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Wich Courtesan do you want to see in Ottawa?

bianka montreal

New member
Jun 17, 2008
Bonjour Gentlemen,

We are planning to visit Ottawa soon... Since we always aim to make you happy, we wanted your advice on who should be the next courtesan to visit your area??

Carmen, Penelope, Axel, Melissa, Chanel, Lola and Bianka are ready to buy their plane tickets!!!

Check out our website for pictures and info:

Email us at to give us your advice!! Or, just answer here!

Get ready to experience the very best GFE/PSE rendezvous of your life!!

Bianka and the courtesans


New member
Oct 30, 2006
IMHO, all of them if the price was $200-250.

I think $300 is getting to be a stretch here in O town.


Aug 27, 2008
Bianka, we want to see you here! Although gentlemen if you ever want one of the best BBBJ you gotta see AXEL!!


New member
Aug 21, 2004
Rent a short bus and send the whole bunch down.......Ottawa will make em feel verrrrrrry welcome!! :D


New member
Sep 23, 2008
I like em all, anyone able to entertain Greek? i guess the killer combo that would clearly warant the 300 would be Greek and CIM :) IMHO


New member
Nov 13, 2007
Axel actually has a very good sense of humour. For old guys like me that have experienced it all, I think we always prefer to see a more mature lady with great attitude and a good life story rather than the hot young looking dumb blondes. But be aware that she has gained a bit of weight since those pics were taken and the boobs are not all natural either.

Still, a very good companion to spend a few hours with. I am pretty sure they charge $250/hr in Montreal. Not sure why they would charge $300/hr on tour to Ottawa considering hotel and train tickets are cheap here and that they have the potential of seeing far more clients in a day when on tour. Strange business tactics ....

meatman said:
i would like to Axel and would like to see the rates around 200 250


New member
Jun 17, 2003
Are you sure Axel is legal age?

One of the photos shows that she has no pubic hair; you just never know:)


Active member
Sep 20, 2004

These are the standard tactics for those touring with Ottawa included for a stop. If you notice their web indicates they charge $300/hr for Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary. Makes sence as they have a much farther distance to travel at greater cost. One would think that Ottawa would have the same rates as Toronto or Montreal, especially given that Toronto is a much more expensive city. Why we are more expensive than Toronto has always made me wonder. But it seems to be standard practice for the touring ladies to bump up the rates for Ottawa, many times much more than in all the other cities they frequent. Strange? Well, it has become standard business practice here and clearly there are enough who do not mind.
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New member
Nov 13, 2007
Not sure if it is standard tactics to be honest. The ladies can charge whatever they want to charge. There are different ways to look at this in my mind.

If you think about the $180 range girls from Montreal being shipped to Ottawa and then have a hour rate of $300 tagged to them, this may you make you feel better lol. At least Courtesans markets themselves at $250/hr in Montreal.

In the old days when Courtesan was at its prime, I am pretty sure I paid them at $300/hr in Montreal but the ladies were quite different then. Bianka bought the lists and the rights of the web site back and brought up Courtesans again last year so she is very new in running an actual agency business as opposed to just being a SP in the past.

She may not have enough experiences in running thru the numbers thru her head or going thru a model to find her maximum return for Ottawa. Maybe she did and $300/hr is what will get her and the lady on tour the maximum return. Who knows, maybe they will change back to $250 or offer some early bird discounts like GOE does after letting things run for a while.

Either way, if Axel or Ophelie comes here and if I am in town, I definitely would not mind coming out of retirement to catch up with them again. What was Ophelie's name used to be again???? Axel is always fun to be with especially with the mood I am in these days. She always put a great smile on my face and cracked me up laughing in no time.

Mable said:
These are the standard tactics for those touring with Ottawa included for a stop. If you notice their web indicates they charge $300/hr for Vancouver, Edmonton and Calgary. Makes sence as they have a much farther distance to travel at greater cost. One would think that Ottawa would have the same rates as Toronto or Montreal, especially given that Toronto is a much more expensive city. Why we are more expensive than Toronto has always made me wonder. But it seems to be standard practice for the touring ladies to bump up the rates for Ottawa, many times much more than in all the other cities they frequent. Strange? Well, it has become standard business practice here and clearly there are enough who do not mind.


New member
Jun 8, 2007
I would gladly pay $300 for a quality girl rather than $200 or $250 for the regular mediocre one's normally found in Ottawa. Axel gets my vote!

bianka montreal

New member
Jun 17, 2008
Hi guys thanks for all your advise, I will make sure to take it in consideration. I can see that I think axel wins the votes. I have already spoke with her and whe are planning a trip soon, I havent made the schedule yet but will make sure to let you know as soon as it will be done.An other will be visiting on the same dates but whe havent decided yet.

As for the pricing I understand that 300 is alot of money, but whe beleive that a girls paid twice the price is for sure twice motivated to offer a quality service.

But because most of you seems to agree on 250, when they will visit whe have agree to offer a special at the rate of 250

thanks again to all of you to have respon to our question and hope to have some more news soon

feel free to contact us at any time for anything

Derek, Bianka & the courtesans


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Not sure SemiRetired got my point. I realize the ladies can charge what they want. And I also realize they want to make as much profit as possible. And I realize that we all want good service. These are all all pedantic, pedestrian statements. What has always gotten me curious is why the same lady offerring the same services to her clients charges significantly extra in Ottawa. Not just this agency. But this agency is a good example: Montreal and Toronto at $250/hr for a particular girl with specified services. The same lady in Ottawa with the same services -- $300/hr.:confused: Ottawa is not as expensive as Toronto. It is closer to Montreal than Toronto so transport costs are less. Yet the rate for the same lady for the same service is higher. Yes I know that they are entitled to do this but I have often wondered why. And , of course, this has nothing to do with the actual rate as suggested by Bianka when she says if a lady charges more she will be more motivated ( I totally disagree with this -- my experience has been the opposite but that is another topic). And do not forget these comments are not specific to this agency. Many girls do this. That is why I said this seems to have evolved as standard business practice re: Ottawa. Is no one else curious?


New member
Jul 7, 2007
No offence intended to anyone, but perhaps it is something that the Ottawa market has created. If I read one more post about the lack of "quality in Ottawa" ( a view I stronly disagree with) followed by " why do travelling SPs cost so much more when in Ottawa" ... I dunno ---- let's think on that for a moment. Not saying I'm the sharpest tack in the box but......don't blame the ladies my friends.

bianka montreal

New member
Jun 17, 2008
Hi guys

about the different donation between citys, It is true that it migth look confusing or not some time appropriate, if you say the further,the more expensive. But like KellyR said its something that was not created by the ladies its only a market ,like any other market ... in toronto there is about( i guess )maybe 25000 escorts . so more competition is rougth, more pricing goes down for a good service .. lets say in Ottawa those who offer a good service are more rare( I guess ) so those who offer a good service can jack there price!


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
So we now have an admission from Bianka that they (sp's) jack the price when coming to Ottawa.. Are you guys listening? I know I have been on this for a long time but she is right -- you train them how to treat you. I know it is difficult to think with the head between your ears but, as I have been predicting for many years now, the worst has happened: Ottawa is the most expensive jurisdiction in Canada. All because the men here tolerate the behaviour of the ladies. Thanks Bianka, you made my point better than I ever could have. I have been singularily a failure to this point. Thanks again.
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