McGuinty Out as Ontario Premier

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The Ontario strategy was to get as deep in doodoo as possible financially, then have Harper pass along the equalization payments - same as Quebec does. I'm sure the NDP or Liberals will continue on with that tradition !
That's not how Equalization payments are determined.

The premise is that each provincial government should have a mininimum amount to spend on each of its citizens. If they do not due to lack of tax revenue, the Federal Government tops it up.

Equalization payments are not a license to spend money.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
He's entitled to whatever payout is on the books. So be it.

I believe that he resigned for a combation of reasons. First and foremost, he gets to pick rather than being thrown out by his own party.

Secondly, he's tired.

Third, the power plant scandal was going to take him down. By resigning he actually bennefits the party. They now need to find a whole new leader who cannot be touched by the power plants.

Anyway, what I'm curious to see is what happens to the current legislature. Does a new leader step into a minority gov't and attempt to govern, or do they call a new election. I'm guessing call a new election.

Anyway, Hudak remains unelectable. The next gov't stands a far better chance at being an NDP gov't than a conservative gov't. I'll let the right wing element on TERB decide who would they rather have in power in Ontario = liberals or NDP.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
He'll probably go down as the worst premier in Canadian history. I'm still amazed/shocked that he was able to win 3 terms.
Once the full impact of the bad decisions of this government are known, then McGuinty will officially take the crown as the worst premier the province has had.

However, the people need someone to pick up the mess, and Hudak nor Horvath have the character required for this change.

The PC's need to make a leadership change now. Grab the momentum of this liberal debacle and bring in a new vision for the voters.


Mar 12, 2004

who the fuck voted him for 3 terms? ><
Civil servants voted for him, and fucked the Conservatives with slightly less than legal ads.


Oct 10, 2007
During that emergency news conference there were no surprised OOOHHHHHH or UUUUUHHHHHH or tears. Maybe they gave him an ultimatum - leave or leave


Mar 12, 2004
No credibility

Far better chance an NDP gov't than a conservative gov't. I'll let the right wing element on TERB decide who would they rather have in power in Ontario = liberals or NDP.
Does anybody actually believe that lying NDP bitch saying she agrees with a wage freeze for the teachers ????



Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
McGuinty has the province half way to bankruptcy. Much the same as Bob Rae and Pink Floyd did when they were in power. If you want to see Ontario completely bankrupt, bring back the NDP.

The hundreds of millions wasted on the power plants could be traced to political re-election decisions. On that basis, I wonder if it would be possible to sue the Liberal party for the $$? It would put them out of business forever :)

i am one

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2002
He'll probably go down as the worst premier in Canadian history.
This is what every idiot says about every premier/prime minister/mayor. Some of you guys just don't like anyone. The political party makes no difference, you still don't like whoever is in power.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Could this have been some sort of weird sacrifice play or is that too much of a conspiracy theory.

Dalton, makes a bunch of unpopular choices then bails thus absolving who ever follows him of his sins while still allowing them to carry out their agenda.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Could this have been some sort of weird sacrifice play or is that too much of a conspiracy theory.
There's nothing weird about it. He has a grasping finance minister (Duncan) who is much like Paul Martin was, botched the handling of freezing wages, was experiencing free fall in the polls, and was about to have those plants in Mississauga land on him. In politics it's always better to go out on your feet, as opposed to on your back (knives optional).

There's a Dalton Presser in 10 min.
As I sit at my humble desk, still at work, I am consuming my second glass of white wine. This bottle is going down with our limp-dick Premier. I own a small business and have seen it crushed by the loss of manufacturing and exports to the U.S. I am therefore extremely jubilant!!
I will say this, I consider the Premier a coward and a weasel as he could have stood up to the Haudasausnee in Caledonia. He never showed his face in Caledonia and should have been a man and drove to the gate asking the question what is the problem and how can we solve it? He wouldn't have needed police or security and the natives would have made sure that he wasn't harmed. They respect directness and courage. He is also a coward for letting Chris Bentley take the heat and face jail time over the gas plant fiasco. If McGuinty was a leader he would have stood in the Legislature and said charge me - I give the orders, I take the responsibility. I have no proof but I believe his caucus gave him an ultimatum after seeing the grief Bentley, a respected MPP, has taken on this issue. Now if we can only get rid of that prick Hudak, maybe we can get this province on track.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Anyway, Hudak remains unelectable. The next gov't stands a far better chance at being an NDP gov't than a conservative gov't. I'll let the right wing element on TERB decide who would they rather have in power in Ontario = liberals or NDP.
McGuinty seemed "unelectable" too -- until he won.

I hope we do get a Conservative government that can begin the work of repairing the mess, particularly on the energy file.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts