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  1. M

    Drafting Guys Over 60

    Quote: Originally Posted by a 1 player Damn, my ex wife on PMS would work as well. Yeah, "Honey, the enemy said you look FAT in that uniform" lol
  2. M

    Drafting Guys Over 60

    Yeah, "Honey, the enemy said you look FAT in that uniform" lol
  3. M

    Drafting Guys Over 60

    New Direction for any war: Send Service Vets over 60 I am over 60 and the Armed Forces thinks I'm too old to track down terrorists. You can't be older than 42 to join the military. They've got the whole thing backwards. Instead of sending 18-year olds off to fight, they...
  4. M

    Fastest Dying American Cities

    so maybe we should send you Cinci.
  5. M

    Fastest Dying American Cities

    I agree its the former manufacturing cities that have been affected the most, Just wondering why you go across the lake form Buffalo to Hamilton and you see industrial mills as far as the eye can see??
  6. M

    Fastest Dying American Cities

    The bills will move to Toronto. I would bet on it. except would Toronto want a team with the most felons in the NFL
  7. M

    Ohio inmate says he's too fat for execution

    so you have to take him off the migrane drug and put him on a 800 calory a day diet now.. problem
  8. M

    World's first automatic shotgun

    Stryker 12 shotguns If you want to scare somebody, and increase your rate of fire, just put a magazine extension on your Remington 11-87 shotgun, or find a Striker 12 shotgun somewhere. They were banned in NYS in the early 1990s but some are still around. Here is a neat commercially available...
  9. M

    CIBC is taking an ENRON type hit...

    ...wait till the writeoffs have been reported for the most part, then buy the stronger banks hey,,anybody remember Corning at $2.00 BWAHAHAHAHA
  10. M

    What makes you sad?

    My mother in a nursing home. 3 months ago she was totally independent and happy in her own home then in a matter of 30 seconds paralyzed with a stroke and communicates like a child and has to be hoisted out of bed to go pottie. She sleeps with a stuffed kitty because she misses her real cat so...
  11. M

    Cat lovers: Can two male cats become compatible?

    The Major had a similar situation with an adult female and a male kitten. The adult female was of bad temperment and had to be put down. Every cat is has a different temperment and personality. Seems these guys are pretty good natured and are coming around slowly. To JJ - gay cats lol - The...
  12. M

    Cat lovers: Can two male cats become compatible?

    In also helps to have all hardwood floors and keep swiffers and vacuums on each floor. BTW james t kirk they will all be on the recipe pretty soon. Maybe Ill find a domme for the sissy and send 'im in for training lol MMM
  13. M

    Cat lovers: Can two male cats become compatible?

    Thanks Thanks for the replies. I took the one in last night and surprisingly things were quite uneventful. The Mason house is compartmentalized so each cat can have his privacy. The new one pretty much took over and my "alpha" male has turned out to be quite the sissy. Thanks again MMM
  14. M

    Cat lovers: Can two male cats become compatible?

    Hello. A question for the cat experts on the board. The Major has 2 adult male cats, very friendly and compatible. MotherMattMason went to a nursing home and left behone one adorable and affectionate 3 yr old male cat. All cats are neutered. The Major wants to keep all three, as mom loves...
  15. M

    My Cat is sick with Chronic Renal Failure!

    james t. kirk was kind enough to beam over his cat food recipe a couple of years ago and it is everything he has said. thank you james t. kirk. Someone suggested I add some fresh cranberries to it for one of my cats has Feline Urologic Syndrome. I had to stop that because he would'nt eat it...
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    resume/job advice

    I did a 4 year stretch too and I couldn't put it on a resume
  17. M

    resume/job advice

    I don't see where you lied, so you don't have to tell any lies any further. Bring an updated resume to the interview, and treat the volunteer job as an activity and not employment. Major
  18. M

    Name change request form

    **Mother's Maiden Name.....................................** You're going to tell my mother??:eek:
  19. M

    Assistance with SP Income Tax

    Retirement plans Can you put away significantly more in a retirement plan as an employee of your own corporation VS being a self employed individual?? The tax savings may offset the cost of incorporating.
  20. M

    Fallen from grace...and stayed there!

    Nancy Karigan *Campbell soup? I gotta sell Campbell fucking soup?? I'm too good for that*
Toronto Escorts