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  1. B

    Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested

    That's right, I was totally crushed - can I get a hug? LOL, this thread is comedy gold. Truth is nothing you write here can ever "hurt my feelings". Your point of view just isn't important enough to me. Period. Next time I amuse myself by tossing cyber-peanuts at a not-so-bright Obama monkey...
  2. B

    Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested

    Not mad ... I'm just engaging the pathetic, easily taunted little twat for my own amusement in between classes. :D
  3. B

    Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested

    I suppose some uneducated hobos may use the same grammatical style on the walls of public bathroom stalls. Try to avoid honing your grammar on the scribbles signed "Jhon" or "Dayvit" ...
  4. B

    Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested

    Awww shame. Here let met help you ... "It would make you feel better to think of me as retarded though, wouldn't it?" There, fixed it.
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    Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested

    Obamabots can't let go ... LMAO :D
  6. B

    Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested

    Awww, you almost hurt my fweeeelings you retarded piece of shit.
  7. B

    Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested

    Gotta love the Dem fanboyz. Joe Biden's daughter was arrested in an altercation with a police officer, his son and brother has lawsuits pending for fraud ... but no, let's obsess about Palin's daughter's husband's mother instead. God that's hillarious.
  8. B

    Breaking News: Michael Ignatieff to become leader of the Liberal Party by caucus vote

    The Libs have some political talent, but the party is being choked to death by party insiders and a media hungry for drama. I re-state my previous pick for Lib leader - Gerard Kennedy. Young(ish), extremely personable and likeable, and has seemingly solid Libertarian views. For the Con's...
  9. B

    Breaking News: Michael Ignatieff to become leader of the Liberal Party by caucus vote

    "Until George W. Bush, no American president -- not even Franklin Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson -- actually risked his presidency on the premise that Jefferson might be right. But this gambler from Texas has bet his place in history on the proposition, as he stated in a speech in March, that...
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    Breaking News: Michael Ignatieff to become leader of the Liberal Party by caucus vote

    "But his chief rival, Bob Rae, is not going down without a fight. He's challenging the legitimacy of a leadership process that excludes tens of thousands of rank and file Liberals." Oh the irony ...
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    Breaking News: Michael Ignatieff to become leader of the Liberal Party by caucus vote

    Given Iggy's love for George W, I can't wait to see the first class comedy this will provide. We will be able to sample Jack and Duceppe's verbal contortions as they justify their cozy alliance with a Bush-bot. Then, if the coalition is actually succesful in it's quest to fuck us over and Iggy...
  12. B

    Dion must go

    I know he ran for the last Lib leadership, but don't know about his current plans. Bob Rae will put an automatic ceiling in Lib support since a LOT of people simply can't stand the idiot. Ignatieff is better but his Bush love-in days will haunt him with the electorate for sure. Kennedy is just a...
  13. B

    Dion must go

    Agreed! My vote for Lib leader would have to go to Gerard Kennedy. One of the few decent, upstanding Libs who seem like he is willing to put country first.
  14. B

    Rally this Saturday against the Coalition

    According to all the opinion polls people trust the coalition even less. The latest one by COMPAS actually has Tory support up to a whopping 51% if an election was held today. I'd say the coalition has lost this gamble.
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    Rally this Saturday against the Coalition

    This is a good opportunity to pick up some hot, anti-coalition chicks. Speaking of which, I'm totally hot for the GG right now.
  16. B

    Pirate ship get sunk

    Meh, from the title I thought this was a thread about the coalition.
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    Dion must go

    I love Dion. He should stay!
  18. B

    Coalition crumbling already?

    It would be a welcome shock - these socialist fuckers need to go suck on their own teats for a change. And rather Quebec than "The West" with all that beautiful, gorgeous oooiiiillll (and rodeos) ...
  19. B

    Canada is banana monarchy

    About that 62% majority ... not that one, the other one: 62% ANGRY AT COALITION, 46% WOULD VOTE TORY
  20. B

    Canada is banana monarchy

    While you struggle to get over it, I'm enjoying the GG's big dose of "the will of the people"... Ipsos: CPC 46, LPC 23, NDP 13, BQ 9, GPC 8 Ekos: CPC 44, LPC 24, NDP 15, BQ 9, GPC 8 And so on ...
Toronto Escorts