Asshole of a cop on power trip detains NFL player rushing dying mom to hospital


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
The above is WHY I always defend the police. It is people like the above who dont' even get all the facts before spouting this nonsense.

If you'd watched and gathered ALL the evidence before posting you'd have known that the cop had his lights on when the driver ran the red light miles before he was anywhere near the hospital.
Which video shows you that the cop followed them for miles and was on his tail with his lights flashing?

The cop admits he fucked up and apologized.
The assistant chief says the cop fucked up and apologized.
The Chief says the cop fucked up and apologized.

So they are all wrong and Tboy is right?:rolleyes:


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
key words here:

The COP says: if you had just STOPPED a told me what was going on I would have let you go........DOH
That is not what he said.
You left out some key words yourself.
"... and more than likely I would have let you go"
Given the cop's attitude, I think this is just some lame back peddling bullshit.
The hospital staff and other cop were there at this time so he just tried to cover his ass at this point.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Malibook said:
That is not what he said.
You left out some key words yourself.
"... and more than likely I would have let you go"
Given the cop's attitude, I think this is just some lame back peddling bullshit.
The hospital staff and other cop were there at this time so he just tried to cover his ass at this point.
See? This is the bullshit that people jump all over. The cop specifically states what would have happened if the perp had followed the law (which requires him to stop for an emergency vehicle) and people say it's backpeddling?


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
See? This is the bullshit that people jump all over. The cop specifically states what would have happened if the perp had followed the law (which requires him to stop for an emergency vehicle) and people say it's backpeddling?
How much time and power tripping preaching went on before his attitude improved?

His attitude improved when the witnesses showed up.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
tboy said:
When did he draw his weapon>? After a bunch of people started bailing out of a pursued vehicle?
And running into the emergency room.
tboy said:
You call MY view myopic? You're just as guilty only you cry FOUL even before getting all the facts.
I have the same facts you do - in fact, I guarantee you I've watched and read more on this issue than you have. I just don't ALWAYS side with the cops. You do, that's why you're myopic on this subject matter. You default to cops are good and right, "criminals" (no matter what their "crime" is) are bad and wrong.
tboy said:
The bottom line here and the ONLY thing that is important is:

THE COP SAID IF HE HAD STOPPED HE WOULD HAVE BEEN LET OFF IN A COUPLE OF MINUTES. But NOooooOOOOooooo he ignored the lights, he ignored the siren, he evaded the police WHO WAS CHASING HIM, they ignored the police command to stop and remain in the vehicle.
He said that AFTER he realized that the guy who was out of his head with grief and fear was proven to be telling the truth by hospital staff and a cop who arrived after he did. And then the PIG still made him stay there, listen to his lecture and finish writing up the ticket.
tboy said:
As with just about every example of bad bad bad cops, if the perp in question had just taken a second to respond to the cop properly, NOTHING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.
Yes, because we can all control ourselves with the poise and grace under pressure that you show. Particularly when our loved ones have literally moments to live.
tboy said:
As for me saying the cops are infallible, please, don't put words in my mouth. I never once said they were infallible. I say and continue to say and WILL continue to say: if your shit don't stink and you do everything perfect everytime and YOU can walk through life under a microscope THEN and ONLY then can you be an armchair quarterback and say ANYTHING about how bad cops are.

You defend cops no matter how stupid they act. No matter if other cops come out and say the idiotic PIGS were wrong (this case and the Robert Dziekanski incident) you still defend them, time and time again. Infallible means "incapable of error" and you have yet to show over dozens of threads on the topic and no matter what other cops say about the issue, that you believe any cop is capable of making a mistake.

The reason people can't reason with cops like this one is because so many are irrational, like you. They refuse to use common sense and show any sort of empathy. They ignore circumstances and do not see things in the various shades of grey that we live with in life, only black and white. In many ways, PIGs like that are more like Robocop than, well, Robocop.

I agree that cops have a tough job. But PIGs like this one make their job and the jobs of their fellow officers that much harder by turning off their brains when dealing with real people and real circumstances.

By your (tboy) logic, the Nazis and their henchmen were in the right too. I mean, they were just following orders and the laws they were told to uphold. :rolleyes:


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Captain Fantastic said:
This was hardly a "visit" - this was a family rushing to the hospital to be with their dying mother in the very last moments of her life. If you can't see the difference that makes, then we have no common ground....

Sorry, I don't buy it. Like I said, put yourself in his shoes for a moment.

Perhaps we have no common ground then, which is what makes terb interesting. To me, the driver was not dealing with a life or death situation, he was dealing with an emotional situation. Being involved in emotional situations does not give people a pass to endanger others and break the law. In this case, the driver may have been cautious, but others might not be as careful in considering others. When to give the pass becomes too vague. People should be encouraged stay calm and not to race to, where ever, when caught up in an emotional situation.

And, I have been in this situation too many times.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
tboy said:
See? This is the bullshit that people jump all over. The cop specifically states what would have happened if the perp had followed the law (which requires him to stop for an emergency vehicle) and people say it's backpeddling?
Actually "more than likely" does not mean he would have - it was the platitudes of an asshole, rubbing it in after-the-fact. Even after the PIG was presented with the facts by other sources, he still had to prove a point and make the poor guy sit there while he lectured and finished the ticket. Douche-y.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
KBear said:
Perhaps we have no common ground then, which is what makes terb interesting. To me, the driver was not dealing with a life or death situation, he was dealing with an emotional situation. Being involved in emotional situations does not give people a pass to endanger others and break the law. In this case, the driver may have been cautious, but others might not be as careful in considering others. When to give the pass becomes too vague. People should be encouraged stay calm and not to race to, where ever, when caught up in an emotional situation.

