Breaking News: Michael Ignatieff to become leader of the Liberal Party by caucus vote


Bad girl Luv'r
Mar 21, 2004
At the range!!!

According to a CTV 's Craig Oliver an announcement will be coming tomorrow that LeBlanc will drop out of the race and throw his support behind Ignatieff. A vote will take place in caucus on Wednesday to put Michael Ignatieff in as leader. Stephane Dion is done. Michael Ignatieff will become parliamentary leader of the Liberal Party and pressure will be placed on Bob Rae to step down as a "team player". Michael Ignatieff seemed to back away from the coalition while leaving it on the table at the same time. He did say he was open to seeing what was in the budget and would make a decision on January 27 on what to do. It will be interesting to see if there is any backlash from the grassroots about not having a say in the process. Another system of voting by phone or online was also proposed. It looks like Ignatieff will be installed leader based on a vote in caucus rubberstamped by the executive.


no longer.....
Nov 28, 2004
baci2004 said:

According to a CTV 's Craig Oliver an announcement will be coming tomorrow that LeBlanc will drop out of the race and throw his support behind Ignatieff. A vote will take place in caucus on Wednesday to put Michael Ignatieff in as leader. Stephane Dion is done. Michael Ignatieff will become parliamentary leader of the Liberal Party and pressure will be placed on Bob Rae to step down as a "team player". Michael Ignatieff seemed to back away from the coalition while leaving it on the table at the same time. He did say he was open to seeing what was in the budget and would make a decision on January 27 on what to do. It will be interesting to see if there is any backlash from the grassroots about not having a say in the process. Another system of voting by phone or online was also proposed. It looks like Ignatieff will be installed leader based on a vote in caucus rubberstamped by the executive.

Another fine example of Liberal 'Democracy'....


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Because I was bored the other day, just for "fun" I read most of the Liberal party constitution. As I understand it, the caucus can select an interim leader but the "full-time" leader can only be selected at a national convention. Rae is sure to make a point of this. I expect Iggy will be interim leader but a convention will still be held. Whether Rae continues to run until May remains to be seen.


New member
Jul 2, 2007
Given Iggy's love for George W, I can't wait to see the first class comedy this will provide. We will be able to sample Jack and Duceppe's verbal contortions as they justify their cozy alliance with a Bush-bot. Then, if the coalition is actually succesful in it's quest to fuck us over and Iggy becomes PM, it will be hysterical to see how Iggy's past support for Bush plays in the American media.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
BKool said:
Given Iggy's love for George W, I can't wait to see the first class comedy this will provide. We will be able to sample Jack and Duceppe's verbal contortions as they justify their cozy alliance with a Bush-bot. Then, if the coalition is actually succesful in it's quest to fuck us over and Iggy becomes PM, it will be hysterical to see how Iggy's past support for Bush plays in the American media.
He couldn't possibly suck Bush's ass anymore than Harper has.


New member
Jul 2, 2007
shack said:
He couldn't possibly suck Bush's ass anymore than Harper has.
"Until George W. Bush, no American president -- not even Franklin Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson -- actually risked his presidency on the premise that Jefferson might be right. But this gambler from Texas has bet his place in history on the proposition, as he stated in a speech in March, that decades of American presidents' excusing and accommodating tyranny, in the pursuit of stability in the Middle East inflamed the hatred of the fanatics who piloted the planes into the twin towers on Sept. 11. If democracy plants itself in Iraq and spreads throughout the Middle East, Bush will be remembered as a plain-speaking visionary."

- Iggy in New York Times Magazine, June 26, 2005


Jan 31, 2005
There are no good politicians running for the leadership of any party in Canada right now. The lot running for the Liberal leadership are pretty sorry. I used to think Harper was at least a capable leader, but recent events have blown that idea out of the water.

A brief summary of the last few weeks:

Our bumbling government created a political crisis through sheer incompetence but managed to cling to power a few weeks longer after a spectacularly amateurish showing by the bumblers in opposition.


New member
Jul 2, 2007
The Libs have some political talent, but the party is being choked to death by party insiders and a media hungry for drama. I re-state my previous pick for Lib leader - Gerard Kennedy. Young(ish), extremely personable and likeable, and has seemingly solid Libertarian views. For the Con's, there's Peter McKay who has similar traits. The NDP basically has fuck-all, but who cares.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Well... I suppose he is the best among Dion and Rae. This will help the Liberals unless Rae causes dissention.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Exchanging one liberal clown for a different liberal clown
Niether of these two is qualified to lead our country


Jan 31, 2005
JohnLarue said:
Exchanging one liberal clown for a different liberal clown
Niether of these two is qualified to lead our country
The problem is I can't see anyone in any party who is qualified to lead our country. Maybe Gilles Duceppe? He honestly seems to be the most competent out of the lot running (or potentially running) the various parties. Unfortunately he probably doesn't want the job.


