Toronto Escorts

Amerikun Hockey - Ugly

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Mr. Congeniality

RemyMartin said:
The point I don't get is why you call yourself Ranger, it's a NHL team's name in USA. is it because you are also an assh*le.
MojoRisin' said:
Ranger i now see how you frustrated Goober so with your "outplay" conversation. You say im upset? Not in the slightest. I just can see how you can miss such an obviously clear situation. Oh well im going to assume you will never get mine and about 20 others side of the discussion.
Peace4u said:
It sure takes guts for you to call someone else an ass...........
I see you're still making friends on Terb, eh Ranger. LOL


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Pal? lol

Ranger68 said:
And yet it's okay for YOU to say I'm upset?? How's that for hypocrisy, pal!
*I* assure *YOU* I'm not upset in the slightest by Brett Hull, so any time you want to drop that little snippy remark, you're free to do so - and I'll do the same.

I understand everything you're saying, Mojo. I understand every little nuance of the stupid situation. It's unfortunate that you don't understand english that well, much like Goober when he was arguing that the Leafs beat the Sens by some miracle, rather than by hockey skill.

And, much like Goober in that argument, rather than defend your position, you choose to slink away sniping something like "Oh, yeah, well, everyone else agrees with ME!" ROTFL
If you choose, have a reread of any of my previous posts. Have a dictionary handy if you need it. Ask somebody if you have a hard time with any of the big words. Do your best to try to figure out what I'm saying.

Or not.

Have a nice day. :)
First off you understand nothing of what im saying or you wouldnt be so upset dude..LOL your "snippy" little ignorant comments make you look foolish. Find one person that understands or agrees with you, lol...Your previous posts are proof that you cannot see any other point of view and fail to accept that someone else can have a differing opinion of you. You come across as a complete moron and until i see differently i will see you in that light. You are the type of ignornant Leaf fan and hockey fan that embarrasses me


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Secondly....Ranger....Kat does'nt count, her comments are as ignorant as yours...Ranger look at the facts man..not with your Canadian heart...Please explain why Hull should play for Canada when he was turned away and never asked to play again for them. Why is he a "Traitor" (your words not mine) when Canada turned him away and never asked him back?


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
a similar situation happened with adam deadmarsh

Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Kathleen said:
I'm his friend :)
Sometimes we battle, but I back him on this one.
I'm sure the Ranger will be pleased to hear that Kathleen.
Maybe he'll back YOU up on the 'Immigrants Suck' thread. LOL


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Maybe he'll back YOU up on the 'Immigrants Suck' thread. LOL [/B][/QUOTE]

hmm this is true as Kat wants to send back immigrants who fled dictatorial countries and have them represent those countries because they were born there perhaps she can get Sub Dave to lick her black boots shiny and wash her brown shirt :)


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Kathleen said:
I'm his friend :)
Sometimes we battle, but I back him on this one.
I hope you and Ranger will be very happy together...LOL.....seems you two are alone on this one. cant wait to read the immagrants thread now


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I liked the "Sens outplaying the Leafs" thread better. BTW, Ranger was 100% correct on that one. It was much more fun.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Re: Mr. Congeniality

Tiger Williams said:
I see you're still making friends on Terb, eh Ranger. LOL
:) That's why I'm here.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
scouser1 said:
I wasnt saying Hull was ever tortured in Canada
His torture began the moment his dad started wearing a piece.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Re: Pal? lol

MojoRisin' said:
First off you understand nothing of what im saying or you wouldnt be so upset dude..LOL your "snippy" little ignorant comments make you look foolish. Find one person that understands or agrees with you, lol...Your previous posts are proof that you cannot see any other point of view and fail to accept that someone else can have a differing opinion of you. You come across as a complete moron and until i see differently i will see you in that light. You are the type of ignornant Leaf fan and hockey fan that embarrasses me
First off, I understand everything that you're saying.
Second, you were the one to accuse me of getting upset over the situation, which engendered the "snippy little remark" comment - obviously, you fail to understand even that.
I see your point of view.
In fact, Mojo, it's YOU who don't accept someone else's opinion - in this case, mine.
It doesn't bother me in the slightest that you think I'm a complete moron.
Once you learn to comprehend properly, perhaps you'll gain some wisdom.
Until then, you aren't qualified to comment on hockey, or on anyone else in here.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
MojoRisin' said:
Secondly....Ranger....Kat does'nt count, her comments are as ignorant as yours...Ranger look at the facts man..not with your Canadian heart...Please explain why Hull should play for Canada when he was turned away and never asked to play again for them. Why is he a "Traitor" (your words not mine) when Canada turned him away and never asked him back?
LOL Ah, I see - when anyone agrees with me "they don't count" because they're "as ignorant as me". LOL
Keep spinning, Mojo.

