The Porn Dude

15 yr old girl rescued from prostitution ring.

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Joy said:
You work for an agency that didn't ask for IDs?
How much money were they taking as their cut?
Did they promise you a glamorous lifestyle?
Are you ashamed of yourself for being involved?
Why are you still posting from an @4play username?
Are you stupid?

I really don't understand why you cast so many stones and judge so many of the female members of the board. Perhaps you would find the information you seek if you asked in a polite manner, however it's uncalled for to ask someone if they are stupid unless it's yourself which I think you should be asking at this point. It's already come out that the accused coerced some of the women that worked there, I also know personally several other ladies that have worked for them and they came and went of their own free will. They are strong and intelligent women who might not have been aware of the other issues surrounding the accused. There are situations that you may not understand, the lives of these ladies and what led them to this may not be something you can relate to but being open and accepting is important.

I would on the otherhand commend her for posting under the 4play name, she is not afraid to admit that she is involved with the agency and that she too worked with this man. It takes courage to come on the board and post and answer questions like that and in such a heated topic. Paris could add value to the discussion but probably never will when the other ladies in the sex trade (yes that's you) attack her for finding herself in a situation such as this.

Joy if you are looking to pick a fight with someone then maybe you should stick to the strip club forum where you at least have some industry knowledge and experience. Otherwise try me, I have no issue telling you that your words are hateful and unfair to a woman that may not deserve that, for all you know she was either not aware of these goings on, was a victim herself, or likely any combination of the two.
Empathy 1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.
I looked it up for you, try it out.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
JohnFK said:
His statement is true. As far as I know, no review of any girl describes anyone that is underage.

(Please be careful with your choice of words. We don't want rumors to start. Read Cyberdoc's response at #57 herein).
Not looking to start rumors. in and direction


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Rockload6 said:
"He said he had to test my skills" MOTHERFUCKER
I didn't read the article, but that's just sad.
Totally preying on this girl. :(


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Rockload6 said:
No, just that statement really disturbs me.
Pimps disturb me to the point I see no use for them.

A pimp will keep a girl addicted, scared and terrorized. An you are surprised by his raping a child.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Kyra_to said:
I really don't understand why you cast so many stones and judge so many of the female members of the board. Perhaps you would find the information you seek if you asked in a polite manner, however it's uncalled for to ask someone if they are stupid unless it's yourself which I think you should be asking at this point. It's already come out that the accused coerced some of the women that worked there, I also know personally several other ladies that have worked for them and they came and went of their own free will. They are strong and intelligent women who might not have been aware of the other issues surrounding the accused. There are situations that you may not understand, the lives of these ladies and what led them to this may not be something you can relate to but being open and accepting is important.

I would on the otherhand commend her for posting under the 4play name, she is not afraid to admit that she is involved with the agency and that she too worked with this man. It takes courage to come on the board and post and answer questions like that and in such a heated topic. Paris could add value to the discussion but probably never will when the other ladies in the sex trade (yes that's you) attack her for finding herself in a situation such as this.

Joy if you are looking to pick a fight with someone then maybe you should stick to the strip club forum where you at least have some industry knowledge and experience. Otherwise try me, I have no issue telling you that your words are hateful and unfair to a woman that may not deserve that, for all you know she was either not aware of these goings on, was a victim herself, or likely any combination of the two.
Empathy 1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.
I looked it up for you, try it out.
Joy's a lost cause, don't waste your time.


New member
Apr 29, 2002


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Cycleguy007 said:
I sense this is about to get ugly... :(
I hope not

I think the majority of members here are ashamed of a community that would allow this to happen and even shocked by it likely being perpetrated by an advertiser here.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
JohnFK said:
I know you mean well and that you don't mean to start rumors (American spelling, he he), just a reminder ;)
Reminders are good so are facts.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Joy said:
It pisses me off that you guys don't realize how Paris supported "Ray" and his pimping of underage girls. She knew no one was being IDed. She should have gone to the police right away instead of working for this man for even one day.

