The same standard then should also be applied to the accuser. Let say someone were to accuse you of something nefarious. Doesn't the accuser have to defend his or her accusation?
BTW: Many cases of false accusations do end up in a court of law.
Anyway, I posted some TERB rules in the post just before yours.
Just to be clear, I’m only speaking in general terms and not specific to what you’re being accused of.
The point I was trying to make is, in a public forum like this nobody really knows who you are, whether or you’re a saint or a scumbag in real life, you’re being represented by what you post. It’s often impossible to prove or disprove an allegation.
While it’s a good thing that we bring racism to the forefront as it has no place in our society, it can be a double edged sword that can do a lot of harm to those who innocently make comments that are now considered racist. The comments themselves become the evidence and you’d be found guilty, rightly or wrongly.
As to your defamation of character allegations, imho if someone asks another to explain what he writes, it can’t be interpreted as such, neither it is when someone thinks your comments are racist because it becomes an opinion based on what you’ve said. This is no legal opinion of course, just my humble opinion.