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  1. K

    Is this really what things are like in China?

    LOL. Seriously. If you believe that video has anything to do with prostitution then I have a bridge to sell you.
  2. K

    So People In Japan......

    LOL. Yakuza!
  3. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    Now how will others retaliate if the US attacks? There is always going to be retaliation. An unpredictable mess. Missile launch kills a few hundred then it comes back to us a few weeks, months or years later many times over.
  4. K

    Steve Ballmer on the Iphone and Android phones.

    Microsoft came into the game way too late. The OS had great promise too. Hopefully they catch up one day though. Major issue is may app developers are not giving this mobile OS the time of day. Like TD Canada Trust for instance. Has an app for Apple, Android and of course Blackberry but staying...
  5. K

    Diablo 3

    Hmmm... might come back to it with the Reaper of Souls or at the very least down load the new patch with Loot 2.0. Looks promising. Really hate the drops at the moment. Absolute crap with wrong affixes. Reached level 60 with my Demon Hunter and the drops improved somewhat but still sucked. Loot...
  6. K

    PornHub releases data on what kind of porn every US state is masturbating to

    Creampies! The encouragement of bad behavior. LOL.
  7. K

    Traveling Alone, good or bad idea?

    I love traveling alone. Especially to places like Vegas. I don't hobby there but I love playing baccarat there. Having friends, significant others, family, etc, gets in my way of making money. A hell I see Vegas especially the baccarat tables at the Wynn/Encore, MGM Grand and the Aria as my...
  8. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    Well it is about oil but not the way you may think. The U.S. and the West is trying to stir all this shit in the Mid East not because of freedom and democracy. It is trying to mess with China by messing with the oil tap in the Mid-East. By turning on and off the Mid East oil tap, it is trying to...
  9. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    Oh and where and how did the U.S. obtain the tech to develop Sarin gas? They stole it from Germany at the end of WWII with Project Paperclip! At the end of WWII the U.S. secretly issued passports to Nazi scientists for them to immigrate to the U.S and erased their criminal records. And that is...
  10. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    Because chemical weapons is the great equalizer that takes the edge away of the advanced Western military. The West doesn't give a shit about dying people and the grotesque affects of chemical weapons. It is just a ruse as a moral argument and manipulation towards justifying the attack of...
  11. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    How it could be a real mess for Americans you ask? Here is one scenario. If this missile strike does truly weaken Assad and leading him to lose the war and be disposed of by these so-called rebels, there is going to be one big mess in the future where troops will be called again on the ground...
  12. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    Saddam Hussein is one the biggest back stabs by the U.S. in modern history. For all the lackey nations trying to get the U.S. to "protect" them and sell them weapons you are going to be in for a...
  13. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    Politics is one big spineless hypocrisy. Allies today enemies tomorrow vice versa. All about deluding yourself if the situation fits to justify stupidity after stupidity.
  14. K

    What do you like to eat when there is a good war on?

    What about every time you read a story that there is another spike/leak at Fukushima? I prefer some nice tuna roll because with the shit that is going on with no end in sight, fish is going to be an expensive delicacy in the coming future. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
  15. K

    Dating is so fucked

    Or even just simply to ask her to shave her bush?!?!?!?
  16. K

    Attack on Syria is it justified ?

    What would be interesting to see is America does actually send boots on the ground and Assad is pushed to a corner. With no other options, Assad has no choice and unleashes his chemical and bio weapons cache. A final scorched earth tactic since he knows he is going down so might as well take his...
  17. K

    Japanese jokes

    That island territorial dispute is hopefully a simple saber rattling tit for tat. China shouldn't let this get to them since given with what is happening right now both artificially(bloated debt relative to GDP and Fukushima) and not (earthquakes), Japan over the long term is not going to be a...
  18. K

    Japanese jokes

    American porn does it too. If you folks start to believe and think what you see in porn is real sex, you have your own issues to deal with. Oh hell. Just short Japan. At least make some $$$ out of these Japs screwing themselves many times over.
  19. K

    Japanese jokes

    LOL. Seriously. There are more important issues of Japan and the possible disaster that will plague us all for many years because of Jap incompetence and all you can think about is Jap porn.
  20. K

    Dating is so fucked

    Totally agree. The money and what is expected in the encounter are what keep things in check and everyone behaves themselves. Everyone puts their best foot forward since we know what to expect. We both know the beginning, the middle and the end. When and if money is not involved and things are...
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