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Looks Like Americanson isn't as paranoid as some think


Craving DenWa's Member
Galt brought up some really insightful points about the way people talk about each other on the board. It's a little inapropriate to then call us all rednecks two pages later. Bush wasn't elected by uneducated people. It seems to me that those of you who can't stop the bigoted remarks are the ones lacking intellectually.



New member
Mar 17, 2003
All they need to do is look in the mirror to figure out why the Demos lost this election.
Totally out of touch.


Craving DenWa's Member
What boggles my mind is that, the people who are name-calling are also the ones saying that our country is now divided. News flash: Prejudiced ideals are the fastest way to divide any group.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
They don't get it yet.
Give them time.


New member
Apr 14, 2002
assoholic said:
.. . The US has just announced the Govt will borrow a record amount in the first quarter. This guy is destroying the country. All the rednecks care about though is he is one of them, which is the biggest joke of all. Its all an act. The US is headed right where it left off in Vietnam, fighting a War it can't win, and destroying its own society in the process.
Where do you get this crap from?

Are you an expert in Economics?
Are you a professor at the war college?

Is that you Jeb? How's Daisy May?

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Hmmm...say 50% of Canada, the entire Muslim world, most of Europe and Asia, oh and about 48% of Americans. Yeah, we don't get it.


New member
Apr 14, 2002
rama putri said:
Hmmm...say 50% of Canada, the entire Muslim world, most of Europe and Asia, oh and about 48% of Americans. Yeah, we don't get it.
Just maybe the majority is not always right.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
hdog said:
If Americans believe that Geoerge Bush is a man of God who upholds the Constitution, that Iraq was a threat to our nation and that pre-emptive wars are not illegal or immoral then I guess I'm out of touch with America.
Guess what.... those issues you mentioned weren't even the top factor in voting for president. It was these "conservative family moral values." I was saying how dems and liberals felt issues like war and economy are most important (as it should) but didn't understand how many americans value those conservative values most. Tht was the disconnect I was talking about. They missed the boat on this as did I (since I picked Kerry to win) and obviously you did too.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
Winston said:
I am amused by this thread. Honestly.

Like most TERB theads, this one has been hijacked. There are actually a number of discussions going on.

First let me say that the United States is NOT Canada's best friend. It never has been and it never will be. Simply, the US does not have friends, it has interests. And don't think for a moment that the US will run to Canada's help, if it is contrary to US interests.
The United States does not see Canada as American's "best friend", and we should not get caught up in thinking that we are. While we are an important trading partner, the reality is that Canada could disappear off the face of the planet, and the US would continue to get along just fine. American foreign policy is not based on "friendship". It is based on slavish self interest. Just ask Noriega, Pinochet, or Saddam.

Secondly, to suggest that the current US administration should not be subject to criticism, is folly. And to suggest that people that criticise the regime are Anti American, is silly. A feeble attempt to marginalize and not answer the criticism in a logical fashion.

The US has many wonderful qualities, but it is far from perfect. And it certainly deserves criticism for the selfish actions that it takes. That being said, I think that Canada needs to give its collective head and shake and wonder just why it would elect a lying, thieving Prime Minister. Canada, and its government, certainly has legitimate criticisms that should be leveled at it.

Thirdly, on the subject of economics, Bush is going to destroy America with his economic policy. When the Economist claims that a Democrat would be better for the economy, you know Bush is really a crappy president.

Will Bush try to "heal" his nation? Four years ago, he was all for a kindler, gentler conservative system, and wanted to bring peace to Congress and to reach across bipartisan lines. Given George's history, I would say that the gloves will be coming off.
Some very good points Winston and you're right, this thread is getting a bit off topic. To that point, I agree with an individual's right to criticise any administration but the quotes at the start of this thread were not criticisms of any administration. The quotes were direct comentaries on the American people, their intelligence and their character.

Frankly, the quotes were the evidence of the anti americanism that so many members in so many other threads have denied the existance of.

