Toronto Escorts

Flora from TOG



No one has seen her? I was hoping to get there today but could not with the short notice. I'll try again tomorrow but was hoping someone would post. She gets very good reviews in TO so I'm not too worried about her, was more interested in if she's staying at a hobby friendly place.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Well, after a drought of about 2 months I decided to TOFTT with this lady. Reviews seemed ok and after spending the entire new year looking after my ailing mother I thought I would attempt to give myself a little relaxation.

Contact was easy and set up an encounter without any problem. Location good for downtown get-together. She was ready ontime dressed in light top with blue jeans. Clean and well presented, she still could have done better -- very few women can wear jeans and pull it off (that is look good ). I think she is too slim for it, not much in the way of curves. That said however, she does have a nice body if you appreciate smaller breasts (I do) and straight hips. Tall for an Asian girl, she has good posture and could be one heck of a stunner if turned out properly. I don't think her boss is manageing her properly in this regard.

Flora is sort of friendly in that she does make an effort to be nice but underneath it all she is all business for the following reasons:

-- nice greeting at the door and she started some nice foreplay but forced us to get into the main event way too quickly. I bought 40 mins but she was trying to put the cap on after 3-5. Kept saying "I want you fuck me, I want you fuck me now." (her english is poor). So I obliged and she immediately started with the fake groaning, moaning and saying, "oh, I cum, I cum!" "Now you cum with me too!" This was repeated alot. Obviously, she wanted the shot as soon as possible and push me out the door I guess. I assumed that for the 40 min no extra shots on goal. Once I shoot, that is it. She did not know it but I can last a long time and surprised her by going at it hard for the 1/2. Towards the end she started saying that she was tired (she was not doing anything but taking it -- I must say like a trooper though) and wanted me to finish, so I did. Then even though I had 10 min left, pushed me to get dressed and leave. So, pleasant but perfunctory.

For me, although she did DFK did not provide a GFE. Too many buts.... Pleasant but..... Nice enough looking but...... Nice enough attitude but........Not a bad session but underlying agenda etc, etc.

In short, not a bad time spent but not good and would not repeat even though she asked me to come back when she returns.

Looks: 7
Attitude: 5 (Too much deception and too obvious). Her boss is not reading Terb or does not want to learn.
Skill level: 5
Body: If you like spinners who are tall -- 8
Repeat: No
Would I recommend: For the 1/2 -- down and dirty, no expectations -- lunch time romp kind of thing.
Don't see: If you want a good GFE with a poised woman.
Jan 19, 2004
So sorry!

I's sorry for your experience with Flora, Mable.

I think she's already approaching 'jaded', seeing as they have her bouncing around 514, 613 and 416 without rhyme or reason.

When I first saw her, she looked like a dream and gave me lots to dream about.

Things can only get better.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
I hope you are right Bridgeman. I think, though, she is under bad management and they are not coaching her very well. Her english is very limited and so she is totally reliant on the "boss." A shame as she might well want to learn. Who knows. Glad you had a good time and hopefully others will get better than I got.


Flora I adora

I had a slightly better experience than mable ...... perhaps since i was first of the day?

Saw this lovely young lady this morning and want to say she is what I thought a TOG girl would be. Very pretty, long sexy legs (a bit thin but nice) she is very thin but unlike some stick-like asian women she is still very shapely with the cutest bum. Pics are accurate as is description which is what I expected from TOG.

Phone Guy is great to deal with, she usually starts at 10 but he said I could arrive 15 min earlier which fit my sched better and was much appreciated. It did prevent me from stopping for one of my "welcome to Ottawa" gifts I like to give to visiting girls.I promised Flora i would make it up to her.

She said she reads reviews so maybe that's why the bbbj was not light as reported before. It was instead one of the best bbbj I've had in a while, reminded me of Mimi a bit but not quite as aggressive. I was a bit shocked as I wasn't expecting the tongue action and firmness. She had lil slurp rock hard in record time.

