
I have an Italian friend that is an immigrant. He makes a very healthy income in sales. What a bastard, taking all that earned income from a Canadian.

Spuds, hehehe, maybe he should quit that job and get back to building your houses and making your suits eh? Certainly your resumes as "Canadians" would qualify for the job, hell as "Canadians" you guys could probably do it better eh?

Take off you hosers, you embarass our flag eh?

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
hehehe said:
Remember we said "contributing immigrants are welcome"?

Welcome the upstanding, hard-working people with open arms but get rid of the parasites.
Fine, but...

Spuds said:
An example, I was talking to a fellow from Cuba a while ago, he moved here with his wife and new born baby about three years ago. In telling me his story he said that he didn't speak the language, his wife still doesn't, and he runs a cleaning business. He had no particular skills, so that is what he does. Now, can a Canadian not clean?
How is this guy not contributing?

You guys need to make up your minds. Are they greedy jerks who are taking our jobs, or lazy bums who won't work?


New member
Jan 22, 2003
hehehe said:
Remember we said "contributing immigrants are welcome"?

I know what I wrote previously were very un-political correct but somebody's gotta say it. A lot of the immigrants have contributed so much to Canada and US. I'm not denying that, everybody's ancestors were once immigrants. All I was trying to say is immigration system needs an overhaul. It's attracted too many lazy people who exploit Canadian people's generocity, not to mention criminals wanted in other countries.

Welcome the upstanding, hard-working people with open arms but get rid of the parasites.
I know PHDs that drive taxi cabs and deliver pizza's, and I know some without highschool degrees that run businesses (large and small).... which ones bother you the most??.... yes I know you want PHD's only to come here with their families and slave away while your "canadian" son will get a $16/hr summer-job at the golf club.... SKILLED imigrants are not getting the opportunities they deserve, they risk their futures by coming here, only to be degraded by people like you.....

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Spuds said:
But, & that's a big but, if they are not able to contribute, then keep them out.

In a country as wealthy and privileged as ours, why should what "they can do for us" be the only criteria upon which we judge someone's suitability to come to Canada? What is so wrong with making a humanitarian decision, as opposed to a simple economic one?

It seems that anyone who claims refugee status is allowed into the country.
Really? Do you have any facts to back that up?

"we don't have the funds to start tracking them down"
We agree on this point. The process should be faster and those who are rejected out should be kicked out, no matter what! To do otherwise undermines public faith in the entire process and taints the reputation of legitimate refugee claimants.

...idiotic, keep them out in the first place.
Why? Just because a small percentage abuse the system, others shouldn't be penalized.

An example, I was talking to a fellow from Cuba a while ago, he moved here with his wife and new born baby about three years ago. In telling me his story he said that he didn't speak the language, his wife still doesn't, and he runs a cleaning business. He had no particular skills, so that is what he does.
I fail to see anything wrong with this situation. We've allowed a family to escape from a Communist dictatorship, and they've become hard working taxpayers. What's the problem with that?

Now, can a Canadian not clean?
Sigh. Are you really that ignorant?

I don't think this kind of xenophobia even merits a response.

under no circumstances should we allow immigrants to enter from a country that we are fighting.
What country would that be?

The last time I checked, Canada wasn't at war with any country.

Even if we were, why should that preclude accepting people fleeing persecution in said countries? Doesn't that just make sense?

I call it bullshit, these guys are killing our boys. keep them out.
What guys?

Keep who out?

It's time we stopped this political correct bullshit
What bullshit? Are you hyperventilating?

and started showing some backbone.

It's a sad state of affairs when a person cannot voice an opinion that is unpopular without being labelled a racist.
If the statement is racist then it deserves to be identified as such. The relative popularity (or lack thereof) of the statement is immaterial.

it's what you do that amkes you the person you are, not were your from.
Really? Virtually everything you've argued above contradicts that statement.

ask any vet still living, 90% will tell you that we should close the doors.
Yes, because Lord knows that you've conducted a scientific sample with an unbiased questionnaire.

to these people.
What people?

guys with obvious ties to trerrorism.
Okay, so you're back on the Khadrs and off your generally anti-refugee rant?

