Asshole of a cop on power trip detains NFL player rushing dying mom to hospital


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Malibook said:
You agree that it was a thoughtless action?
Since when?
Maybe there is some hope for you.:D
No, I don't agree that it was thoughtless, but yes I do agree that it could have been handled better (in the eyes of Moates), BUT my argument is and always will be, that to expect an officer to act 100% correctly, 100% of the time, everytime, and to sit back and judge their actions from the comfort of our computer desks is unreasonable and to call him an asshole for following the rule book to the letter is also unreasonable.

The reason I said "right" to that post is because only those who have never ever done anything wrong can sit back in judgement (and even Christ couldn't do that....)


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
The reason I said "right" to that post is because only those who have never ever done anything wrong can sit back in judgement (and even Christ couldn't do that....)
By that logic, nobody would ever be in a position to criticize anybody for anything.

We wouldn't even be able to have judges and juries because none of them are perfect.
I don't think we want innocent babies deciding our fates. :D


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Malibook said:
By that logic, nobody would ever be in a position to criticize anybody for anything.

We wouldn't even be able to have judges and juries because none of them are perfect.
I don't think we want innocent babies deciding our fates. :D
The difference being is that the judge's JOB is to judge based on a predetermined set of rules that are (supposed) to be applied equally to all. The jury's JOB is to make a judgement based on those same rules. Those decisions are not based on opinion, but fact and only those facts that are applicable via the set of rules are allowed. You can't just go into a court room and say "I feel that Mr X should die because he kicked a kitten".

In fact, people don't become judges until they have a great deal of experience and be deemed able and of a sound mind to be able to sit in judgement. Now of course some wackjobs get through (like that one that was suing for $1,000,000.00 over a ruined pair of pants) but for the most part, they are able to do their job well.

But I digress, if everyone worked under a microscope, what would we find out about them?


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
The difference being is that the judge's JOB is to judge based on a predetermined set of rules that are (supposed) to be applied equally to all. The jury's JOB is to make a judgement based on those same rules.
So what?
Almost anybody could be selected to sit on a jury.
It is no big deal and requires no special training.
Some of the people who think this cop is an asshole probably sat on a jury at some point in their life.
What does that have to do with anything?

There are degrees to sins.
Should someone who gets a speeding ticket not be allowed to have an opinion on a home invader?

Committing a sin does not negate one's ability to criticize sins.
Even a murderer can criticize a rapist or child molester and vice versa.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Malibook said:
So what?
Almost anybody could be selected to sit on a jury.
It is no big deal and requires no special training.
Some of the people who think this cop is an asshole probably sat on a jury at some point in their life.
What does that have to do with anything?

There are degrees to sins.
Should someone who gets a speeding ticket not be allowed to have an opinion on a home invader?

Committing a sin does not negate one's ability to criticize sins.
Even a murderer can criticize a rapist or child molester and vice versa.
Committing a sin DOES negate one's RIGHT to criticize sins. You cannot say: you made an error, you're an asshole, I made an error, I'm a saint. You can't say "do as I say, not as I do". Here's some proverbs for you "he who is without sin may cast the first stone". "Those in glass houses should not throw bricks" and there are many more......

A jury, while being untrained, is still bound by the laws and rules of court and presided over by a judge (who has the final say in the matter).

For eg: a jury can't just say "the death penalty" because they think Mr X was bad for kicking a cat. A jury trial isn't about opinion, it's about law and the rules that apply. Same as a judge: his decisions are not based on his personal opinion, but the law as well.

The main reason why I think people are unreasonable of their assessment of this case is because Powell probably stopped 1,000 cars who ran red lights/stop signs/broke a traffic law and probably heard 1,000 excuses why they should be let off and then the ONE time the person happens to be telling the truth, he gets filmed and made out to be a scapegoat for it.

I don't know his record but I don't condemn anyone doing a bitch of a job, in a bitch of conditions, putting up with the biggest assholes on the planet, the liars, cheats, scum of the earth, especially on one isolated incident....

You may be comfortable doing that, but I sure ain't.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
Committing a sin DOES negate one's RIGHT to criticize sins. You cannot say: you made an error, you're an asshole, I made an error, I'm a saint. You can't say "do as I say, not as I do". Here's some proverbs for you "he who is without sin may cast the first stone". "Those in glass houses should not throw bricks" and there are many more......
I don't recall anybody here claiming to be a saint.

If I do something fucked up one day and my friend calls me an asshole, good for him.
If he does something bad another day and I call him an asshole, so what?
It doesn't mean either one of us claimed to be a saint.

It's just like you often calling someone else an idiot. :D


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
I don't know his record but I don't condemn anyone doing a bitch of a job, in a bitch of conditions, putting up with the biggest assholes on the planet, the liars, cheats, scum of the earth, especially on one isolated incident....
You have no knowledge of his record but somehow you know this was an isolated incident?
Even if his record is spotless I would not assume this was an isolated incident.

BTW, I don't know if you noticed but I stated that I think he deserved another chance.

I also stated that he was very unlucky that the death didn't happen a mere 15 minutes or so later as the outrage would have been way less severe had Moats made it in in time.

I think we have beat this dead horse enough. :D
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