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Abortion Debate By Stealth


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Blackrock, rubmeister. Can you both please STFU! Stop trolling each others threads!


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Ha ha ..and how many of you chumps were mocking me when I said this was coming? RLD?? lol... some of you guys sooooooooooooooooooooooo simple...


New member
Sep 25, 2006
As an aside, I do think that life begins at conception but remain pro-choice regardless largely due to the above quoted facts. I view carrying a pregnancy to term in the same way as donating a kidney to someone. Its great if you do it, but if you can't/don't want to for whatever reason no one should be able to force you.
So if life begins at conception and conception can begin up in the fallopian tube are you for or against charging with murder any female who uses a form of birth control that prevent implantation of that fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus? E.G. An IUD works with basically the same science that an OBY GYN would use during an scrapes the lining of the uterus. Some also have hormones included that prevent the implantation from happening. The end result is that the "life", as you have defined it, gets flushed out with the next menstrual cycle?

I know you said you are pro-choice but understand the impact of supporting the life begins at conception theory. Being able to charge abortion doctors with murder is the reason why the anti-choice folks south of the border are trying to get a zygote defined as a person. One of the Roe vs Wade dissenting judges wrote that if the fertilized egg was defined as a person then it would be much easier to ban abortions. This wide sweeping ruling could also be used to charge woman who use birth control with murder. And if you research what Rick Santorum believes in then even birth control could be banned returning society to the glory days of the early 60's when birth control was illegal.

I say it again...any of us on this board, and elsewhere, who happen to have a penis hanging between our legs, has absolutely no right to tell any female what she can or cannot do with her womb. That includes any female who happens to be our partner. End of Discussion.


Jun 6, 2009
So if life begins at conception and conception can begin up in the fallopian tube are you for or against charging with murder any female who uses a form of birth control that prevent implantation of that fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus? E.G. An IUD works with basically the same science that an OBY GYN would use during an scrapes the lining of the uterus. Some also have hormones included that prevent the implantation from happening. The end result is that the "life", as you have defined it, gets flushed out with the next menstrual cycle?

I know you said you are pro-choice but understand the impact of supporting the life begins at conception theory. Being able to charge abortion doctors with murder is the reason why the anti-choice folks south of the border are trying to get a zygote defined as a person. One of the Roe vs Wade dissenting judges wrote that if the fertilized egg was defined as a person then it would be much easier to ban abortions. This wide sweeping ruling could also be used to charge woman who use birth control with murder. And if you research what Rick Santorum believes in then even birth control could be banned returning society to the glory days of the early 60's when birth control was illegal.

I say it again...any of us on this board, and elsewhere, who happen to have a penis hanging between our legs, has absolutely no right to tell any female what she can or cannot do with her womb. That includes any female who happens to be our partner. End of Discussion.
To be more precise the potential for human life begins at conception, nothing more. It's no where near human, with no cell differentiation and certainly no brain.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Harper if anything is pragmatic. One more time. Harper is pragmatic. Under no circumstances will he allow a vote on abortion to come before parliment by any member of his party. It can be discussed in committe, it can be discussed by MP's in private, but will not come to a vote in the House of Commons. Problem and issue solved.


Jun 6, 2009

"..While the MP was speaking to a room packed with reporters, the justice minister released a statement that iced the idea.
"The prime minister has been very clear, our government will not reopen this debate," said Rob Nicholson.

As usual, blackrock twisting things around so he can wank himself only to get goo on his own face!

Holy crykie. How many family photos do you have? Is this your uncle or your brother, or both?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Harper if anything is pragmatic. One more time. Harper is pragmatic. Under no circumstances will he allow a vote on abortion to come before parliment by any member of his party. It can be discussed in committe, it can be discussed by MP's in private, but will not come to a vote in the House of Commons. Problem and issue solved.
However the Ancient Chinese Water Torture—apologies for the racist, archaic metaphor—of one private member's bill after another continues, each trying to erode one more incremental aspect of the law that recognizes only the woman carrying that egg can decide what to do with it. No one else.

Unlike the Courts Parliament cannot decide such Bills can be of no effect under existing law and therefore throw them out as frivolous and vexatious. Although I believe Harper's too smart to allow an abortion debate, he's already broken all sorts of similar serious promises, and who's to say a subsequent leader wouldn't see these bills as foundations, if they pass.

Show us the need to pass even a one of them, because of injustice done without them.


New member
Apr 29, 2002


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
Rub - / - rock

Although you both make the occasional interesting contribution (puns aside Rub), you both hijack threads by trolling each other. If you are going to do that in multiple threads, you both need to raise your games a lot. Otherwise, just create an on-going Rubmeister/Blackrock childish insults page the rest of us can visit if we need an ego boost.


Jun 6, 2009
Rub - / - rock

Although you both make the occasional interesting contribution (puns aside Rub), you both hijack threads by trolling each other. If you are going to do that in multiple threads, you both need to raise your games a lot. Otherwise, just create an on-going Rubmeister/Blackrock childish insults page the rest of us can visit if we need an ego boost.
Keep trying but he just can't stop.

I can so, no he can't, leave me out of this, there. It's over for now.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
who needs an abortion clinic when you can easily find a flight of stairs.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
At the end of the day most western societies have de-humanized the unprotected and voiceless fetus....Boy I'm happy I didn't get carved out in the early days.
1. The fetus is voiceless because it isn't yet a human being - that's called Science.
2. If you had been carved out, happiness is irrelevant. Also, happiness is only temporary.


Aug 28, 2007
So if life begins at conception and conception can begin up in the fallopian tube are you for or against charging with murder any female who uses a form of birth control that prevent implantation of that fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus? E.G. An IUD works with basically the same science that an OBY GYN would use during an scrapes the lining of the uterus. Some also have hormones included that prevent the implantation from happening. The end result is that the "life", as you have defined it, gets flushed out with the next menstrual cycle?
Did you actually read all that I wrote? I'm absolutely ok with a pregnancy being terminated in any way, at any time, with no consequences. I implied that in my previous posts, I didn't think I'd have to explicitly state it.

... Roe vs Wade ...
Another point I was trying to make is who the fuck cares what was said in Roe vs. Wade? Or what Santorum says, or anything that happens to the south. I posted R v Morgentaler and one of the points that I was trying to make is that regardless of when the beginning of life is defined it would be irrelevant to the status of abortion in Canada based on some of the rulings in R v Morgentaler.

I say it again...any of us on this board, and elsewhere, who happen to have a penis hanging between our legs, has absolutely no right to tell any female what she can or cannot do with her womb. That includes any female who happens to be our partner. End of Discussion.
I'm not sure if you're trying to make this point to me, or to the entire board. But in either case I think you're preaching to the choir. If indeed this was addressed to me specifically, you didn't read my posts very well.


Sep 24, 2004
Ohhhhh the bogeyman is coming, the bogeyman is coming!!! Give it a rest. Harper has been very, very clear that neither abortion nor same sex marriage will be re-opened.

You sound as moronic as Justin Trudeau. He got his father's looks and his mother's brain.
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