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Canada Land of the Pussies


New member
Apr 14, 2002
After what happened in the UK this week and after all that has occurred during the last few years and reading what I have read on this board I have to conclude that "Your country has the largest concentration of pussies on the planet".

How do you sleep at night you righteous assholes. Is it the cold weather, the political environment, or the comforting feeling that one feels when aligned with the big dog that creates so many pussies.

You are a pussy if you are:

-a person or group who gives in to a bully
-a person or group that complains about a problem and then doesn't fix the problem
-a person or group that compains about a problem and points fingers at others
-yada yada yada. The list goes on.

To those Canadians who don't fall into this category- I apologize for my rant.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
cr1mson2002 said:
You are a pussy if you are:

-a person or group who gives in to a bully
-a person or group that complains about a problem and then doesn't fix the problem
-a person or group that compains about a problem and points fingers at others
-yada yada yada. The list goes on.
Can you give examples of these please.
I'm somehow missing your point


New member
Oct 20, 2004
Since you are not a pussy, and you are such a brave man/woman who stands up to bullies everywhere, I am sure that you are posting this message from Iraq.

How are things going there anyway? Is your team winning yet?


New member
Apr 14, 2002
This is a subjective rant

This is a subjective rant based on what I have read on this board and others. I suggest you take it for what it is worth (aka- rant), look at yourself and fellow Canadians and you make the call.


New member
Dec 24, 2004
are you retarded? you are babbling and your post entirely makes no sense at all...


Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
Apology accepted.
The sad thing is a lot of Canadians agree with you.
They're frustrated a great deal of the time with the stances our lame-ass corrupt government makes.
But that's what democracy is all about, isn't it?
You have a party in power that has lied and stolen from you..........but when you get the chance you choose to let them continue to govern.
I for one don't understand it, but because the majority always rules I have to accept it.

BTW........get ready to get hammered.
Time has shown that this board has a left wing slant.
(at least from those members that post the most)

Try to understand that a lot of Canadians do support the States and would like a better relationship with you than our government allows.


New member
Apr 14, 2002

You touch on an important point and one that I am conflicted with. I guess what your are saying is that anyone who is not able to go and fight directly should not have an opinion on the matter?

I will tell you that dispite my dissatifaction with the current US administration and all it's faults I do support those who are fighting for us lame old folk back here in North America.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
Tiger Williams said:
Apology accepted.
The sad thing is a lot of Canadians agree with you.
They're frustrated a great deal of the time with the stances our lame-ass corrupt government makes.
But that's what democracy is all about, isn't it?
You have a party in power that has lied and stolen from you..........but when you get the chance you choose to let them continue to govern.
I for one don't understand it, but because the majority always rules I have to accept it.

BTW........get ready to get hammered.
Time has shown that this board has a left wing slant.
(at least from those members that post the most)

Try to understand that a lot of Canadians do support the States and would like a better relationship with you than our government allows.

Bullshit. Chretien was right in telling Bush to take a hike when he invaded Iraq. And the majority of Canadians supported his view.

A lot of Canadians support America? Like who? Right wing lunatics who can't think for themselves and take their spiritual guidance from the conservatives in the US.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
cr1mson2002 said:
You touch on an important point and one that I am conflicted with. I guess what your are saying is that anyone who is not able to go and fight directly should not have an opinion on the matter?

I will tell you that dispite my dissatifaction with the current US administration and all it's faults I do support those who are fighting for us lame old folk back here in North America.
How old are you? Do you have kids that are enlistment age? Your whole family should be supporting this cause and showing the world that you are not pussies.

BTW, when are the Bush twins enlisting to go to Iraq?


New member
Apr 14, 2002

What's with the rehtoric. I assure that I am not a conservative. BTW: this is not a left verse right issue.


New member
Aug 22, 2001

Well I guess it is easy for YOU to be so straight to the point, when you remain anonymous and safely behind your computer! What is your point? That we Canadians should go after an enemy that hides in the open, wants to be a martyred, is willing to die and lives by the belief the their victims are necessary to the cause. With all the US government has done to in the war on terror...not much has changed! The truth is the US government has made the country more and more dystopian. The economy is in shambles for the average working class American, Everyday the US debt is being financed by the Chinese, Jobs are being outsourced by corporations in the developing world, The Saudis' have the US public paying record prices for oil....money which goes to finance clerics who denounce the US and call for holy wars, The Saudis own and operate many gas stations in the US! The truth is with all the security in the US to kept out terrorist, look more and more like it is to keep it's citizens in! The war on terror does not exist because the terror are NOT an organized army! They are guerrillas who want to destroy those they see as a threat! Now even if we as Canadians are going to be a threat to them, do you really think we will do as our southern neighbours and hold a press conference about every DAMN decision made and provide photo ops?
ps. I guess as a DICK....you think everything around you is a pussy :D


New member
Oct 20, 2004
cr1mson2002 said:
What's with the rehtoric. I assure that I am not a conservative. BTW: this is not a left verse right issue.
SO, what? You think we are pussies. You are not. Put your money where your mouth is. Or take a hike.

