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  1. K

    Breaking up after a few dates...

    Really?! The rest of your life? Is that the approach to take? I thought people dated because they had fun together and had some things in common. Why think about marriage 8 dates in? Why can't it just be about companionship and booty in the beginning?
  2. K

    Breaking up after a few dates...

    I think you did the right thing and handled it in the best way possible. Yes, you hurt her but, if she's as mature as you say, she knows it wasn't intentional. That's what dating is about. Getting to know people. I would touch base with her one more time tomorrow ... just a light-hearted...
  3. K

    15 YEAR OLD ARRESTED - Bloor Christie Sex Assaults - 15 YEARS OLD! WTF

    Doesn't anyone think it's strange that a 15 yo is out and about in a park, molesting women, at midnight and later? I'd be interested in hearing what his parents (probably a single mother) has to say about that ....
  4. K

    What is with the Black History guys?

    Right! Why can't they accept continued oppression, slavery and unjust treatment .... get over themselves!
  5. K

    My wife-Escort for a night

    She won't go through with it ....
  6. K

    DATY then a lil foul DFK

    A few minutes later? Sounds like the lady didn't get any value added there. LOL
  7. K

    Where can i buy Pro-Activ in Toronto?

    At the Eaton Centre, in one of those kiosks in the mall aisle. Can't remember which level but this was just a couple days ago. Ask at the info desk.
  8. K

    How to get closer to a colleague from a different department?

    No, it wouldn't be wise and yes, it's creepy.
  9. K

    How to get closer to a colleague from a different department?

    What?! That's a leap, buddy. And, that's also a bold-faced lie because you've had more than enough time to express your interest in her and always found a reason not to. By January 3, she will have had two weeks to think this through ... and the more she thinks about it, the more she's going to...
  10. K

    How to get closer to a colleague from a different department?

    Cut to the chase. You have about another day or two at most to man up and ask her out properly and put an end to the suspense. Wait any longer and you will have crossed the line from cute, awkward guy with a crush to a problem employee who displays inappropriate behaviour, bordering on...
  11. K

    Are we Cheaters?

    I would add to that, don't be stupid enough to review your dates. I have never understood what part of one's ego would compel them to provide the specific details of their sexual experiences with a hooker. It doesn't take much to connect the dots, trust me. Even on those sites that require...
  12. K

    What were you doing at this time 10 years ago?

    I was interviewing for a gig in NYC ... which I eventually got ... but lost shortly after 9/11.
  13. K

    David Johnston

    He's 69, isn't he? He's too old. He won't survive his term.
  14. K

    I'm in a sexless marriage, should I take the pliunge and start seeing escorts?

    Marriage isn't just two people sharing a bed and an address, dear. If you're fucking someone's husband you aren't keeping their marriage together, I assure you. You are simply prolonging the inevitable.
  15. K

    Is my friend in trouble??

    So ... if they don't get along he's going to throw her out, leave her stranded and waste her tuition money? Nice guy .....
  16. K

    Erin Andrews ESPN fuzzy peephole

    Be careful out there ...
  17. K

    Have most City Workers Crossed the Picket Lines?

    You are correct.
  18. K

    Post-dated cheques

    Update Just got off the phone with a CIBC Customer Service Rep. Browsing around on their site earlier tonight, I typed "post-dated cheque" in the CIBC browser and found the following: What is a post-dated cheque? A cheque that is dated ahead of the date it’s written is considered to be...
  19. K

    Have most City Workers Crossed the Picket Lines?

    I've seen 500 or so in the media as well. Friend of mine, who is a director at City Hall, confirms it.
  20. K

    Joe Jackson Wants Michael's Kids to Tour as 'Jackson 3'

    I think you shouldn't belive EVERYTHING you read on the Internet. I saw this story earlier today and dismissed it. There will be plenty of over the top innuendo on the Jacksons in the coming months. Just click on ignore.
Toronto Escorts