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  1. Q

    Prostitution court argument blog

    I seem to recall that while the Bedford v Canada case was in the Ont Court of Appeals, one of the parties involved kept a blog of what the questions/arguments were like every day. Does anyone know if that will be active while the case is in the supreme court, and if so what's the url?
  2. Q

    Ontario Court of Appeal greenlights brothels, sweeps aside many of Canada’s anti-pros

    Has Harper or anyone in the Govt commented yet to say what they intend to do? Whether it be another appeal or re-writing the law etc.?
  3. Q

    ONtarion Court Decision this Monday!

    Well there's already specific laws prohibiting human trafficking (s. 279) that are untouched by this decision, so if the courts were solely concerned with the human trafficking aspect they could have struck down s. 210 completely and still been able to prosecute people who are trafficking.
  4. Q

    ONtarion Court Decision this Monday!

    The first part of the decision is: S. 197 of the (old) criminal code reads: So if I'm reading this right, being found in a bawdy house is still illegal, but prostitution being practiced on the premises isn't sufficient proof that a premises is a bawdy house. They have to prove that it is...
  5. Q

    ONtarion Court Decision this Monday!

    Well it's 11. Who else is hitting f5 at the globe and mail homepage?
  6. Q

    Abortion Debate By Stealth

    Did you actually read all that I wrote? I'm absolutely ok with a pregnancy being terminated in any way, at any time, with no consequences. I implied that in my previous posts, I didn't think I'd have to explicitly state it. Another point I was trying to make is who the fuck cares what was said...
  7. Q

    Abortion Debate By Stealth

    Being an atheist, I can safely say that yes a kidney has a soul exactly the way a full human does. But you missed my point, in my example the fetus is comparable to the recipient of the kidney (who its presumed would die without it).
  8. Q

    Abortion Debate By Stealth

    I think the abortion 'debate' in Canada is largely obscured my American media debates on the issue. Even if the government were successful in defining life as beginning at conception, that would only be a small step in curtailing abortion rights. An excerpt from the Supreme Court decision in R...
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    Prostitution Appeal to Be Heard Monday

    I didn't realize that was an SCC decision, I thought it was just one of those bizarre over-looked laws. It kind of makes sense of the current batch of nonsensical laws though.
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    Prostitution Appeal to Be Heard Monday

    Are the court transcripts available? Or are they not made public until the hearing is over?
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    Prostitution Appeal to Be Heard Monday

    Theoretically they could, but they'd face an incredible amount of political backlash. With prostitution the backlash would probably be less, and considering the conservatives had an election win just a few months ago it could be up to 4.5 years before they're at the polls again. By then any...
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    Prostitution Appeal to Be Heard Monday

    It's not just the laws though, my lease prohibits me from running any kind of business from my apartment.
  13. Q

    Prostitution Appeal to Be Heard Monday

    What concerns me about this case is that the entire challenge rests on the fact that prostitution in and of itself is legal. In the event that the decision is upheld the government could just make it illegal and the entire case is moot. If that were to happen I'd expect a massive LE crackdown on...
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    so, im having an argument with somebody...

    Wasn't there a charter challenge to the "living off of avails" and "bawdy house" laws a few months back? What ever happened with that?
  15. Q

    roll up the rim!

    I've won 2 donuts and like 10 coffees. And I live in a shithole town about 120 km from TO. Maybe Tim's is trying to shaft Torontonians.
  16. Q

    ACORN "pimp" videos edited to falsify story

    This is old news, I saw this on either Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert (can't remember which) a few weeks ago. The american media is truly in a sad state of affairs when those two are becoming the most reliable news source.
  17. Q

    It's over, I'm bankrupt. Goodbye TERB

    That might have worked better if the url "" didn't appear in the status bar. Checking that is an old habit from when I frequented a forum that liked to goatse each other. To those that don't know what goatse is, for the love of god do not search for it.
  18. Q

    Reputable registry cleaner

    Unfortunately, this seemed to be the case, I tried the first 2 cleaners mentioned and neither helped, so I formatted my drive. Thanks anyway, everyone.
  19. Q

    Reputable registry cleaner

    Can anyone recommend a good, free registry cleaner for Vista? Or failing that, offer advice on the problem below? I got a virus this morning that proved to be a real nightmare. It's a Trojan that calls itself "Vista Antispy Pro 2010" or something like that, and it seems to be relatively new, as...
  20. Q

    Timmies fights min wage hike

    True. Except for the 8.6% unemployment thing. Have you never had to take a job that was far beneath your skill level to make ends meet? If you haven't, I envy you. I've been there, and it's horrible. I'm sure most other people have been there as well. Yes, the skill set required of a job at...
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