Asshole of a cop on power trip detains NFL player rushing dying mom to hospital


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Rylan said:
Police Cheif is saying it was inappropriate behavior, so that is huge. When your boss says you fucked up then you fucked up.
Not according to tboy.
tboy said:
In regards to the quote Kirk included in his post: You know as well as I do that the various commissioners will apologize even if the cop wasn't wrong because it is POLITICAL.
The cop says he fucked up.
The Assistant Chief says the cop fucked up.
The Chief says the cop fucked up.

tboy seems to think the cop did a fine job.:rolleyes:


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
Malibook said:
Not according to tboy.
The cop says he fucked up.
The Assistant Chief says the cop fuck up.
The Chief says the cop fucked up.

tboy seems to think the cop did a fine job.

Dude - Tboy thought the cop that beat the 15 yr girl did a fine job as well. :rolleyes:

Sorry - wait! Let me get it straight. He didn't think that a couple of punches to the head, a kick to the stomach, hair pulling, wall and floor slamming of her body wasn't a beating, and the girl kicking her shoes off towards the officer at his request and being a lippy 15 yrs. warrented the amount of force the cop used.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Rylan said:
Dude - Tboy thought the cop that beat the 15 yr girl did a fine job as well. :rolleyes:

Sorry - wait! Let me get it straight. He didn`t think that a couple of punches to the head, a kick to the stomach, hair pulling, wall and floor slamming of her body wasn`t a beating, and the girl kicking her shoes off towards the officer at his request and being a lippy 15 yrs. warrented the amount of force the cop used.
Go back and read please, I specifically said that "the cop went way too far "

So, if you`re going to misquote me, I guess I can play that game too:

Rylan said:
.... all cops are assholes and the one in the prison tape ought to be executed and powell should be whipped


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
tboy said:
Go back and read please, I specifically said that "the cop went way too far "

So, if you`re going to misquote me, I guess I can play that game too:

You specificially said:

tboy said:
Yup, the cop went way too far but to call that a beating is ridiculous. .

and this:

tboy said:
1) They didn`t "beat her up"
and this:

tboy said:
If anything I feel the term should be: roughed her up a bit because frankly, that is a FAR cry from a beating or an assault.
So I didn`t mis-quote shit. You clearly stated she didn`t get a beating. They went to far but she wasn`t given a beating, which is what I wrote above. I made sure to get it straight.

You are of course will not admit that, but I already know that. Another thread that shows the famous "tboy logic" that soooooo many people disagree with. :rolleyes:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Rylan said:
Dude - Tboy thought the cop that beat the 15 yr girl did a fine job as well. :rolleyes:

I rest my case, if you REALLY didn't mean to misquote me, you wouldn't have put that in, you would have simply deleted it before or after posting.

Nice try......


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
tboy said:
I rest my case, if you REALLY didn't mean to misquote me, you wouldn't have put that in, you would have simply deleted it before or after posting.

Nice try......

It was sarcasm. That is why I wrote that you didn't think it was a beating right after wards, in the same post and to which I have now just actually quoted three times. I didn't even quote you the first time, so how can that be a mis-quote?

So nice try bud, but it didn't work.

Now why don't you answer this simple question, if you can with a simple yes or no. Do you think that the cop beat the 15 yr old girl? Yes or No


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Rylan said:
It was sarcasm. That is why I wrote that you didn't think it was a beating right after wards, in the same post and to which I have now just actually quoted three times. I didn't even quote you the first time, so how can that be a mis-quote?

So nice try bud, but it didn't work.

Now why don't you answer this simple question, if you can with a simple yes or no. Do you think that the cop beat the 15 yr old girl? Yes or No

Just in case you didn't get that:


Maybe in your world where men walk around with mangina's, purses, and talk with a lisp, maybe if you never REALLY saw a beating, or were a victim of a beating, or put a beating on someone, maybe if you saw how some 15 yr olds take and throw a beating, you'd know what a beating is.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
tboy said:

Thank you. That was the point I was making in my original post to Malibook.