Her breasts are typically small but she has the most wonderful nipples, big and hard and she likes em sucked softly. She likes most things softly as she purred the same when I slid down to taste her very hairy pussy. See that SA???? VERY HAIRY! I would have liked to daty a bit more but she wanted me inside her, so who was I to argue? Started mish which was good but wasn't quite doing it for me. I really wanted a bit more of that excellent bbbj and then we went to town doggy which is my thing. She seemed more into that as was I .... watching that cute lil ass from while thrusting from behind had me out of my mind. She was quite vocal and encouraging and all that and the fact she is one of the tightest girls I've seen in a while had me exploding much sooner than expected.

Yes, she is new to the biz and there are some things she will likely improve at. It seemed a bit rushed (remember the daty was brief) and I didn't realize until I was in the car that I was there @ 30 min for a 40 min appointment. I was in such a euphoric state that it didn't occur to me to check the time. It seemed fast but when I see a girl that I really like time always flies. This time it wasn't my imagination. She is a bit reserved and communication is tough at times but we worked thru it. She does take direction well. In the beginning she seemed very reserved but by the end we were like old friends. I can't blame her completely for being reserved as I am the same at first. We both grew more comfortable the longer I was there.

She had showered before I got there and apologized for no makeup ... guys I'd recommend you ask her not to wear makeup as she is a natural beauty. I can't imagine makeup making her look any more beautiful. I would have liked her to join me in the shower but I didn't ask, so that was my fault. Other reviews say she will join at sometimes.

Overall if you like pretty thin asian girls Flora is a must see. TOG has a great reputation and I can see why. I called Phone Guy later to discuss some things I had spoken with Flora about and mentioned the 30 min thing. He thanked me and said it was good to tell him and he will be certain to make it up in the future. He says he wants to hear feedback good and bad and I made sure to tell him I was totally happy with Flora despite the time thing. I was happy with the value as well as the girl.

PG and I also discussed TOG's future here and while he made no promises he said things seem to be better for them in Ottawa than Montreal. They both said they like Ottawa guys better and the town. This bodes well for having more reliable talent here from TOG. I would love to see one of the wilder TOG girls here but would see Flora again without hesitation. She was like a sweeter Mimi without as much experience. I get the feeling she will turn out to be one hell of an SP in time. She's pretty damn special now! :D

PS ... I wanted to get this review posted because PG said eh was considering keeping flora an extra day on Saturday ....


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Slurp - so you were the guy before me!!! I tried to get in for 10am and when phoneguy said 10:30 I just knew it was you.

I hope you people did not get the wrong idea about my review. While I exposed that the edges are very rough here I thought I left it open that with the right coaching and management (which does not seem to be happening) this lady could be spectacular.

Anyway Slurp, maybe next time I'll be you to the (panty)punch!



You know by now you have to get up p-r-e-t-t-y damn early to beat me to a pretty asian girl! I think it was a few minutes before 9 that I called PG, trying to get in first. I prefer to see a girl fresh if I can ..... but I didn't spoil her for you, I know that much ..... LOL

Actually the stars aligned perfectly for me to be able to take the time out of my work day and see her. (2nd time this week! ... got to see Suri at CMJ b4 she left, didn't think I would get to). PG made it even better when he bumped me up by 15 min. I had to hustle to cover my tracks so work wouldn't know i was doing something fun instead of slaving! Thank god the excuse I had ready for Tuesday afternoon didn't need to be used so I had it for yesterday ..... :cool:

Some days the bear gets you, other you get the bear! You'll be first next time .....

As for the reviews, I also tried to leave the impression that while I was pleased as hell when I left there were some things that could have been better and if improved would elevate her from very good to great IMO. I think we had pretty much the same experience but approached our reviews from opposite positions. In the end I think they end up more similar than first read would show.