How does one not suspect something when working for a man like that?
You might want to give her the opportunity to state her case before you get the stake and the fire ready.

I am not defending her but asking she be allowed to defend herself


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Joy said:
She's saying it's past tense but she still posts under her 4play username.
I know the meaning of empathy and I don't have any for her.

I ask questions, if one can't handle them, they shouldn't be in the business.
But, you're not IN the business are you?

But you're not asking questions, you're making accusations.

One can't simply change their handle by retyping it in their profile, they have to make a request to the mods. Since this only came up recently, maybe the request hasn't been answered yet?

It is almost as if you're lumping Paris in with the accused. As Kyra stated: she is on here openly discussing what her first hand knowledge of the accused methods are. I would rather respect her for that instead of chastising her or as stated, trying to pick a fight.

Now with that Sun article more info has been revealed. This is wrong on so many levels but it isn't like the accused lured a 15 yr old out of her home on the Bridal Path and got her into this business. According to her own words she was involved before she came into contact with this guy.

Not that I'm saying it is in any way her fault, and she has had a rough life, and I'm sorry for that, but she certainly doesn't sound like she's a virginal sunday school pupil.

As I always say: there are two sides to every story and so far, we've only heard scattered tidbits from one side. Heck, I know more than a few 15 yr olds who will lie through their teeth to get out of doing the dishes let alone get out of criminal charges.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
JohnFK said:
Just saying better to be safe than sorry. Perception can get in the way of facts.

My point exactly.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Joy said:
It pisses me off that you guys don't realize how Paris supported "Ray" and his pimping of underage girls. She knew no one was being IDed. She should have gone to the police right away instead of working for this man for even one day.

How does one not suspect something when working for a man like that?
Although well meaning, your attitude is what might keep people like paris from coming forward and

Do you know for sure who of the agencies in Toronto requires ID for the
girls, and who do not?
Do you have any idea how many of the girls working have false ID's.

Do you know how many agency owners understand asian ID's (given that most girls in Toronto are asians)?

So far, only Jillian has stated that she reqires ID, and
has been trained in spotting false ID's.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
tboy said:
But, you're not IN the business are you?

But you're not asking questions, you're making accusations.

One can't simply change their handle by retyping it in their profile, they have to make a request to the mods. Since this only came up recently, maybe the request hasn't been answered yet?

It is almost as if you're lumping Paris in with the accused. As Kyra stated: she is on here openly discussing what her first hand knowledge of the accused methods are. I would rather respect her for that instead of chastising her or as stated, trying to pick a fight.

Now with that Sun article more info has been revealed. This is wrong on so many levels but it isn't like the accused lured a 15 yr old out of her home on the Bridal Path and got her into this business. According to her own words she was involved before she came into contact with this guy.

Not that I'm saying it is in any way her fault, and she has had a rough life, and I'm sorry for that, but she certainly doesn't sound like she's a virginal sunday school pupil.

As I always say: there are two sides to every story and so far, we've only heard scattered tidbits from one side. Heck, I know more than a few 15 yr olds who will lie through their teeth to get out of doing the dishes let alone get out of criminal charges.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Joy said:
It pisses me off that you guys don't realize how Paris supported "Ray" and his pimping of underage girls. She knew no one was being IDed. She should have gone to the police right away instead of working for this man for even one day.

How does one not suspect something when working for a man like that?
For one thing, many of the girls don't meet the other girls face to face. I know sp's from other agencies who have never met half the other sp's. She might not have known......

Let me ask you this joy: whenever you go to a club do YOU check all the other girl's IDs to insure THEY are not underage?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
tboy said:
As I always say: there are two sides to every story and so far, we've only heard scattered tidbits from one side. Heck, I know more than a few 15 yr olds who will lie through their teeth to get out of doing the dishes let alone get out of criminal charges.

Yet she was still found working and is only 15.

In my book she is not old enough to decide on becoming a prostitute. Makes her pimp a piece of shit on any level. Do you disagree?
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