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My Cat is sick with Chronic Renal Failure!

The Finisher

Active member
May 15, 2002
Thank you for all of your support and guidance.

I can think of all the crazy and happy memories that my cat has brought me over the last 13 years.

- Getting locked up in a shed for 3 days.

- Nearly getting run over on the streets a couple of times.

- In university, I moved several times and each time we moved to a new place, he would bolt out into the streets and disappear. He would come back the next day none the worse for wear. He probably picked up more pussy then I ever did in university. Haha

- He was charming to the ladies. One girl went as far as offering to give back the donation and take him home with her. Ahhh, no deal!!

- My cat would run outside and come back to the porch meowing like crazy when a torrential rainstorm/snowstorm made life miserable for him. He was a big whiner…..just like his owner. I’m so proud of him!

- Loved bathtub water and later moved on to cold toilet water. His version of Coors Light I guess??? =P

- .He was always friendly to everyone on the sidewalk. He would sit there waiting. More often than not he would get a pat on the head and a scratch under his chin.

- The neighbours loved him even if did a number # 2 in their backyard.

- Whenever he got into trouble he would jump onto his pillows located on the side of my bed against the wall. It was his immunity from prosecution when he knew he did something wrong.

- He was taught to wear a cat leash. Funny, he would fight against it when we walked to the park but when we headed home, he would run briskly back home with no reservations.

- When I came home and plopped myself in bed, he would appear out of nowhere to plop himself onto my stomach. He was an instant comforter.

- And lastly, he would always give unconditional love that cannot be measured. He is priceless and I consider him an angel that came down to strengthen me in times of stress and uncertainty. I can only hope that I can offer him the same in return.

God bless and sweet dreams!!

* Please take a moment to hug and kiss your pets.
They are indeed a part of our family to be cherished.


Jan 4, 2005
The Finisher said:
Thank you for all of your support and guidance.

I can think of all the crazy and happy memories that my cat has brought me over the last 13 years.

- Getting locked up in a shed for 3 days.

- Nearly getting run over on the streets a couple of times.

- In university, I moved several times and each time we moved to a new place, he would bolt out into the streets and disappear. He would come back the next day none the worse for wear. He probably picked up more pussy then I ever did in university. Haha

- He was charming to the ladies. One girl went as far as offering to give back the donation and take him home with her. Ahhh, no deal!!

- My cat would run outside and come back to the porch meowing like crazy when a torrential rainstorm/snowstorm made life miserable for him. He was a big whiner…..just like his owner. I’m so proud of him!

- Loved bathtub water and later moved on to cold toilet water. His version of Coors Light I guess??? =P

- .He was always friendly to everyone on the sidewalk. He would sit there waiting. More often than not he would get a pat on the head and a scratch under his chin.

- The neighbours loved him even if did a number # 2 in their backyard.

- Whenever he got into trouble he would jump onto his pillows located on the side of my bed against the wall. It was his immunity from prosecution when he knew he did something wrong.

- He was taught to wear a cat leash. Funny, he would fight against it when we walked to the park but when we headed home, he would run briskly back home with no reservations.

- When I came home and plopped myself in bed, he would appear out of nowhere to plop himself onto my stomach. He was an instant comforter.

- And lastly, he would always give unconditional love that cannot be measured. He is priceless and I consider him an angel that came down to strengthen me in times of stress and uncertainty. I can only hope that I can offer him the same in return.

God bless and sweet dreams!!

* Please take a moment to hug and kiss your pets.
They are indeed a part of our family to be cherished.
Thanks for sharing those memories, sounds like a real character. :)

I'm really sorry it's his time to leave, but it seems like you two had a lot of good memories. Good luck to the both of you.


New member
May 4, 2002
james t. kirk was kind enough to beam over his cat food recipe a couple of years ago and it is everything he has said. thank you james t. kirk.

Someone suggested I add some fresh cranberries to it for one of my cats has Feline Urologic Syndrome. I had to stop that because he would'nt eat it with the cranberries, but it seems to work fine without it. I also adjusted the amount of fish oil (tuna) to make it more palatable for the more finiky eater.

Agree with the comments about vets, I guess the only way to deal with them is to go in with a poker face and educate yourselves.



New member
Sep 22, 2004
North America
Sorry I didn't have time to wade thru all these posts so I may be repeating what's been said..

Yrs ago my then wife was very attached to our very active siamese. Finally after many ailments, the cat just sat around nearly motionless. It was renal failure and after a few weeks of trying all we could, and with the cat just seemingly in almost a trance, we put him down.
I've read that cats often will give you very little sign they are ill and suffering. My advice to you is that if this renal condition is truly going to be fatal, then by all means, as tough as its going to be, put it down.
I know how tough it can be when I lost my best pet ever, a cat of 15 yrs of age. I went on a 6 month bender of constant drinking and a lot of other crazy things including the very beginnings of getting involved with regular adult entertainment late in life.
I would also advise you be right there with your cat thru to the bitter end. Don't just drop him or her off and expect the vet to just take care of it. If ur like me you'll later be glad you did.


Jan 4, 2005
I agree. Be there till the very end. See him through till the very end, just to be sure he is not mistreated and dies peacefully.
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