I hope everyone saw the post that she has extended her stay another day. To keep this good fortune TOG has bestowed upon us happening we need to be sure they know we appreciate it. Making it profitable and welcoming for them to be here will make us very happy in the end.


Oct 1, 2005
Well, I decided to check Flora out as well....I was really not sure and leary about it though, figuring she wasn't my style. Given that some of TOG's girls on their site are listed with the various acronyms and Flora is not...that pretty much set off my spidey-sense.

I saw Mable's report and that confirmed my suspicions and I was gonna take a pass...then I saw Slurp's report and thought ok maybe there is something my little head got the better of me and off I went...

Bottomline...Mable's report is 110% accurate, I was not a happy camper and couldn't even pull off 1 SOG as there was zero chemistry. Sooooo, not my type of encounter it's wasn't funny.

Nothing worse than all the little gotchas that take place in one of these kind of encounters. Kissing is a few little pecks at a time and then she turns her head away (so barely LK if you wanna call it that), could barely even touch her nipples with my tongue ("too sensitive, too sensitive")...and I was "barely even touching them with the tip of my tongue with no pressure on them. Went to try 69, she was hesitant...then moved into position...barely even touched her with my tongue for 10 seconds and she was hopping off ("too sensitive, too sensitive"). There was other similar reactions, but you get the idea...bottomline, there was NO WAY that I was gonna be able to perform with all these little nitpicky things going on...not to mention the very "fakish" commentary and moans, even when you not even doing anything to her...that all just gets in your head and then the whole session is a complete right off...for me anyway.

Don't get me wrong either, I completely agree with Mable's assertions that she is a very good looking girl and it all depends on your style. That is, if you're the type that is happy seeing her naked, immediately "spring to attention" and then in 15-30 minutes getting your SOG done...she's your gal.

If you're the type that likes it more drawn out, more foreplay, sensuality and real enthusiasm from your partner (ie. that true GFE experience)...take a pass on this girl and save yourself the time & money as you'll be more frustrated than anything else.

For my tastes (and for me to see another TOG girl), TOG is gonna have to come to town with some A-Level players that give an experience like I've gotten from Asian Mimi, Asian Kelly and Asian Vinci (all independants from Toronto) that just leave me speechless and get in your head (both) you're not able to let a day pass before having to revisit with them again.


Oct 1, 2005
Secret_Admirer said:
The junior was not able to gain an inch even and stayed soft!!!!, never mind SOG!!!!.
Yeah, that's exactly what happened. You want to make the best of it, but too many things happen, your natural "flow and feeling" is interrupted and you get it in your head (subconciously I guess) and you just can't make it happen.

There are times when this kind of scenario plays out and you know the SP is ultimately playing you...those are THE worst and really piss me off.

That's not the case here, at least's just the way she is, it's her personality, lack of experience, lack of understanding of sexiness/sensuality or whatever you want to call it. Hard to say lack of attitude, as I believe she does want to please...but I guess it's just lack of really wanting to "let go" and enjoy herself, as everything seams so scripted with her. The best sessions are when you both get into and let it take you places, but that won't happen here. Barely had my clothes off and she wanted to put the cover on and get me inside her... I said...let's go slow, lots of rush. She said "Ok...only 30min left now". I'd start caressing, she'd go "too sensitive, too sensitive", then look at the clock and say "fuck now...only 20min left?". She literally was calling the time every 5-10min, in between "oh...I like. This is good. Too sensitive. oh...I like...oh...10min left".

I don't want to dump on her as she is very nice...but it still sucks when you get in those situations. I even asked PhoneGuy "she's GFE right?" and he said "yeah...GFE...sure" which doesn't give me any faith/respect in anything PhoneGuy will tell you on the phone either...


Wow Hwyman, I know she's a bit reserved but that sounds awful. Did you call PG afterwards to let him know, and if so, what did he say? That bit about "too sensitive" reminded me that she asked me to do things "softly". Perhaps after several clients she gets irritated and sensitive? If that's the case maybe she's in the wrong biz.