I made my sarcastic comment with the little rolled eyes smiley which I thought showed my sarcasm, to which if you didn't take as such, then I am sorry.

I then went on to explain that you did not think she was beaten. No mis-quoting at all.

EDIT: You know what, you just showed how completely childish you are.

You give the simple yes or no answer, wait for me to reply to that then go back and add all the rest.

I have gone as far as even apologizing to you for you mis understanding my post, and you still play this game. Thanks for proving what an asshole you can truly be when you want to Tboy.

I rest my case on how and why I have the low opinion of you that I do. Thanks for playing.
Last edited:


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Dallas Star Editorial


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Yahoo! Buzz

Editorial: Dallas cop doesn’t deserve his badge

06:54 PM CDT on Thursday, March 26, 2009

The conduct of Dallas police Officer Robert Powell in the Ryan Moats matter beggars belief. A frantic Moats, emergency flashers blinking, had run a red light rushing to Baylor Regional Medical Center in Plano, where his wife’s mother was upstairs dying.

'I can screw you over'
Excerpts from the 17-minute exchange between Dallas police Officer Robert Powell and Ryan Moats last week. The video is available in edited and unedited form at

Moats: "You really want to go through this right now? My mother-in-law is dying. Right now! … I got seconds before she’s dying, man!"

Powell: "If my mom was dying, I’d probably be a little upset, too, but when I saw flashing red and blue [lights], I’d stop."

Moats: "If you’re going to give me a ticket, just give me a ticket. … All I’m asking you is just hurry up."

Powell: "I can screw you over. I’d rather not do that. … I could charge you with fleeing right now. Understand what I could do. … I could make your life very difficult."
Moats stood outside the emergency room pleading with the officer to let him go so he could say goodbye to his mother-in-law. The officer was unmoved.

“I can screw you over,” he told Moats, as he took his time writing a ticket for running that red light. “I’d rather not do that.”

By the time Powell finished, about 15 minutes after the stop, Jonetta Collinsworth was dead.

Moats didn’t get there in time.

I can screw you over. True enough. And that’s why Robert Powell, despite an otherwise clean service record, has no business on the street as a Dallas cop.

In a society ruled by law, a sacred contract exists between the police and the people they protect and serve. We grant them extraordinary powers and need them to do their duty to keep the rest of us safe. We also expect them to use those powers wisely. When they abuse power — one or all — they cede authority.

Judging from the videotape from the officer’s car, the young cop — 25 years old, with only three years on the job — abused the power of his badge. Yes, Moats violated a traffic law; under the circumstances, who wouldn’t? Powell may have been within his rights to sanction Moats, but how he did it was appallingly unjust and cruel.

Worse, Powell speaks on the tape like a penny-ante sadist relishing the power he had to ruin someone’s evening. Even as hospital personnel emerged to vouch for the family’s desperate situation, Powell remained unmoved. There is no evidence that Powell, who is white, acted out of racist motive toward Moats, a black NFL running back, but that suspicion is on a lot of minds today.

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Blog: Opinion
When the face of the law belongs to an immature officer who uses it to poke desperate citizens for apparent pleasure, it stains an entire department. Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle has demonstrated time and again that he takes this behavior seriously. We expect that he will oversee a complete investigation and administer appropriate punishment — including dismissal, if warranted by a cool-headed appraisal of the facts.

The truth is, there are Dallas cops guilty of worse fired by Kunkle, only to be reinstated on appeal. If Powell gets pink-slipped for this, he could join them. That might be a legal outcome, but in light of what the Moats incident reveals about Powell’s temperament, an unjust one. What bitter irony that would be.

No appeals judge can take away the penalty of self-knowledge Powell has to live with forever: that in a matter of life and death, he screwed over a fellow human being. Just because he could.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Rylan said:
Thank you. That was the point I was making in my original post to Malibook.

I made my sarcastic comment with the little rolled eyes smiley which I thought showed my sarcasm, to which if you didn't take as such, then I am sorry.

I then went on to explain that you did not think she was beaten. No mis-quoting at all.

EDIT: You know what, you just showed how completely childish you are.

