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Toronto Escorts

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  1. J

    how to download YouTube Videos?

    Try the browser addon "SaveFrom.net helper"
  2. J

    Breaking : Rob Ford has finally admitted to smoking crack cocaine

    New crack remix song out http://www.kiss925.com/2013/05/31/download-rob-ford-sos-kiss-92-5-cracked-remix/
  3. J

    Breaking : Rob Ford has finally admitted to smoking crack cocaine

    BREAKING NEWS .... Chief Blair has admitted to smoking crack cocaine just kidding haha, now that would be a good headline
  4. J

    McGuinty Out as Ontario Premier

    During that emergency news conference there were no surprised OOOHHHHHH or UUUUUHHHHHH or tears. Maybe they gave him an ultimatum - leave or leave
  5. J

    McGuinty Out as Ontario Premier

    The Ontario strategy was to get as deep in doodoo as possible financially, then have Harper pass along the equalization payments - same as Quebec does. I'm sure the NDP or Liberals will continue on with that tradition !
  6. J

    McGuinty Out as Ontario Premier

    Resigns moments ago.... No loss there
  7. J

    Air Canada strike threat looms

    No strike http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/08/aircanada-raitt-idUST5E8DL00420120308
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    Steve Jobs to present iCloud, iOS 5, Lion at Apple's June 6 WWDC keynote

    Putting things on a server and charging $$ for it is a bad idea. One more way for big corps to screw us all
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    Oil drops $10 today

    Dan McTeague was in parliament forever and didn't do one thing to lower gas prices. Now he can watch prices at home with a gold plated pension
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    Final Nail in McGuinty Coffin - Secret Wage Deal

    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/employers-up-in-arms-over-ontarios-secret-wage-deal/article2009740/ The Ontario government awarded employees of the province’s largest public-sector union an additional wage increase of 1 per cent for 2012 as part of a “secret deal” that critics say...
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    Vote Results 2011

    Cons hit 160 Ignatieff could lose his seat Jack has a happy ending
  12. J

    Israeli Warplanes in Iraq - No comment on Iran attack report

    Maybe now is a good time to buy more gold http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/02/iran-israel-report-idUSHAF24594320110502
  13. J

    Jack-off Layton Found in bawdy house in 1996

    “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take away everything you have.” –Thomas Jefferson 1820 I can remember way back when a liberal was one who was generous with his own money..... Will Rogers 1930 "No sir, I was just getting a shiatsu" ..... Jack...
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    Jack-off Layton Found in bawdy house in 1996

    He can't even do the massage thing right - damn "he came on a bicycle" .....
  15. J

    Jack-off Layton Found in bawdy house in 1996

  16. J

    Motorists shouldn't expect relief at pumps anytime soon

    That's right, oil is the only industry keeping Canada above water. Reduce government size and waste, get rid of all those foreign cars and buy Canadian - build up our lost industries, then we can lower the gas prices.....
  17. J

    Ortsbo.com - Next Google

    Pretty cool concept - the whole world can communicate via language translation, anyone tried this yet. The stock is up 30% today. http://www.intertainmentmedia.com/refresh/updates/in-the-news/ http://www.ortsbo.com/
  18. J

    Should I buy a VW Diesel Jetta

    VW's are not easy to work on. That's why it's called german engineering. They stink. They smell. They're noiser than average. Poor electrical history.
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    FBI Unveils 'The Vault' - including UFO sightings

    http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/04/05/fbi-unveils-vault-including-unseen-11-records/ "An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico," according to the memo dated March 22, 1950. "They were described as being circular in shape...
Toronto Escorts