I feel bad that you had such a lousy time. Seems there are 4 reviews I've seen for Ottawa and it's 2 good, 2 bad. Most of the TO reviews are positive so not sure what to say. YMMV is one thing but this was way past that ..... sorry you had such a bad time. Maybe I did ruin her for others....... LOL


Oct 1, 2005
slurp said:
sorry you had such a bad time. Maybe I did ruin her for others....... LOL
LOL ...yeah, you wore her out...

Heh...seriously though, like I had mentioned above...while I didn't enjoy myself, I don't hold it against her.

One other reaction from her was when we were just laying there intertwined at first slightly caressing and I was starting to get a little wet on her leg...she goes "you leaking", reaches for the kleenex to wipe herself off, then clean junior...then she grabbed an antiseptic "handiwipe" to clean junior again. Totally took me out of the moment...LOL...then laid back down and was like "ok, continue"...only to be repeated again a few minutes later then junior was getting wet some more. Felt like saying...ummm, do know how the ole plumbing works right?!? It's supposed to do that... LOL

I'm not into "whambam" type there is no way I could salvage anything out of the encounter. Again, I don't blame Flora which is why I didn't say anything to her...but I was extremely frustrated after I left and was gonna call PhoneGuy...but figured I was to charged up and better not...and as I also mentioned, PG previously assured me she was GFE, so I also felt like what was the point if he'd had already lost any integrity with me with that misrepresentation.

Anyway, I blame myself in that I didn't listen to my own spidey-sense before hand.

Now if TOG at least sends one of their other more experienced and more "open" girls to Ottawa that list all the acronyms that we've come to know and love (for example...Cathy ) then I'll give TOG another go and we'll see what happens...


New member
Nov 13, 2007
Sorry to hear, hwyman! Sounded like she might have seen too many clients on that day. I had similiar experiences in the past even with some very highly ranked ladies on tour when it was just too obvious that they just had way too many clients playing with their nipples .... and always asked you to cum within 5 minutes too .... What a mood killer!

All these TOG ladies are highly YMMV from what I can see. Good thing I am somewhat retired.

the_hwyman said:
..... ("too sensitive, too sensitive")...and I was "barely even touching them with the tip of my tongue with no pressure on them. .... .


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
I'm not so sure I agree with the proposition that she had had too many clients. I got the same treatment (the nipple thing) even though I was only second in line for takeoff, after the notorious Slurp! Slurp, exactly how hard do you slurp? :p No, if you read between the lines of the various reviews we all got about the same treatment with slight variations. So, not so sure this is a YMMV situation. She has been schooled in a certain way very deliberately and if what she provides (see my recommendation) is what you are after then go for it. I for one am like Hwy_man: I enjoy sensual foreplay building up to an intense smouldering anticipation of great sex with a poised woman who is into giving to you. Admittedly, this is extremely rare and one reason why I am often disappointed, except for those lovely french ladies from Montreal.

All to say that it is good that everyone, even though there was disappointment, did not bash the lady. I think she is just doing what she has been taught and this may satisfy the majority of clients. Go figure.


Good post Mable, my thoughts almost to a T.

I still think Hwyman should give PG a call. I know he said gfe and that's not what you got but gfe is up to interpretation. Since she does bbbj and some sort of kissing (if that's what you want to call it) PG may figure that's gfe, or perhaps he is mistaken on what her level of service really is. I've heard folks think even less than that is gfe.

I did find him good to talk to and he sounded sincere when he said he wanted to hear from guys good or bad so he can work with us. If Flora is set in her ways then maybe he can send another girl so we can get a truer picture of their typical services. I'm still of the mind that we have a golden opportunity to get TOG to set up somewhat permanent roots here and by most accounts that would be a good thing. Maybe we just started with the wrong girl .....
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