You are a strong, fearless American aren't you?

When are you driving your kids to the enlistment centre?


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
Which stance is this? Refusing to take part in illegal and immoral invasion of a country for no legitimate reason? And unfortunately I'd rather vote for a corrupt party that knows what it's doing than a bunch of rednecks who have no idea how to be an effective opposition.

Tiger Williams said:
Apology accepted.
They're frustrated a great deal of the time with the stances our lame-ass corrupt government makes..


Jun 29, 2003
To those Canadians who don't fall into this category- I apologize for my rant.


Tiger Williams

Lemming like devotion....
Feb 27, 2004
lickrolaine said:
To those Canadians who don't fall into this category- I apologize for my rant.

Like I said earlier.........prepare to get hammered. lol
Every once in a while though, someone like the enlightened gentleman above will show up.


New member
Apr 14, 2002
peteeey said:
Which stance is this? Refusing to take part in illegal and immoral invasion of a country for no legitimate reason? And unfortunately I'd rather vote for a corrupt party that knows what it's doing than a bunch of rednecks who have no idea how to be an effective opposition.
I have to respond to this one, because I want to understand this better:

Illegal? Immoral ?

I never agreed with the original farse to go into Iraq due to WMD. This may seem barbaric, but I honestly believed that we should do it because I felt that Iraq's brutal regime should not be allowed to continue. I also feel that brutality anywhere and everywhere should be dealt with in an appropriate fashion. I think it is bad for the haves to sit back, enjoy their utopia and not strive to help others to achieve the same.

BTW: In order to preempt any liberal attacks on spirutality- I am not a religious person, as such my motivations are not religious in nature, just basic human kindness.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
cr1mson2002 said:
I This may seem barbaric, but I honestly believed that we should do it because I felt that Iraq's brutal regime should not be allowed to continue. I also feel that brutality anywhere and everywhere should be dealt with in an appropriate fashion. I think it is bad for the haves to sit back, enjoy their utopia and not strive to help others to achieve the same.
Oh, isn't that sweet. After years of propping up brutal regimes and dictators, America has decided that it wants to free the world of tyranny. Excuse me while I puke.

Your hypocrisy is stunning.

First we were told it was about WMDs. They didn't pan out. So, then the war became about liberating Iraqis. The Iraqis are telling the Americans not so politely to fcuk off. They don't want your "liberation". As a result of which tens if not hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, imprisoned or tortured.

America has made the world a much more dangerous place. Iraq has become a breeding and training ground for these terrorists. They are learning new techniques in urban and guerilla warfare. Iraq has become one huge training camp for these people. And guess who they are after now? YOU.

And you have the gall to come here and call Canada a land of pussies? You really are a typical ugly American.

P.S. when are you going to the enlistment centre? Or you only show your braveness on an anonymous discussion board?


New member
Apr 14, 2002

MrLuvr said:
Oh, isn't that sweet. After years of propping up brutal regimes and dictators, America has decided that it wants to free the world of tyranny. Excuse me while I puke.

Your hypocrisy is stunning.

First we were told it was about WMDs. They didn't pan out. So, then the war became about liberating Iraqis. The Iraqis are telling the Americans not so politely to fcuk off. They don't want your "liberation". As a result of which tens if not hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, imprisoned or tortured.

America has made the world a much more dangerous place. Iraq has become a breeding and training ground for these terrorists. They are learning new techniques in urban and guerilla warfare. Iraq has become one huge training camp for these people. And guess who they are after now? YOU.

And you have the gall to come here and call Canada a land of pussies? You really are a typical ugly American.

P.S. when are you going to the enlistment centre? Or you only show your braveness on an anonymous discussion board?
I think you are confusing the hipocracy of the US regime with what I personally believe. Keep your eye on the ball.

BTW: Who said I was American?
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