The Khadrs are scum, but they are Canadian citizens. They are not refugees seeking asylum, they are CANADIANS. Not landed immigrants - CANADIAN CITIZENS.

If they have terrorist ties, they should be charged, tried, and upon conviction, locked up to rot.

To use those jerks as the basis for your anti-refugee rantings, however, is spurious and bigoted.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
Spuds said:

In telling me his story he said that he didn't speak the language, his wife still doesn't, and he runs a cleaning business. He had no particular skills, so that is what he does.

It's time we stopped this political correct bullshit and started showing some backbone. It's a sad state of affairs when a person cannot voice an opinion that is unpopular without being labelled a racist. I don't give a crap what color your skin is, it's what you do that amkes you the person you are, not were your from.

So this guy has a job, pays his taxes, probably contributes as much to his society as you do, but your main problem with him is that he doesn't speak perfect English? Gee, I wonder why anyone would label you a racist...

Why is it whenever someone announces they arn't going to be "politically correct" they inevitably say something that's just plain old "intellectually stupid"?


Sep 9, 2001
"SKILLED imigrants are not getting the opportunities they deserve, they risk their futures by coming here, only to be degraded by people like you....."


If I move to the US and not get a job whose fault is it? You take a risk when you leave a country. If you don't find what you deserve here then tough! You took your chances by coming here. And tell me how many of these people come from countries where welfare, medicare and cheap education are found?

By the way, what's twisted is that former immigrants had acceptable expectations. Usually it was the second generation of immigrants that benefit the most. But to come here and to expect to get a job ahead of those that lived here all their lives, made connections, got North American experience is a little ambitious. Canadian born PhDs don't all have great jobs you know. To those that achieve all the best to you.


Sep 9, 2001
"The last time I checked, Canada wasn't at war with any country."

Canadians died in 911. Canada sent their token soldiers to Afghanistan. We lost lives in Afghanistan. We have those that fought against our side coming here again after leaving to fight against us...

Don't get me wrong that is really really messed up. But what really is messed up how some Canadians aren't even aware of all this.

Feel for those fighting overseas for Canada laying all on the line. Its like Vietnam they go unnoticed and only get criticized for it in the end.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Marco said:
If I move to the US and not get a job whose fault is it? You take a risk when you leave a country. If you don't find what you deserve here then tough! You took your chances by coming here. And tell me how many of these people come from countries where welfare, medicare and cheap education are found?
Marco - the problem is that we all suffer because of this. For example, there is a severe family doctor shortage in Central and Northern Ontario. There are also many immigrants with medical qualifications from other countries who are under-employed. For a variety of reasons (including bureaucratic incompetence and the doctor's union trying to protect its own turf), those people are not allowed to practice medicine here. I don't care who's fault it is - its just a loss for the immigrant and for our country.

As for your comments about expectations versus reality, I found them to be quite insightful. I hadn't thought about it that way before and I believe you're quite correct in your analysis.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
To quote Marco:

The Passion
Anti semitism? What about anti Catholicism? All these rants on the media about people going bezerk after watching that movie. If you watch it you will discover that Christ was a Jew and advocated preaching of Judaism. If you watched it you would learn that it was the Romans that butchered him for political convenience. If you watched it you would have seen his Jewish mother and friends cry for him and how a Jewish man helped him carry the cross. I think Jews are being way to sensitive about that movie. I think what they fear is a mass conversion to Christianity.

Did you know that Jewish religious organizations have a big pedophile problem as well? Yet who does the Jewish media focus on? Catholic priests.

Anti Semitism? So what are the Jews doing back at home? Who are they killing with their armies? Is that not racism?

Keep on trying to keep Canada white, Christian and pure, dude.

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