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Abortion Debate By Stealth


Jun 6, 2009
The Conservatives are doing again. The announcement came today about opening a discussion on redefining what a human being is. It's only one member taking this initiative, but I don't believe for a second he doesn't have the okay from higher up. This just gives the PMO or his close circle plausible deniability. Now a question arises, open or closed doors.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
There was an extensive thread on this already a few months ago.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


Aug 28, 2007
I think the abortion 'debate' in Canada is largely obscured my American media debates on the issue. Even if the government were successful in defining life as beginning at conception, that would only be a small step in curtailing abortion rights.

An excerpt from the Supreme Court decision in R v. Morgentaler:

State interference with bodily integrity and serious state-imposed psychological stress, at least in the criminal law context, constitutes a breach of security of the person. Section 251 clearly interferes with a woman's physical and bodily integrity. Forcing a woman, by threat of criminal sanction, to carry a foetus to term unless she meets certain criteria unrelated to her own priorities and aspirations, is a profound interference with a woman's body and thus an infringement of security of the person. A second breach of the right to security of the person occurs independently as a result of the delay in obtaining therapeutic abortions caused by the mandatory procedures of s. 251 which results in a higher probability of complications and greater risk. The harm to the psychological integrity of women seeking abortions was also clearly established.
(Section 251 refers to the Criminal Code of Canada, that section is what prohibited abortion except under certain circumstances. It was struck down in this decision)

The decision essentially stated that a woman has the right to choose not to be pregnant regardless of any other factors. Unlike the USA, we have on demand legal abortion available at any term in the pregnancy for that reason.

As an aside, I do think that life begins at conception but remain pro-choice regardless largely due to the above quoted facts. I view carrying a pregnancy to term in the same way as donating a kidney to someone. Its great if you do it, but if you can't/don't want to for whatever reason no one should be able to force you.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
So blackrock, you are against open debate on issues? There can be no discussion of issues that remain controversial?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
As an aside, I do think that life begins at conception but remain pro-choice regardless largely due to the above quoted facts. I view carrying a pregnancy to term in the same way as donating a kidney to someone. Its great if you do it, but if you can't/don't want to for whatever reason no one should be able to force you.
Does a human kidney have a soul like a human?


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Alternatively, we could admit that the 400 year old legal definition of a "human being" is completed retarded and just recognize that abortion is a completely separate issue.

A bridge too far? Yeah, I suppose it is. But you gotta admit, the 400 year old definition is definited out of date and simply WRONG!!!!


Aug 28, 2007
Does a human kidney have a soul like a human?
Being an atheist, I can safely say that yes a kidney has a soul exactly the way a full human does. But you missed my point, in my example the fetus is comparable to the recipient of the kidney (who its presumed would die without it).


Jun 6, 2009
So blackrock, you are against open debate on issues? There can be no discussion of issues that remain controversial?
I'm not exactly sure how you get from my post to those question but, open discussion on everything no, open discussion on some things yes, burt open between whom? that depends. That's case specific. Just like I don't believe in plebiscites or referenda on everything, I also don't think open forums should be done on all similar matters.

Yet really wasn't my point. Harper has 'said' over and over that he won't reopen the abortion debate and yet here is an attempt to lay the ground work to move the goal posts towards making abortion less palatable and wider prohibition more easily covered by the present laws.


Jun 6, 2009
As usual, blackrock wanking himself


"..While the MP was speaking to a room packed with reporters, the justice minister released a statement that iced the idea.
"The prime minister has been very clear, our government will not reopen this debate," said Rob Nicholson.
Until they do. As we all know the Justice Minister always speaks the truth. Nice try. You're tryin' too hard to be a wannabe bully.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Harper, and other minsters, have said numerous times they won't reopen the abortion debate. And I take him at his word. He's too smart of a politician to go down that road. The vote on the motion, when it comes, will be the interesting thing. Private members motions are usually a free vote but will Harper whip enough of his caucus to make sure this thing dies?


Jun 6, 2009
Me the bully?

You are the guy who stopped the Neo Cons dead in their tracks by exposing their sneaky ruse!

Interesting that you think they're dead in their track and even more interesting that you think I'm responsible. That kind of shows your grasp on reality. I know it was a joke. A dumb one but a joke just the same. We are getting use to those recently.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
I'm not exactly sure how you get from my post to those question but, open discussion on everything no, open discussion on some things yes, burt open between whom? that depends.
Wow. I normally like your posts but here, you are extolling the virtues of censorship and oppression. The notion that some topics can't be discussed, is as undemocratic a notion as exists. I would hate to live in a society where I was not able to express my support of or distaste for vital social issues. Wow.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Interesting that you think they're dead in their track and even more interesting that you think I'm responsible. That kind of shows your grasp on reality. I know it was a joke. A dumb one but a joke just the same. We are getting use to those recently.
I've noticed this one consistent error on your part without fail in all you rambling threads..it could have something to do with poor adult literacy..whatever,,,but please from now on...when you are writing a sentece such as,,, "we are getting USE to.... the proper english word is getting USED to. i mean for the amount of time you waste writing senseless threads..you might as well derive some side benefits improving your grammar. over and out Boy Scout


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Wow. I normally like your posts but here, you are extolling the virtues of censorship and oppression. The notion that some topics can't be discussed, is as undemocratic a notion as exists. I would hate to live in a society where I was not able to express my support of or distaste for vital social issues. Wow.
i have emailed stephen woodworth my opinons on his position it behooves all canadians who are disgusted by this old codger to do the same
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