People were called rednecks, stupid and morons (amoung other things) for exercising their democratic right to vote. Again, this is more of a reflection on the people placing that indictment than those whom the indictment is leveled upon

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
galt said:
People were called rednecks, stupid and morons (amoung other things) for exercising their democratic right to vote.
They weren't called 'those' because of the way they voted.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
someone here suggests that you can not idiot proof anything. as they will always build a stupider idiot


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
harleycharley said:
i dont think all americans are selfish, close-minded and ignorant. just 51 per cent of them......

don't come here?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
galt said:
The anti americanism and, in some cases, the blatant stupidity of the statements above, reflects very poorly on each of you and on our nation as a whole. OTB, Papasmurf, lang and Americanson, congratulations
While I agree with the basic premise that the Parrish style bashing is a display of ignorance by mainly left-wing Cdn eliteists , I must note that there is considerable difference between the comments and opinions of OTB and those of Americanson .


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Winston said:
I am amused by this thread. Honestly.

Like most TERB theads, this one has been hijacked. There are actually a number of discussions going on.
Secondly, to suggest that the current US administration should not be subject to criticism, is folly. And to suggest that people that criticise the regime are Anti American, is silly. A feeble attempt to marginalize and not answer the criticism in a logical fashion.

The US has many wonderful qualities, but it is far from perfect. And it certainly deserves criticism for the selfish actions that it takes. That being said, I think that Canada needs to give its collective head and shake and wonder just why it would elect a lying, thieving Prime Minister. Canada, and its government, certainly has legitimate criticisms that should be leveled at it.

You're right - this thread HAS been hijacked. It wasn't about - now, read carefully - not criticizing *American policy*, it was about not criticizing *Americans*. A point which you signally failed to grasp.
Hey, criticize American policy, politics, and politicians all you like.
Just stop bashing Americans.
Those who criticize Americans are anti-American. Those Canadian politicians who call American politicians idiots need to look in the mirror.



Active member
Jan 15, 2004
The only problem I have with Americanson is that he makes some outrageous comments like calling Canada an irrelevant socialist shithole and when he is challenged on it he starts going off about how the UN is evil, or the fact that the US was involved in world war two or Nixon was a great guy and once he gets bored with that he talks about sports.

I think that the quality of debate on this board can be amazing and interesting and it often is and I think Americanson makes some good points from time to time. The problem is once he is challenged he goes off on wild rants that have nothing to do with the original point he was trying to make.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
I propose to you that anti americanism is as old as the USA itself.
If you read early american history you will find the the Europeans have always looked down on the USA. Just look at the XYZ affair and the treatment that John Adams and Ben Franklin have received in France and England.
The word "American" was (and for some still is) on the same level as redneck and stupid country boy. Seems like not much has changed in the last 250 years.
To blame and increased anti-americanism on Bush just ignores history. The only "credit" you can give him is, that he made a decision not listen to the rest of the world once, and not kiss up to our so called allies.
While his unilateral action against Iraq is a departure from past doctrines, it is no different than some other unilateral actions other super powers have taken.
Anti-americanism has always bubbled under the surface, all GWB has done is pushed a stick in it and bursted it.
My two cents.


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
The idea that any country's policies are born out of something as abstract and politically meaningless as "friendship" is asinine, Winston. You show me any country who does not act, ultimately, in their own self interest on practically all matters of policy. That's just plain ridiculous.



El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Why do we even debate this shit? I've been on the board for almost two years and we all have the same positions and views that we've had since my first post, which was actually in a similar thread. It's just one big pissing match. Let's get back to talking about pussy and the upcoming season of 24.



El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
I understand what you're saying Winston. And with your clarification above, I have to agree 100%. Despite the fact that I disagree with a lot of your political views, I think you're one of the best posters on this board. But these arguments kind of make us all end up sounding like idiots on soapboxes. And for the record, I can't speak for Canadians, but down here in the States most of us have no illusions about the fact that we act in our own self-interests first and above all else.

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