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Breaking up after a few dates...


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Thing is, the more I talked with her, the more I was attracted to her. I was a bit selfish to be honest in continuing to date her as I myself have been trying hard to find someone, but eventually ( i.e after 6 dates ), I asked myself "Would I want to spend the rest of my life with her ? ". All things considered, the answer inside was a "No". I was going to tell her on the next date but couldn't. Then she invited me home.

Anyways, I'll text her tomorrow and hope to have a friend respond.
With all due respect, sir.....You seem like a confused flake.

You were getting more attracted to her....but couldn't see spending the rest of your life together?

Perhaps it would take a bit more time?

Honestly I do not envy women having to deal with guys like that.


New member
May 7, 2013
If shes a cute bbw you should stay with it and both join the gym. Some turn out super hot.


Dec 25, 2012
what if the bbw turned out to be a friggin wildcat, sexual dynamo in the rack ? and you are a dud? maybe she'd drop her attraction to you, relieving her of the unrequited love you feel she has for you , and you of the guilty burden you are now going to carry.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Wow, I think the OP did lead her on. Shame on you. You gave her a false sense of hope and then stonewalled her when she made advances.
What are you talking about? They went out on 8 dates. He was trying to figure out if he wanted her or not. He gave it a month, made his decision, now its over. Shame on him? Hardly. He's entitled to date for a while and figure out if it has a future or not. Its called being human.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
With all due respect, sir.....You seem like a confused flake.

You were getting more attracted to her....but couldn't see spending the rest of your life together?

Perhaps it would take a bit more time?

Honestly I do not envy women having to deal with guys like that.
So you're shitting on him for making a decision too soon, and angie is shitting on him for not making a decision sooner. What the hell?

Its his life; he took as much time as he needed to make a decision. Dating someone for a while then deciding its not going to work, is normal. Over 50% of Canadians MARRY someone then decide its not going to work, and divorce. It sounds like he did exactly what millions of other people do, and are supposed to do. Date around until you find the one. She's not the one, and it took him a month to figure that out.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
If shes a cute bbw you should stay with it and both join the gym. Some turn out super hot.
while an overwhelming majority of population is going in the opposite direction.


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
She contacted me and said she was sorry things didn't work out and misses me. I say no need to be sorry and I should be sorry to have hurt you. I didn't mean to. She says she doesn't think she'll be able to have a friendship. I said I understand and wished her the best.

This hurt me too but I feel I did the right thing and handled things decently.

It would have taken me faster to realize that it wouldn't work ( there were other factors ) if she lived/worked somewhat in the city and we met more often than once a week. Dating doesn't mean two meetups and you have found your soulmate, for me at least.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
She contacted me and said she was sorry things didn't work out and misses me. I say no need to be sorry and I should be sorry to have hurt you. I didn't mean to. She says she doesn't think she'll be able to have a friendship. I said I understand and wished her the best.

This hurt me too but I feel I did the right thing and handled things decently.

It would have taken me faster to realize that it wouldn't work ( there were other factors ) if she lived/worked somewhat in the city and we met more often than once a week. Dating doesn't mean two meetups and you have found your soulmate, for me at least.
Too bad, but at least you have given her closure. And for yourself.

It is harder when you add in distance etc. when trying to determine whether a relationship will work. There are enough other factors already to make it difficult.

King Midas

Dude, WTF?!
May 19, 2006
Toronto, ON
Thing is, the more I talked with her, the more I was attracted to her. I was a bit selfish to be honest in continuing to date her as I myself have been trying hard to find someone, but eventually ( i.e after 6 dates ), I asked myself "Would I want to spend the rest of my life with her ? ". All things considered, the answer inside was a "No". I was going to tell her on the next date but couldn't. Then she invited me home.

Anyways, I'll text her tomorrow and hope to have a friend respond.
Really?! The rest of your life? Is that the approach to take?

I thought people dated because they had fun together and had some things in common. Why think about marriage 8 dates in? Why can't it just be about companionship and booty in the beginning?


Dec 25, 2012
1. buy a car
2. get in the sheets w BBWs from time to time she just may rock your world
3. a grown woman can manage her own feelings , you arent that precious to make some of the statements you've made


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
Really?! The rest of your life? Is that the approach to take?

