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  1. S


    If it is about Penny, I am sure we all would love to know :p
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    Good Old Carole Ann

    She has always been great!!! I used to ask her to do 90 or 120 minute sessions with me. 90's still great but she honestly said she got too tired and started not to enjoy and not be able to focus as much. 120 min's way too much for her and she did not really want to do it ... She stopped...
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    Good Old Carole Ann

    Cause she is half naked all the time :)
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    Good Old Carole Ann

    http://relaxationcityspa.com/ Haven't seen her since Inner Image got shut down. How's she doing anyway? So far away and inconvenient in Hull for me ... Anyone visit her spa lately? Would not mind catching up with her one of these days again. Is this the same as the new Inner Image with Christa?
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    Flora from TOG

    Sorry to hear, hwyman! Sounded like she might have seen too many clients on that day. I had similiar experiences in the past even with some very highly ranked ladies on tour when it was just too obvious that they just had way too many clients playing with their nipples .... and always asked you...
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    Ting Ting

    .... inside the MP but outside the MP she's just a woman with "needs" lol ... at least that was in the past ... Just be careful when, where, and how you tip the MAs who may provide extras, TT has hidden cameras taping the place whole day long onto her computer ....
  7. S

    Wich Courtesan do you want to see in Ottawa?

    Not sure if it is standard tactics to be honest. The ladies can charge whatever they want to charge. There are different ways to look at this in my mind. If you think about the $180 range girls from Montreal being shipped to Ottawa and then have a hour rate of $300 tagged to them, this may you...
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    Wich Courtesan do you want to see in Ottawa?

    Axel actually has a very good sense of humour. For old guys like me that have experienced it all, I think we always prefer to see a more mature lady with great attitude and a good life story rather than the hot young looking dumb blondes. But be aware that she has gained a bit of weight since...
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    Oriental Massage 2009

    Quiet??? Hard to come by .... It is still the same BAD as usual. When someone walks in or calls, TT still walks out or picks up the phone even when other MAs are outside so the massage session is always full of interruption guaranteed!!! I only go back when all the other places are busy. There...
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    Oriental Massage 2009

    What are you missing? Nothing! She was never that good anyway in terms of massage skills, therapeutic or not. Neither is her look definitely. I never understand the hype either. (Actually, I do know how the hype all got started and the real reason behind it lol .....) I am surprised she is even...
  11. S

    Anyone has the link to part 3 of the ottawa citizen nicole story?

    Can't find the link ....
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    Oriental update

    She should be due very soon thanks to one of you here lol. U know who you are ;)
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    Karma's Cumming your way! :)

    Like this will ever happen for real .... Stacey lives in Europe now ... missed a chance to hook up with her last month actually .... Raph is retired for good, Mimi, the only Luv sister left, hardly comes to Ottawa any more. I think her last tour here was in July. As for Gab, I am forbidden to...
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    Tanya E-C

    I think he is talking about this 34C natural from I-N http://elite-canadian.com/websql.asp?num=182&girlTanya http://www.elite-canadian.com/mycity/OTT/
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    Don't be silly. She is actually 51 and has grand children too. She always does look like in her late 40s though but I know some of you thought she was in her 30s. Well, we all need new glasses some days ;-) For 386, they did us a favour in closing in down. It was filthy and disgusting to say...
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    New MP opening soon

    You are absolutely right. Most do especially all the Asian places ... Ting Ting's, 176, Colonnade, etc. etc. .... Not so much for security reasons but more for the "Owner's Greedy Pocket" reasons when they are off or not around. They have it hooked up to the computer so they can review it in...
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    Apple @ Jade Massage

    Mei got canned a while back.
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    Lilly Lombard

    Good luck. She is really popular especially at her lower rate these days since she came back on a more full time basis ..... I am not a big fan of fake boobs but hers are rare exceptions and doesn't quite feel like a basketball at all. Booking a multi-hour "date" may help too. Her responses to...
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    Did you realize?

    You can always consider some alternatives instead of debating with I-S endlessly on how they should set their prices. Obviously, they don't quite listen and have their own pricing policy which we should just respect. I-N have had some good cheap choices lately that look to be of the same...
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    New MP in Bells Corner???

    Was passing by a few nights ago when I had a late dinner at A Taste of Japan in BC where some of the Sens dine. Saw a big new neon sign up of a MP ... Maybe it is good news for those that are in the West so there is more than Luna to pick from .... I could be wrong but I thought it was Angels...
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