Well you can't assume that. I'm getting off the topic of the thread but I will just make a few points. Black people watch less golf and tennis when Tiger and Serena aren't playing. Does that make them racist? No it doesn't. Most of them just can't identify with what are usually categorized as rich white men sports. Could it be that they only watch when Serena and Tiger are playing because they look like them? Yes , that doesn't make then racist. It's just something they have in common. If Darts can't culturally identify with the NBA because of the cultural difference between himself and the players doesn't make him racist. So when he says he didn't care if it went away because not enough players look like him. It could mean he can't identify with them. Black people generally don't watch Golf, Tennis, Hockey and now even baseball maybe because they don't see enough black people playing theses sports. That doesn't make them racist. All these sports are trying to diversify and add more black players. Not only because it will be better for society but it will get more black people watching the sport. Do you consider black people who don't watch these sports racist just because they would prefer to watch black players. I don't. The same could be true for Darts