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  1. C

    Vancouver fans suck

    Didn't Vancouver boo Team Canada back in the great 72 series, that prompted one of the great moments of leadership from Phil Esposito.
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    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    I can completely agree with that. When Canucks went against Chicago I was very tempted to cheer for Chicago. They play it hard and so skilled. When Canucks played for Nashville I was likewise close if not closer to cheering for Nashville. I love underdogs. I cheer for Vancouver because it is a...
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    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    I never hated Ottawa. They are 3rd on my list. First Toronto, then Montreal, then Ottawa. Usually it is Edmonton next then Vancouver of Calgary. Now I have to fit Winnipeg in again. Last game saw way too much diving by some of the Canucks. Maybe they could have gotten another goal if the...
  4. C

    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    Boston has a great team, Tim Thomas is playing amazing and is the one who is the difference in the game. Vancouver would be better off not getting power plays. The problem is the game is not pretty or that entertaining unless you like scrums slashes and so forth. Almost everyone even Boston...
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    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    I usually watch with other people and hear their comments more than then what is said on TV. Often we just turn the sound down as it can be annoying. Power Plays are more than just scoring. It can get a team going. Too many penalties keep certain players off the ice, and others on. Turns a team...
  6. C

    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    Googled him. Says he is a play by play guy. If you think he is bias then try listening to the Buffalo, Boston or Detroit. How about the basketball guys. Read the Sun guys. Bias during play by play?
  7. C

    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    But the refs did call things. What was good for calling against the Canucks was not worth calling against the Bruins. Remember this is a business more than a sport. The moment Gary Bettman took over this became a reality. A big marked US team is the ones they want. It makes the news and sells...
  8. C

    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    Don't read Jim Hughson. I read little in sports, and say little. I like watching but this series is not good hockey. It is how the Bruins play. It is a shame. They have a lot of great talent. Many of the players impress me. Yes there is dirty stuff by both teams. There always will be. The Bruins...
  9. C

    Boston vs Vancouver for the Cup

    Canucks need to do what was done in Longest Yard. Nail the refs in the balls with a few slapshots until they start calling the game fair. I know the league would love a big market US team to win. That game was out of control and that is the Bruins game. They instigate and the Canucks get called...
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    So far, the ratings for Sun News TV are pathetic

    They should learn from the Naked News. Now there is a show that should get a Prime Time slot. Seeing a pretty naked woman somehow makes the bad news not so bad and the good news better.
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    Conservative deputy chief of staff caught lying to the press -- by Sun Media

    They did run a story and one of the half wit columnists did called the Iraq war Iggy's war. They said he worked on the invasion strategy. I remember reading it and laughing. Iggy and strategy? I will be voting liberal, just wish they had a leader like Layton, or even Elaine May. They have been...
  12. C

    Conservative deputy chief of staff caught lying to the press -- by Sun Media

    Imagine that something wrong printed in the Sun. They should really have done a better job of checking the story out. It is really a pathetic paper. When I read it I was laughing. Imagine that Iggy responsible for the Iraq War strategy. He can't evey figure out how to beat Harper, or Layton in...
  13. C

    Arab "Democracy"

    Democracy is rule by the majority. Freedom of individuals is a different thing. We have freedoms because the majority of people want it. The majority of those in the Arab world may not. I hope that they reach democracy and realize they are better off for letting people be free to live their...
  14. C

    Oh no! Another election coming up?

    If I had to vote for leaders I would vote Jack Layton. He is the least pathetic of the leaders. I don't really like him too much either. If I vote for party then it is the Liberals they are the least pathetic there. Unfortunately that means the worst of the leaders. So I shall be voting for the...
  15. C

    Canadian postal union gives stamp of approval to Gaza blockade-running mail mission

    Good thing they are not let deliver mail. Just think of all the paper planes that would be made and sent to attack Israel. All the paper cuts that have been saved. They might even make spit balls out of the paper.
  16. C

    Will the flotilla apologize for the acts of violence perpetrated by their fighters?

    The ships should never have been boarded in international waters. Those in command of the boarding should be going to jail. Netanyahu should have been held for the criminal act that his country has apparently committed. I believe Israel has the right to defend itself but not by breaking...
  17. C

    Israel boards activist flotilla, shots fired, reports of dead and wounded

    Perhaps the US should escort the aid into Gaza. Perhaps Israel should follow international law if it wishes others to do so. Do on to others... This type of stuff is leading many people against Israel.
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    Most Hated Companies

    Tobacco companies for sure. CTV, FOX, most TV and media outlets. Walmart, Oil companies.
  19. C

    The way to beat Harper

    How to beat Harper is with a stick. As big as you can find. Do it quick before he throws Peter McKay in front to take the blows. No the Liberals and NDP do not see him as a Nazi. I think few people actually would. He is a right winger that believes in keeping government from helping people, yet...
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    Detailed list of scientists against climate change

    My main thing is that there are so many variables to the planet and to how the sun operates and many other things. That being said I do think that the amounts of crap we are pouring into the air, sea and everywhere else is not going to be good for our planet, much like smoking is not good for...
Toronto Escorts