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  1. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    Remember: Anger is an acid that consumes the vessel in which it is stored... Self-rightous: Maybe Cowardly: Not likely Asshole: :eek: To answer your questions- no, I have not been to war and I do feel somewhat guilty as a result of my stance. However, tell me where you are going with...
  2. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    MrLuvR I think you are confusing the hipocracy of the US regime with what I personally believe. Keep your eye on the ball. BTW: Who said I was American?
  3. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    I have to respond to this one, because I want to understand this better: Illegal? Immoral ? I never agreed with the original farse to go into Iraq due to WMD. This may seem barbaric, but I honestly believed that we should do it because I felt that Iraq's brutal regime should not be allowed to...
  4. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    MrLuvR What's with the rehtoric. I assure that I am not a conservative. BTW: this is not a left verse right issue.
  5. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    Choron I did have 4 very dry martinis- you may want to try harder.
  6. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    MrLuvR You touch on an important point and one that I am conflicted with. I guess what your are saying is that anyone who is not able to go and fight directly should not have an opinion on the matter? I will tell you that dispite my dissatifaction with the current US administration and all...
  7. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    This is a subjective rant This is a subjective rant based on what I have read on this board and others. I suggest you take it for what it is worth (aka- rant), look at yourself and fellow Canadians and you make the call.
  8. C

    Canada Land of the Pussies

    After what happened in the UK this week and after all that has occurred during the last few years and reading what I have read on this board I have to conclude that "Your country has the largest concentration of pussies on the planet". How do you sleep at night you righteous assholes. Is it...
  9. C

    Looks Like Americanson isn't as paranoid as some think

    Just maybe the majority is not always right.
  10. C

    4 More Years!

    Some may argue that the success of any group is best ensured when the constituents put aside their cultural beliefs and adapt to a common culture for the betterment of society. The concept of the "melting pot" comes to mind.
  11. C

    Looks Like Americanson isn't as paranoid as some think

    Where do you get this crap from? Are you an expert in Economics? Are you a professor at the war college? Is that you Jeb? How's Daisy May?
  12. C

    Some interesting numbers.

    True, so true. But watch your as#; when you get Bush you also get Dick.
  13. C

    Looks Like Americanson isn't as paranoid as some think

    Where you doing them bongs? You might want to choose better company to party with.
  14. C

    Reminder- Sudan

    Any news on the crisis in Sudan. Where's the coallition, where's the action, what are you waiting for?
  15. C

    The Un...asleep at the switch...again

    Still sitting back Where are all the smart people with all the answers? What are you waiting for- the UN?
  16. C

    The Un...asleep at the switch...again

    Get off your %^$%^$ high horse and do something for a change The decision to go into Iraq may have been wrong; Americans and their president are “stupud�; yadayadayada. What bothers me most however is that those who criticize most are the same who consistently sit idle as innocent people...
  17. C

    Canada the 51 state

    No way If they did that then where would all the pussys go. Just kidding- for the most part both cultures should be celebrated and revered.
  18. C

    Interesting Experience

    Aurora- Thanks. After I wrote the post it occurred to me that I would be stupid to not talk to her about it. Girth- Mish is our favorite position. Thanks for the idea, I will have to get her to put the squeeze on during DATY.
  19. C

    Interesting Experience

    I was with a women recently and while we were in bed doing our usual thing she did something that I found curiously erotic. While in Mish she wrapped her legs around me and squeezed really hard, she said that if I came before her she would really put the pressure on and make me pay for it...
Toronto Escorts