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  1. T

    iMac or PC?

    It was my understanding that the DOS prompt in XP is an emulator, and not actual DOS. I admit that I know only a bit more than the average computer user so I could very well be wrong. And if anyone can tell me if there is a way to reboot into DOS with XP please share.
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    iMac or PC?

    I went to that link and tried to see my "really hidden" files and was unable to because I use XP. The article requires you reboot in DOS which is impossible in XP. Still, it's an extremely interesting and creepy link. I did some google searching on the article to try and find an answer to...
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    Sexy Stacy Keibler - Hot Pics

    She's doing a guest spot on a couple of episodes of some network sitcom. Can't remember which one. She's trying to get into the mainstream acting now. Crazy to think that she wasn't making that much money in the wrestling business.
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    Woody Allen

    Woody Allen wasn't a father to Soon-Yi. She didn't live with Woody, and Woody didn't have anything to do with her upbringing. Mia Farrow adopted Soon-Yi and acted as mother. Keep in mind that Woody and Farrow didn't live together for the entire course of their relationship. It's a little weird...
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    Mpeg editor

    If you're just making some simple edits, you can get Womble at
  6. T

    Craigslist - Casual Encounters

    Casual Encounters? Waste of time. Erotic services? A bit better, but still rather hit or miss. As others have said, the real ones get a ton of replies (just put up a fake ad and see what kind of mail you get) and the rest are affiliate links for webcam sites. You have to be very willing to...
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    I want to marry this girl!

    It's a minor thing, but her name is actually Heather Harmon. Brooke is the name of her friend who does some videos with them. Everyone gets the name wrong because the videos are tagged Heather Brooke on the P2P services. Her real name is in the 2257 statement. Word is the site isn't being...
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    To be honest, I have used a few webcams of varying price and for the most part, they were all similair. The only noteworthy difference I noticed was that Logitech cameras provide better picture quality.
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    Blue Jays have landed a new catcher

    I heard that the Barajas deal fell through. If that's the case, then no.
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    Jays on verge of Frank Thomas signing

    Because Delgado left when the Jays' budget was tighter. I don't mind the addition of Thomas, but not at that price. They should have made a push for him last year when he was cheap. Cheaper than a 6-something million dollar Hillenbrand. Too much of a risk at 38, especially considering his...
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    Bye Bye Hinske

    Correction, good sir, they have big bats. The problem with this year hasn't been scoring runs. Well, okay, it was during the seven game losing skid, but I believe, in my own little humble opinion that was the luck of having them all go cold at once. But you are correct about the good arm in the...
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    Will the Jays be able to resing V. Wells?

    No. The fact is they have a ton of money wrapped up in four players and Wells will have to stay at a discounted rate. If he was outspoken in his desire to stay in Toronto then I could see that happening but he's been pretty blah and on the fence about it so far.
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    Movie Maker

    Final Cut Pro is a prosumer non linear editing system that you'll be paying a bundle for if you just want to make a simple little movie. Plus, it's only available on Macs. It's a bit of overkill. I'd go with Muvee.
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    MP and SC in one: Maliboo in Simcoe

    Didn't know what forum to post this in. This one seems to be the most appropriate geographically. Stopped by the Maliboo in Simcoe last night. It's a complete dive bar and was just killing some time with a buddy, but I noticed something quite curious. The VIP area is located upstairs. Now, at...
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    DVD Camcorders???

    Wouldn't recommend using USB to transfer video. Video has a lot of data and, in my experience, using USB results in dropped frames and poor quality. It'd be worth it to get yourself a Firewire card.
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    DVD Camcorder

    Don't get a DVD camcorder. The image is compressed more than a MiniDV camera and if, for some reason, you want to edit the footage in the future it's much more difficult. The MiniDV quality is better, easier to use, and out there for a comparable price.
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    Do you usually tip your hair dresser?

    It IS a lot of money for a guy's hair cut. Unless you're getting something extravagent done, like a perm? Colouring? Whatever the devil the next step beyond a trim is. As for the question at hand, I usually tip two or three bucks. Then again, the last time I paid for a haircut it was $12.
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    Letterman or Leno?

    Leno is funnier when he's doing stand up. Get him out of the talk show context and he's good. He still does bits outside of the show. Letterman is the better host though. Leno is just too polished. Some of the bits between the monologue and first guest are horrible. On the other hand, did you...
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    Has anyone heard of this site? Did a search and couldn't find any discussion about it.
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    There was once a website that took into consideration every geographical clue given in the show (i.e. they live by a mountain so it can't be here, they are within driving distance of X so it can't be here) and came to the conclusion that there is no way the fictional Springfield can be in any state.
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