A point I want to make about guys like McGwire, Bonds, Clemens etc., along with Pete Rose. I have always felt that if these guys just owned up to what they did, ( I guess allegedly until it is proven), it may make people look at them a little differently. If Mac or Clemens just said 'Yes I took PED's, this is why I took them, I admit it, it was wrong, they gave me an unfair edge, what can I do to clear my name?' Then perhaps if they went around talking to kids, trying to keep them away from steroids, trying to do some good for the game, people may not be so down on them. What I hate the most is not the crime, or the offense, the cheating, whatever you want to call it, it is the cover up. Same as Pete Rose. I still think he would have helped his case tremendously for the HOF if he had just owned up to it. Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, just admit it and make it right. Maybe I am wrong about how I feel, but I don't see how it could not help their chances. I know I have a lot more respect for a person who stands up and admits their mistake as opposed to the person who tries to cover up.