Toronto Escorts

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  1. R

    Scientists Warn That the Earth Is Literally Dying

    The human race may be dying, but planet earth itself will be fine, especially in the long run.
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    Radar confirms UFO swarm around Navy warship

    Everybody should check out "unacknowledged" on Netflix
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    Trump up 34% in early Florida voting

    just did a search: don't see anything indicating a huge lead ...and since early voting in Florida is from Oct 24 - Nov 6, it's pretty clear that the story of anyone having a lead on Oct 17th is pure fiction
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    BEST STEAK in the downtown core? ???????? Where can i find it

    thank you for the intel MissCroft :)
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    BEST STEAK in the downtown core? ???????? Where can i find it

    of all the best places listed here, which are best for solo diners or have the best bar area? I pretty much always dine solo and prefer not to be at a table in the middle of the restaurant.
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    Extremely Rude Text Response

    wow, that escalated quickly. I never knew the term "newbie" was an offensive insult for some. I know stuff can get misinterpreted in texts/email but going from offering advice using the word "newbie" to extreme profanity and personal insults is surprising. I'm sorry you had to deal with this.
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    ISIS planning ‘nuclear tsunami’

    also, please note the source (washingtontimes)
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    Industry meet and greet social gathering

    I'd be interested in attending one of these events in the future if given enough notice. somehow I missed this was happening, would have liked to have gone
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    40 and single

    seems to happen fairly often for me... I look younger as well and fairly recently have had at least 3 women in their early and mid-twenties lose interest once they found out that I'm NOT in my late twenties or 30. I guess that's just the way it is. I live and work downtown TO so not sure...
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    fort meade attack

    I think you missed the sarcasm in scouser1's post
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    sex addiction test

    ...uh I just took the test for fun and scored a 13. am I supposed to call them for counselling now?
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    Monogamy is bullshit

    I agree with you 100% (im single, fwiw)
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    In love with The Mature Women

    beautiful. what a great thread. thank you
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    thank you for reaching out Valeria :D I hope we can connect as well. have a great afternoon

    thank you for reaching out Valeria :D I hope we can connect as well. have a great afternoon
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    so love SuicideGirls

    thank you for explaining this so simply... I've never understood the term until now.
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    Scottish independence : Will it happen?

    ahh I hope not! I haven't been following too much but my only concern about this has been what effect it will have on scotch prices! (selfish I know) maybe I should stock up!
  17. R

    Name your favourite (Non English Language) Film

    I see I'm not the only one voting for 'City of God' - great film! I can watch it over and over again... also love "City of Men" by the same producers - enjoy
Toronto Escorts