Anyway, I see you're asking me questions again. Why bother since I'm a "complete moron" and an "embarrassment"? Hmm? LOL

I'll answer your question.

First, read back in the thread - carefully, now - and tell me when I EVER used the term "traitor". ... Actually, I doubt your reading and comprehension skills, so I'll answer it for you - it was Pistol Pete, arguing against me. YOU, then picked it up and applied it to me. Yet more evidence of your lack of comprehension and attempts to raise straw dogs to fire at. Sad ....

But, to answer your question, you really don't know if he *ever* would have been asked to play for Canada, after the first time, do you? I mean, once he'd made the decision to *abandon* his country of birth and play for the States, I think it unlikely that he'd quit playing for them or that the invitation would even be subsequently offered.

Most people don't have the luxury of being able to compete internationally for either of two countries. Although, many athletes CREATE this artificially, by leaving the country of their birth and going somewhere else where they'll be able to do so. In MY opinion, this is wrong - the real crux of this argument is WHY you're so upset over this opinion of mine. If you don't think so, don't - but there's no need to get so animated over your disagreement.

Brett Hull could have done what MOST athletes must do - be disappointed that he was passed over (once), and work hard to try to make the team next time. He didn't. He chose to take the easy way out, and *abandon* (my term) his country of birth - the country he was RAISED IN, to play for a country of convenience. YOU may choose to say that Hull had divided loyalties - that he was both an American and a Canadian citizen. *I* think he should have felt more loyalty to his native country, and that his decision to play for the US revealed his character - taking the easy way out, taking his ball and quitting (what he did after the US-Canada game on Tuesday). Subequently, he has done nothing to prove to me that he's anything but an assh*le.

My opinion.




New member
Mar 17, 2003
shack said:
I liked the "Sens outplaying the Leafs" thread better. BTW, Ranger was 100% correct on that one. It was much more fun.
Don't try to tell Goober or some of these other guys I was right!
In fact, don't even post your agreement. I like it when these jokers try to portray me as being wrong because nobody agrees with me.


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Wow Ranger where do i start again with you? Your "snippy little remarks" were clear. Believe it or not i have never been nor am I now upset by you or your comments. Frustrated that you cannot grasp a simple concept and the fact that Hull was born in Canada but i believe raised in the states as his dad played there. Anyway your shots at my comprehension skills are getting tired and old. It appears that when you choose to not answer someones question after 10 posts or so, you decide to attack something irrelevant. Your argument about what Brett would have done or could have done are based only on what you imagine he might have done. So in essence you are assuming what Brett would have done to fit nicely into your little story.


How is an athlete CREATING an artificial way to play for another country. If they are officially a citizen how is it artificial?

and a side note. read the thread and see how many people are backing that i find funny because in almost every thread i have seen you contribute to you seem to butt heads with alot. I find Kathleens posts as ignorant as yours not simply because she is agreeing with you but because its the same content. That would make sense no? I rarely agree with any of kathleens posts and thoughts on things here anyway.

finally i find it completly arragant and incredibly funny that you feel you have the ability to judge whether i am qualified to comment on hockey or anyone else here....LMAO. you are a piece of work! Take a look in the mirror and your history here on terb.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
For god's sake, man, learn to read! When I mentioned "creating" a way to play for another country, I was talking, quite clearly, about OTHER ATHLETES, not Brett Hull.

I'm sorry, but I'm tired of having to correct your inane conclusions all the time. Honestly - READ MORE CAREFULLY.

Why the f*ck do I care "how many people are backing me"?!? LOL As I said - the last refuge of the lame.