Sep 16, 2004
It looks like the people have spoken, I meant the pupppet masters, and Iggy the clown will be in charge of the Liberal mess. As a result, the coalition for the people seems to be dead and the average canadaian will be taking it in the ass left and right for the next few years. Now shut the fuck up and go watch TV or something!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
fuji said:
The problem is I can't see anyone in any party who is qualified to lead our country. Maybe Gilles Duceppe? He honestly seems to be the most competent out of the lot running (or potentially running) the various parties. Unfortunately he probably doesn't want the job.

More Fujilogic (tm) from the master.:eek:



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
fuji said:
The problem is I can't see anyone in any party who is qualified to lead our country. Maybe Gilles Duceppe? He honestly seems to be the most competent out of the lot running (or potentially running) the various parties. Unfortunately he probably doesn't want the job.
Your joking right?
Of all the buffoons walking the halls in Ottawa, he is the absolute worst candidate.

His stated objective is the separation of Quebec from the rest of the country.
Its bad enough we give him money to help tear our great country apart, now you want to put him in charge?

He should be tried for treason, not given the most important job in the country

He would probably do great things in the PMs office
Great things for Quebec, very damaging for the rest of the country


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
fuji said:
The problem is I can't see anyone in any party who is qualified to lead our country. Maybe Gilles Duceppe? He honestly seems to be the most competent out of the lot running (or potentially running) the various parties. Unfortunately he probably doesn't want the job.
LancsLad said:
More Fujilogic (tm) from the master.
Yup that one is right up there with the Russian rockets in Mexico. Mr Duceppe's most recent brilliance includes resigning as the Bloc leader to run for the leadership of the provincial Parti Quebecois in 2007. After a day he figured out he would lose so he called a time out and then a do-over and went back to Ottawa.

Excerpts from his profile -
In his youth, he advocated communism, and held membership in the Workers' Communist Party of Canada. Duceppe later claimed that his three-year membership in the W.C.P. (M.L.) was a mistake brought on by a search for absolute answers. [2] However, during this period — which lasted well into his thirties — he subscribed to militant Maoist ideology and was fired from his job as a hospital orderly for belligerent activities.[3] Duceppe even went so far as to intentionally spoil his 1980 sovereignty-association referendum ballot arguing that Québécois should instead focus their efforts on staying united to fight their common capitalist enemy.[3] Before becoming a member of the federal parliament of Canada, Duceppe worked as a hospital orderly and later became a trade union negotiator.

If fuji endorses him you can pretty well be assured he's the worst of the bunch.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Liberal leadership candidates?

Ignatieff probably the best of teh current crop not real popular outside the liberal party

Rae not real popular anywhere, is seeing his hopes to be P.M. circling the drain with the coalition and Iggy's leadership annointment

Gerard Kennedy not well known north of steeles ave in toronto, had the same problem when he ran for the provincial liberal leadership, politics slightly to the left of Jack LAyton probably not a consensus choice for anything

Dominic Leblanc arguably the best of the candidates the problem is got into the race to late ie should have started 2 years ago like Iggy and Boob Rae, probably made the best choice getting out until the current idiocy is fixed, will be back next time.

Treudeau the younger, at least 10 years away not a lot of support outside of Quebec .

All the others?
Mar 19, 2006
landscaper said:
Liberal leadership candidates?

Ignatieff probably the best of teh current crop not real popular outside the liberal party

Rae not real popular anywhere, is seeing his hopes to be P.M. circling the drain with the coalition and Iggy's leadership annointment

Gerard Kennedy not well known north of steeles ave in toronto, had the same problem when he ran for the provincial liberal leadership, politics slightly to the left of Jack LAyton probably not a consensus choice for anything

Dominic Leblanc arguably the best of the candidates the problem is got into the race to late ie should have started 2 years ago like Iggy and Boob Rae, probably made the best choice getting out until the current idiocy is fixed, will be back next time.

Treudeau the younger, at least 10 years away not a lot of support outside of Quebec .

All the others?
I think Frank McKenna was the Liberals only hope. He is certainly the most talented and respected of the lot.

When he said uh uh, not for me, the Libs were doomed.
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