Discreet Dolls

Canada welcomes terroists with open arms

Canada welcomes terrorists with open arms

  • Deport them

    Votes: 40 48.2%
  • Prosecute them for terrorism and or treason

    Votes: 22 26.5%
  • Let them stay

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • Galt is a politically incorrect bigot for soliciting this poll

    Votes: 12 14.5%

  • Total voters


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
Don said:
Should they be deported? NO. Am I embarassed that they are Canadians? YES. If they are found guilty of an crime here then they should pay but right now they haven't been found guilty yet of anything
I agree...they should not be deported....whether we like it or not they are canadian citizens and I do not think that citizenship is revoakable. I also agree that they have not been found guilty of anything. However, if there is reasonable evidence to charge them with either terrorism, sedition or treason then they should be charged, incarcerated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!
the newly landed and the refugees should go through an extended probationary period. If they at any time during this period...steal, rape, kill, etc. send them away; let their motherland deal with them. If they will get tortured back home...good, I couldn't care less. They should have/would have known this prior to their crime. It should be a privilege to live in our beautiful country, not a right.
In reference to the two pieces of shit; I will not comment on them because I will contradict myself. But I will say, let's remember that one friend we all have that works hard, and is educated, or that Romanian dancer with her little girl back home that she hasn't seen in a year (we all know one of these too) that keeps applying to become a Can. citizen but just can't seem prevail. Let's remember those people before we cast our vote in this poll.

my humble 2 cents.

nice thread guys


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
I agree with your second paragraph baci...that's exactly why I had hoped this thread would not turn into one about immigration but how we treat (harbour) terrorists and other low lifes be they immigrints or otherwise. I firmly believe these people should be investigated and, if necessary, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
wow...I just went out and checked the petition...when I first posted this thread there were slightly ovr 500 names on it...now there is well over 10,000.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
10 000 misinformed.

Don't know how I missed this jewel of a thread.

You can't lose citizenship unless you obtained it fraudulently. In other words, the Khadr case has zero to do with citizenship.

These people must've broken a few laws by their actions. If a police investigation finds they did, then they should be charged.

Personally, I think there are going to be pretty convincing extenuating circumstances here. The injured boy is 14. I don't think it would be right to hold him accountable for the actions he took. The older son, the one who was the subject of the CBC documentary, seems to have tried to redeem himself by working against A.Q. That should be taken into account. The mother is an adult, and stupidity is no excuse for breaking the law. She should be charged and jailed.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts