Attack on Syria is it justified ?


Apr 21, 2013
It's hard to call Saudi Arabia a worse dictatorship than Syria. Al Assad has killed a hundred thousand people now. Syria is attracting attention because of the unbelievable scale of the loss of life.

Here is a number for you: 426. The number of children killed in the sarin gas attack.

I agree though that it is shameful that we didn't give the Bahrain protesters at least moral and diplomatic support.
Actually it's a agreed upon consensus by most that Saudi Arabia is the worst in the region - since it's not in the media I guess it's difficult for you to realize that. The fact that you think Assad has killed hundreds of thousands of people discredits any opinion of yours on the subject matter.


Jan 31, 2005
Actually it's a agreed upon consensus by most that Saudi Arabia is the worst in the region - since it's not in the media I guess it's difficult for you to realize that. The fact that you think Assad has killed hundreds of thousands of people discredits any opinion of yours on the subject matter.
How many people do you think Al Assad had killed in the last year? How many have the Saudis killed? Feel free to round off to the nearest ten thousand.

No one is disputing that Saud is a dictatorship. Just your claim that it is the worst seems painfully shrill in a world where Syria has deployed the heaviest weapons at its disposal against its own civilians.

So far, Saud has not sniped people in the streets, nor tied children to the front of tanks, not fired scud missiles at towns, not used its airforce to bomb its own hospitals, not mortared it's own neighborhoods, etc.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Whatever anybody thinks of the syrian government, and it is hard to believe anybody is happy about it, it is disingenious to say that Assad has killed 100,000 people. The civil war in Syria has taken 100,000 lives.
Shit, I actually agree with dan.

Of course it is worth remembering that this whole thing kicked off with Assad violently suppressing peaceful protest.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
How many people do you think Al Assad had killed in the last year? How many have the Saudis killed? Feel free to round off to the nearest ten thousand.
Considering Saudi is the driving force behind the Islamist rebels in Syria...

I would believe though that any large protest movement in Saudi would meet the same fate as that in Syria.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
A libertarian told me that part of the blame was the Democrats complaining that financing was difficult for middle class or minority groups, so the Federal government urged easier credit. Is this true?
It is of course not as simple as all that. But bottom line your friend is correct.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
'But if we help people and can put an end to genocide even if it's just in a small corner of the world, isn't that worth it'?.................

'just because a greater evil is allowed to continue somewhere else. I don't think that's a valid reason to deny support'.................

'I think sending a clear message that chemical and biological weapons will not be tolerated by the West even if the West isn't involved is an valid one'.
In my view, the argument is compelling; although clearly, other members here have a diffirent perspective on this issue. Sincerely, Jon .


Jan 31, 2005
Shit, I actually agree with dan.

Of course it is worth remembering that this whole thing kicked off with Assad violently suppressing peaceful protest.
A protest that began because he had a child tortured to death.

The remind is overwhelmingly responsible for the civilian casualties. It is the only dude that has bombed hospitals, shelled neighborhoods with heavy artillery, used tanks and machine guns against civilians neighborhoods, fired scud missiles at towns and cities.

The regimes attacks on the healthcare system have been particularly gruesome, resulting in many many preventable deaths.

I am sure that the rebels include some terrorist elements that have committed war crimes. However, not on the scale the regime has.


Apr 24, 2005
Guys, no more talk of war until and unless we get a crystal clear bulletproof opinion from our $1,200 an hour lawyers and a ruling from all 9 Supreme Court justices that attacking Syria is NOT a war crime and/or illegal. Saving a few Syrian civilians does not justify committing a war crime and/or an illegal act.


Jun 6, 2009
Guys, no more talk of war until and unless we get a crystal clear bulletproof opinion from our $1,200 an hour lawyers and a ruling from all 9 Supreme Court justices that attacking Syria is NOT a war crime and/or illegal. Saving a few Syrian civilians does not justify committing a war crime and/or an illegal act.
Then what would DM post about or his hero Chomsky talk about?


Active member
Jun 19, 2012
I just saw the video clips shown to Congress today of the men, women and children who were victims of the chemical turned my stomach to see these human beings frothing at the mouth, undergoing involuntary musculature twitches and convulsions. There is no question that sarin used in the attack. Whoever did it should be brought to justice and punished. The question I still have in my mind is who was responsible for this? I still haven't seen any evidence clearly showing that it was Assad's army or the rebels. Has anyone got any more concrete info. on this?
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