You give the simple yes or no answer, wait for me to reply to that then go back and add all the rest.

I have gone as far as even apologizing to you for you mis understanding my post, and you still play this game. Thanks for proving what an asshole you can truly be when you want to Tboy.

I rest my case on how and why I have the low opinion of you that I do. Thanks for playing.
And this is why I think you're an idiot of the highest proportions. I did not wait for you to reply, I began editing it almost immediately following my posting of the original "no". I often do this after posting kind of having something to add after hitting the submit reply button.

But of course you wont' believe this, you have this ingrained attitude that you somehow know me and know all (like that johnny carson character) but you really don't know half of what you think you do.

I remind you that it is almost always proven that when someone thinks they know everything, they actually know very little.

I really think you ought to go see someone for this obession you have with is really getting out of hand! lol.....Don't worry, you're not the first nor will you be the last, I would say you're in good company but that would be stretching it......


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Malibook said:
Yes, you are a very good reminder of this.
A prime example. :D
Sorry, I don't claim to know everything, but I claim to have an opinion on quite a few things.....


New member
Dec 29, 2007
OOOHHH and Tboy, if we wanted your opinion, we would give it to you. You obviously lack common sense and decency. Again, as for someone thinking he knows it all, you pretty much know nothing about anything. Any chance you are blonde?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
coolcat said:
OOOHHH and Tboy, if we wanted your opinion, we would give it to you. You obviously lack common sense and decency. Again, as for someone thinking he knows it all, you pretty much know nothing about anything. Any chance you are blonde?
Hmmm did someone fart?


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I hope you didn't lose anymore braincells Tboy. It's not like you have any left to spare!!


New member
Sep 13, 2006
coolcat said:
OOOHHH and Tboy, if we wanted your opinion, we would give it to you. You obviously lack common sense and decency. Again, as for someone thinking he knows it all, you pretty much know nothing about anything. Any chance you are blonde?
Blondes are HOT!!! LOL LOL!


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
tboy said:
And this is why I think you're an idiot of the highest proportions. I did not wait for you to reply, I began editing it almost immediately following my posting of the original "no". I often do this after posting kind of having something to add after hitting the submit reply button.

But of course you wont' believe this, you have this ingrained attitude that you somehow know me and know all (like that johnny carson character) but you really don't know half of what you think you do.

I remind you that it is almost always proven that when someone thinks they know everything, they actually know very little.

I really think you ought to go see someone for this obession you have with is really getting out of hand! lol.....Don't worry, you're not the first nor will you be the last, I would say you're in good company but that would be stretching it......

Then you have proved what an idiot you can be too if you want to be. Thanks. Oh and how you can not just answer a simple question with a yes or no. You are incapable of it apparently. Sad that a grown man can't do this, can't admit when he is wrong, can't admit that he tries to come across as knowing everything, can't admit that everything he accuses others of doing is really a reflection of himself, can't admit that he bullies, can't admit that he has to have the last word, can't admit that just can't let things go, can't admit alot.

Either way it doesn't look good for you Tboy. It is no obsession. It is personal observation that many, many here agree with.

It is always said that when 90% of people are saying the same thing about you, they are usually right and you should start looking at yourself. Of course you won't do this, but that is okay. You keep living in your fair-tale world of Toronto Bitches, Cops who never doing anything wrong, and make your entire social life based on escorts and escort review board.

As the good ol' Cap't said in another thread, I too could care less what you think, You're not "winning", you're just causing people to lose interest, and I am another one.

So in closing I now need to go and write my thank you speech to all those on this board who have supported me in this time of idiotic and ignorant never ending debate that is Tboy's logic. {Code named:ILL} This one is going to take while, so many people to thank and I don't want to forget anyone, and this can be done.

Thanks to all who came out, have a wonderful day.:D


New member
Jan 21, 2005
I said to my kids many years ago that if they are psychos with average IQ be cops, if they are psychos with high IQ be investment bankers.

Unfortunately they are too full of the "milk of human kindness". You don't get far in life this way. Too bad.
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