And, I have been in this situation too many times.
Really? You received a phone call in the middle of the night telling you that your mother or mother in law was dying and had a few minutes to live. Did you manage to stay calm when this happened?

Again, show me where he endangered anyone - the roads were practically empty. But the real point was how the officer acted at the scene in the hospital parking lot - he could have shown compassion. Hell, he could have written the ticket up after-the-fact. Instead he chose to draw his weapon and lecture the man while his mother-in-law died a few feet away. If that's what passes for justice, law and order, then quite frankly, we are pretty far removed from what those terms once meant. Sad days indeed.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
tboy said:
See? This is the bullshit that people jump all over. The cop specifically states what would have happened if the perp had followed the law (which requires him to stop for an emergency vehicle) and people say it's backpeddling?
The cop admits he fucked up and he apologized, which is more than can be said for you.
What part of this is so difficult for you to comprehend? :rolleyes:


New member
Sep 13, 2006
tboy said:
Exactly. So...the cop should be suspended for doing his job? He's an asshole for doing his job? He's a PIG for doing his job?

The key line in that video is: This is not an emergency vehicle, you do not have the right to ignore traffic signals......

So, since the cop is now suspended FOR DOING HIS JOB now anytime anyone runs a red light, stop sign, speeds, just has to say: MY MOTHER IN LAW IS DYING AND IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO YOU'LL BE SUSPENDED.

So, it is the cop's fault for the arguing? If the driver had just given him the information he needed (licence insurance etc) there would have been no argument and he would have been on his way in a matter of minutes.

So, folks, if you want to speed, run red lights, run stop signs, and a cop starts chasing you, just drive to the nearest hospital. Tell him that someone is dying and you're good to go! (that's what you're all saying).
In these particular instances,T boy an officer can use his discretion. I have police in my family. They would have dealt with this in a more compassionate manner than this low life of an officer. Sure they have a lot of stress on there shoulders. This officer had complete disregard to this individual's rights. An officer is supposed to hear the side of the story of the driver, regardless of the circumstances at hand. It is the right of everyone as a community. That is why people are read their rights. That officer did not asses the entire situation and will most likely be have to pay for his incompetence.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
tboy said:
What video did you watch? I didn't see a nurse or doctor come out.....

That's the point: it is up to the cop to follow the rules and do his job or not. To penalize a cop FOR DOING HIS JOB which is enforcing the law FIRST AND FOREMOST is ludicrous.
Respectfully, I point out tis psrt o fteh story.

"Hospital security guards arrived and told Powell that the Moatses' relative really was upstairs dying.

"Powell spent several minutes inside his squad car, in part to check Moats for outstanding warrants. He found none."

While I greatly respect and admire most officers of the peace, this one was an asshole for not showing any compassion. I wonder what would have happened if it were the police officer's moter dying in the hospital.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
shakenbake said:
Respectfully, I point out tis psrt o fteh story.

"Hospital security guards arrived and told Powell that the Moatses' relative really was upstairs dying.

"Powell spent several minutes inside his squad car, in part to check Moats for outstanding warrants. He found none."

While I greatly respect and admire most officers of the peace, this one was an asshole for not showing any compassion. I wonder what would have happened if it were the police officer's moter dying in the hospital.
For sure - once told by hospital staff what was going on, he could have let them go upstairs and finished his search and ticket writting one his own. Giving it Moats after everything was done. If he really wanted to still give him a ticket.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
If tboy's original point was that the cop shouldn't be suspended or fired for how in acted in the video I would tend to agree.

They do need to sit down with the cop and explain discretion and alternative actions he could/should have taken. The cop did (more or less) follow the book, even if he did come across as a a$$hole.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
hunter001 said:
If tboy's original point was that the cop shouldn't be suspended or fired for how in acted in the video I would tend to agree.

They do need to sit down with the cop and explain discretion and alternative actions he could/should have taken. The cop did (more or less) follow the book, even if he did come across as a a$$hole.
And as so many here on terb like to point out: all cops are assholes for doing their job.

BTW: I'd also like to point out that the cop in the video was protecting the general public by stopping someone who broke a traffic law by running the red light, protecting the public by pursuing a person who failed to stop when he lit them up, who ran two stop signs.

As the cop plainly stated: if Moates had stopped and explained the situation, he probably would have been let off.

As for the security guards notifying Powell of the validity of Moates' claim. The written version is different than the video. It also states that the guards informed an officer that arrived after the fact and it was THIS officer that passed that info onto Powell.

This, like every other instance, is a cop witch hunt plain and simple and yet another example of a cop being damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

Now yet again, I will say for the last time: if Moates had followed the LAW and stopped while being pursued by the police and calmly explained the situation, we'd never hear about this or seen this video.



Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
tboy said:
And as so many here on terb like to point out: all cops are assholes for doing their job.
Read it again. I didn't say he was an a$$hole. I said

hunter001 said:
even if he did come across as a a$$hole.
There is a difference.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Malibook said:
Which video shows you that the cop followed them for miles and was on his tail with his lights flashing?

The cop admits he fucked up and apologized.
The assistant chief says the cop fucked up and apologized.
The Chief says the cop fucked up and apologized.

So they are all wrong and Tboy is right?:rolleyes:
By now, if nothing else, you should realize that tboy tommy is one of those guys who would sooner die than EVER admit that he is wrong.

He'll go down with the sinking ship every time.
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