I thought people dated because they had fun together and had some things in common. Why think about marriage 8 dates in? Why can't it just be about companionship and booty in the beginning?
Like I said, there were other factors. I was indeed thinking in terms of companionship and booty. Its just that I wasn't physically attracted to her, which fucked with my mind a LOT ! The companionship was growing but I just couldn't see myself fucking that booty for the rest of my life. ( Yeah, I know I sound weird ).


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
1. buy a car
2. get in the sheets w BBWs from time to time she just may rock your world
3. a grown woman can manage her own feelings , you arent that precious to make some of the statements you've made
1. Don't need a car all things considered.
2. Yeah, not a bad idea. Except I am rarely attracted to them. I am sure some women would find me ugly/non-attractive physically and wouldn't wanna fuck me. Thats fair game imo.
3. I don't consider myself precious, just a nice guy who knows what he wants in a companion and is looking for the right balance.


Dec 25, 2012
Lot of drama for so little action ... if you like a woman as a person, meaning you spend time together enjoyably, one kiss, (and at the risk of sounding like a Cialis commercial) one moment in the kitchen where you see or feel her in just the right way, the touch of her bosom, the way she touches your dick, the small of her back, a mind blowing blow job, a great fuck ALL have the potential to change the way you see her forever , or not. Weight, looks can change, attitude is forever and is quite sexually appealing

But you will never know. Because you want to spare her feelings? I pity people who have a "type" - based on looks alone. They deny themselves so many experiences and options. You know very little about a woman's whole appeal to you as a full woman without at least kissing, getting close to her physically. We are blessed with multiple senses for a reason , visual is just one piece of the puzzle. There are many many smouldering vixens out there who are larger than a size8.

You think you are a nice guy. I dont. i think you are facile in terms of your sense of "balance" .... you seem like 99/1, looks vs enjoyable company in your attractions. Nice guys see a whole woman and have the balls to give it a real shot , and if it clicks, it clicks and if it doesn't, it doesn't and you take it from there preserving her dignity and felinity. (btw you have a much higher likelihood of being friends w her if you at least showed her that she was desirable and fuckable )

You of course have every right to shut it down before any physical intimacy but dont pretend you are doing it to spare her feelings . I'm betting she bought the wine too.


Active member
Aug 3, 2009
Lot of drama for so little action ... if you like a woman as a person, meaning you spend time together enjoyably, one kiss, (and at the risk of sounding like a Cialis commercial) one moment in the kitchen where you see or feel her in just the right way, the touch of her bosom, the way she touches your dick, the small of her back, a mind blowing blow job, a great fuck ALL have the potential to change the way you see her forever , or not. Weight, looks can change, attitude is forever and is quite sexually appealing
I know that, but attitude alone can't be the base of everything. You gotta have enough basic physical attraction which I didn't feel for her unfortunately.

But you will never know. Because you want to spare her feelings? I pity people who have a "type" - based on looks alone. They deny themselves so many experiences and options. You know very little about a woman's whole appeal to you as a full woman without at least kissing, getting close to her physically. We are blessed with multiple senses for a reason , visual is just one piece of the puzzle. There are many many smouldering vixens out there who are larger than a size8.
I pity people who can't think from different perspectives and assume they have all the experience in the world to preach. There is no set 'type' of woman. It is a mix of personal preferences. I hope you have some too.

We both could feel that it won't work out in the long run and ended it before we both got hurt even more. The intimacy didn't expand to sex. We both understood each other enough to part ways amicably.

You think you are a nice guy. I dont. i think you are facile in terms of your sense of "balance" .... you seem like 99/1, looks vs enjoyable company in your attractions. Nice guys see a whole woman and have the balls to give it a real shot , and if it clicks, it clicks and if it doesn't, it doesn't and you take it from there preserving her dignity and felinity. (btw you have a much higher likelihood of being friends w her if you at least showed her that she was desirable and fuckable )
Well, I'd rather end things if we both felt it wasn't gonna work out. Physical attractiveness was a big factor in that along with other things. Why spend the time and energy to bullshit someone into thinking they have a long lasting relationship ? Nice guys don't do that, jerks who pretend to be nice guys do that.

Her dignity and feminity was preserved rather well. She is emotionally mature enough to handle that. But if I ended things say after a year or two, it would have broken her emotionally. We both understood that and she admired my handling of the situation and said that I am a genuine and caring man. That also speaks volumes about her.

You of course have every right to shut it down before any physical intimacy but dont pretend you are doing it to spare her feelings.
I am not pretending, I actually did it and we both understood why.

I'm betting she bought the wine too.
Yes, one of the bottles.
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