As for "the ability to judge whether i am qualified to comment on hockey", I think you were the one to cast the first stone, bub. Again, reread the thread.

Look in the mirror, indeed.


Obviously, we're not getting anywhere Mojo. Enjoy your day.



People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Ranger68 said:
For god's sake, man, learn to read! When I mentioned "creating" a way to play for another country, I was talking, quite clearly, about OTHER ATHLETES, not Brett Hull.

I'm sorry, but I'm tired of having to correct your inane conclusions all the time. Honestly - READ MORE CAREFULLY.

Why the f*ck do I care "how many people are backing me"?!? LOL As I said - the last refuge of the lame.

As for "the ability to judge whether i am qualified to comment on hockey", I think you were the one to cast the first stone, bub. Again, reread the thread.

Look in the mirror, indeed.


Obviously, we're not getting anywhere Mojo. Enjoy your day.

OK well there you go once again...critizing MY comprehension...LOL you want ME to read the thread carefully? Then you go and spout crap about me suggesting you were refering to Brett Hull when i clearly restated your statement about "athletes" creating a way to play for another country. I NEVER refered to Hull in that post. SO YOU need to take your own advice and read. Stop getting all pissy and defensive. Answer the question and then we might get somewhere. Every question i ask of you NEVER gets answered. Maybe 7 or 8 posts later you finally make reference to it. You comment on me not reading you see your problem yet? And no need to yell when you are trying to make fun of me. Although it does make it easier to laugh at you when you stumble over yourself like this.

I didnt ask you whether you care or not if people back you, I just said take note. It means alot when only one or two people can relate to your posts. Most have made reference to you being less than a quality person as well as your statements. Just wanted you to notice that. not whether or not you care. PLEASE DO READ MORE CAREFULLY.

I casted no stones. If you took a comment the wrong way so be it. Perhaps i took one of yours the wrong way and responded harshly. That happens here. But the rest of the discussion has proven lots to me about you.

We arent getting anywhere. And i assume we wont. I will enjoy my day


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Kathleen said:
Mojo - Nothing you can say would compare to my lashing in the Lounge of late.
Look, even though I'm kiddin, why must my opinion be ignorant, and your gospel?
Can't you just disagree with a reason, and leave it at that? I see your point, don't agree, but don't find it ignorant.

By now, I'm sure you can see a stale mate here. Yes, it's rare for you an I to agree. But can we not agree this is going nowhere? Maybe agree Canada is going to kick some ass this week? Come on, lighten up, and lets talk hockey.

Um im not lashing out at you. I made reference to my difference with the majority of your views on many things. You are kidding? about what? Mine isnt gospel, i never said it was either. I find alot of your posts ignorant. We can disagree and will do im sure on most things, but when you make a comment i disagree with strongly then im sorry but i may comment on that. Lighten up? oh im just fine thanks. Good luck with everything


New member
Mar 17, 2003
MojoRisin' said:
OK well there you go once again...critizing MY comprehension...LOL you want ME to read the thread carefully? Then you go and spout crap about me suggesting you were refering to Brett Hull when i clearly restated your statement about "athletes" creating a way to play for another country. I NEVER refered to Hull in that post. SO YOU need to take your own advice and read. Stop getting all pissy and defensive. Answer the question and then we might get somewhere. Every question i ask of you NEVER gets answered. Maybe 7 or 8 posts later you finally make reference to it. You comment on me not reading you see your problem yet? And no need to yell when you are trying to make fun of me. Although it does make it easier to laugh at you when you stumble over yourself like this.

I didnt ask you whether you care or not if people back you, I just said take note. It means alot when only one or two people can relate to your posts. Most have made reference to you being less than a quality person as well as your statements. Just wanted you to notice that. not whether or not you care. PLEASE DO READ MORE CAREFULLY.

I casted no stones. If you took a comment the wrong way so be it. Perhaps i took one of yours the wrong way and responded harshly. That happens here. But the rest of the discussion has proven lots to me about you.

We arent getting anywhere. And i assume we wont. I will enjoy my day
Dude, I answer every question you ask. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.

Yeah, clearly we're not getting anywhere.

You have your opinion. I have mine.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Brett Hull:
"I don't give a f*ck about the fans."

What an ass!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts