
best friend is dating an SP I saw but he doesnt know she escorts


New member
Sep 16, 2014
I got shocked when I saw their pics on facebook, I asked him about it and seems they are going for an LTR

Should I let him have fun for a while or should I tell him immediately?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I got shocked when I saw their pics on facebook, I asked him about it and seems they are going for an LTR

Should I let him have fun for a while or should I tell him immediately?
Tell us who she is.:eyebrows:


Active member
Aug 27, 2011
"Don't ask, don't tell" lol
In any case, even if you friend is going to find out about it, never ever reveal to him that you saw her.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Last edited:


Jan 31, 2005
This comes up now and then. The best advice has always been to talk to HER, not him. Tell her you know and tell her to find a way to let him know. Then wait. Let it work itself out between them in the context of the relationship they have.

You talking to her will put some pressure on her to come clean with him, but in her own way and on her own terms.


New member
May 28, 2011
Does your friend know you see escorts, and if not, do you want him to know? No idea about your personal life, but would him knowing that have potential impact on your life? I don't know how you plan to tell him without otherwise outing yourself in this. Maybe he already knows what she does and gets off on it. I know a guy who is dating a well known escort and totally loves that she does that, but then he has dated lots of strippers and escorts already.


Jan 24, 2004
Is she trying to play him for some reason? If no, stay out of it as it is none of your business.


I have a Really Cool Wife
Jul 19, 2006
What is the big deal here? Can't SPs have a personal life outside of the business? Can't SPs have a regular life after the business. Maybe he knows about it already. When a SP meets a client it is a business transaction not an emotional relationship. With this in mind is she really cheating on him? I say stay out of it. If you seen a friends girlfriend having an affair it would be a different matter.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
No, don't fucking tell her anything.

Just observe your friend and let him figure it out on his own. Slowly start to infiltrate his mind to see how much he knows about her and all.

If he is your friend for real, you don't want to tell him what to do. Sometimes friends need to be hurt to learn a lesson, as long as they can recover from it or it does not hurt their real life and/or others in it.

If you sense he's falling for her, and eventually wants to marry this girl, but still don't know about it then you need to fucking tell him and still try to find ways to protect what they have. Although, if I was getting married to somebody I would expect that I know these things especially if it was going on during when we were dating.

If its just casual dating and stuff, just fuck it, let him have his fun and learn the hard way, just be in the sidelines if you need to jump in to give him a lifeline.

Raging Light

New member
Aug 15, 2015
Stay out of it all together. The best way to lose a friend is to interfere in his personal relationships. He'll find out on his own. Things like that always come to the surface if you're in the relationship long enough.

Plus, your friend is getting to enjoy better sex with her for free while you're having to pay. Give the man a pat on the back. Let him have his fun. The relationship will end by itself without any help or intervention from you.

The longer you're in a relationship with someone, the harder it's going to be to hide something of that magnitude.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I got shocked when I saw their pics on facebook, I asked him about it and seems they are going for an LTR

Should I let him have fun for a while or should I tell him immediately?
How do you know for sure that he doesn't know that she escorts? Maybe she is transitioning out of the trade even? Does your friend see escorts and does he know that you do as well? If your friend finds out that you knew about her but didn't tell him, then what?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You and she both know the truth about her, so you can talk to her about it. She doesn't know about your friendship with the guy she's dating, so it would be only fair to tell her about that complication in her relationship. At that point you and she share a problem: How and what to tell your friend/her boyfriend. That's a personal issue for both of you, with personal consequences all round, but at least you've gotten your client/SP issue out where it doesn't cloud things, and the two of you can deal with it.

A very big concern you haven't mentioned is the very large difference between a retired SP and one still seeing clients — never mind seeing you — which would make for two entirely different scenarios.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Discretion works both ways . If this said provider saw you out and lets say you were with your wife , gf , parents , kids or friends how would you feel about her walking up to you and began to divulge information in front of them that would make them question you ? Why are you anymore worthy of discretion then she is ?
First of all how do you know your friend doesn't know ? Second does her being a provider mean she cant be in a relationship ? News flash I'd be willing to bet many of the ladies you see are in some type of relationship , sorry to spoil the fantasy for you but your favorite provider isn't sitting home waiting for your call because she cant wait to see you ! And third your tell all could hurt others why would you want to intentionally hurt someone ?
For those gents who posted in this thread and the other thread saying he should tell either her or him what he knows , shame on you ! You expect discretion and respect and yet your not willing to give it ? Basically you will sell a lady out at the slightest bit of pressure . Shame on you , respect merits respect !
To the OP if you are making up this story to either make yourself look like such a good friend or to make you feel good about yourself all I see is LOSER on every level ! Mind your own business !
Right on!

The lady is as deserving of being treated with respect and dignity -- and as deserving of your discretion -- as if she were your mother / daughter / sister. And even if you knew (say) she had a criminal record, it would still be none of your business.
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